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Quistess Alpha

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Everything posted by Quistess Alpha

  1. Since the question was a bit general, I'll reply with a fairly general and perhaps not to your specific question answer. There are a good few SL-specific (or at least I had never heard of them outside SL) tabletop games like 'Greedy Greedy' and 'hand and foot' . Off the top of my head, 'Pirandello Bay' and 'A Meeting Place' both have a pretty decent collection, although both are adult sims. (Pirandello Bay also has a rather fun maze.) There are also 'skill gaming' regions which from the little I've seen of them are basically casinos but where the games require enough 'skill' to get around certain gambling laws. I've heard about 'hunt' type games where people go around trying to look for hidden objects based on somewhat cryptic clues, but I don't know much about them. I think a lot of them are seasonal, and reward participants with seasonally appropriate group gifts. I remember someone asking in Builder's Brewery (a builder and scripter's group) about things for scripting an escape room, so you're not the first person with the idea, although I don't know if anything like that actually exists or has much popularity yet. Edit: Oh yeah, for-linden trivia is a thing. I think NCI sometimes hosts trivia nights. You can also find 'sploders' in several clubs which take in people's lindens and randomly redistribute them. I wouldn't really call sploders a 'game' though. . .
  2. You could try searching through group profiles, but that seems to pretty much get you the standard club type things: https://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=hiring For blogging jobs (another kind of job I overlooked, sometimes stores/brands pay people to write (good) things about their products) you could check out the social media of the brand which would probably tell you if they're hiring. This forum is the easiest place I know of to find/promote jobs though.
  3. Well you can certainly look through the other posts on this forum. You don't necessarily need your own land in order to run a freelance business. Photography is something you can get people to pay you for, if you have a good graphics setup and a decent portfolio, or really any type of content creation (Scripting, building, animating, rigging, texturing. . .) for SL can work as a freelance job. In terms of unusual things that have dedicated sims, Some things I'm aware of besides the usual(DJ/Host): - medical/maternity stuff (there's a recent post about someone wanting a receptionist) - Party Stuff (There's another recent post about someone wanting staffers for their birthday-party themed area) - Voice acting (There was a someone a while back wanting voice actors for their art gallery or something) - Religious stuff (someone a while back wanted a preacher for their church. I believe that vacancy has been filled) Hope that helps/ gives you some leads to sink into.
  4. You can do pretty much anything you can imagine in SL, Whether or not you can get people to pay for it depends a lot on demand and your ability with advertising. One of my early SL scripting projects was a deck of cards, and I happened to use a tarot deck because I found some free tarot textures. I don't think it's quite 'finished' yet, but If I recall correctly it's fairly useable. Give me a ring in-world sometime and I'd be glad to show it off to you.
  5. I believe there are some you can get from the NCI freebie vendor. Freebie galaxy and the like would probably also have some. I would be interested to know if people are still making BOM underwear. <tangent> This is just my personal speculation, but I'd think the kind of people who want nice looking intimates are also the kind of people who would want them to be mesh, even if BOM underwear is superior in my estimation, because you don't have to worry about it cutting through mesh clothing. . . </tangent>
  6. The ad was posted a year and a day ago. Clubs like this seem to come and go pretty frequently on SL.
  7. Weren't people just talking about something similar on another thread? I didn't follow it closely but I thought they said something about google's api changing recently. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/419831-storing-data/
  8. You need to use a single '|' instead of a double &&. && is 'logical and' so if (PERMISSION_ATTACH && PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) is equal to 1, not the value you intend, which is I believe (PERMISSION_ATTACH | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION). this would check if one or both of the permissions are set. If you want to check that both permissions are set, I believe you need something like if( (perms & (PERMISSION_ATTACH | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION)) == (PERMISSION_ATTACH | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) ) there might be a more concise way of doing it, but I can't think of it at the moment.
  9. I recently heard about this other game called 'Roblox'. and just form the descriptions it seems like SL but catering to a younger audience. Has anyone else heard of it or tested it out? I'm too lazy to figure out how to get it running on Linux, but I'm a bit curious how it compares to SL.
  10. I vaguely remember a sandbox next to a beach somewhere on freedom continent, probably adult hub, but I'm too lazy to go look for it.
  11. Perhaps the kind of person you're trying to hire would know what an 'RRPP' is, but I certainly don't.
  12. Are you selling full permissions, or no-modify? one way to set your prices is to look at what similar products are selling for and sell for similar. Off the top of my head I'd say a no-modify stand alone script would go for about 500L.
  13. I thought it was a play on LSL and SOS (Save Our Ship).
  14. I didn't do my due diligence and read through the script. but I thought I'd mention that llRegionSayTo() is a rather useful function if you want / need to use the same channel for communication between one sender and multiple listeners, and it can help prevent cross traffic regardless.
  15. . . .care to explain this mysterious 'project muscadine'?
  16. The one on the Wiki is quite simple, and Just because I can, I've added a play sound to it (I haven't tested it though, and requires experience) // A SIMPLE SCRIPT that implements an Experience based teleport. // Compile with the "Use Experience" box cnecked and an experience key you own selected. // The prim containing this script must contain a landmark named "Landmark" in its contents // // If the person touching this box has not previously accepted an invitation to your experience, // that person will be offered that opportunity when this prim is touched, and if the invitations // is accepted, will be immediately teleported to the target of the landmark. // // If the toucher has previously accepted an invitation, the person will be immediately teleported // with no interruption. // // The script has no safety features, e.g., will simply fail if the prim contains no landmark. // // Thanks to Rolig Loon for her help in figuring out how to do this // See https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Experiences-in-Second-Life/ta-p/2744686 // to read what the Lindens think is an adequate explanation of all this. default { touch_start(integer n) { llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), ""); } experience_permissions(key av) { llPlaySound("some_sound",1.0); llTeleportAgent(av, "Landmark", ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR); } } It will play the sound where you teleport from though, so you might not hear it after you teleport.
  17. Just for my own curiosity, do the 'AvatarRotateThresholdSlow' and 'AvatarRotateThresholdFast' debug settings have any effect on your avatar's rotation as seen by other viewers?
  18. Yes you can buy and sell Linden. the conversion rate is usually around 250linden = 1 USD.
  19. Messaged In-world and delivered.
  20. If you can't take my words in good faith, I will try (and probably fail) to write my sentiments in the clearest form I can before I bow out. Firstly I neither agree nor disagree with the sentiments in your original post: Yes, it would be nice if more creators made yes-mod fatpacks. although as people have pointed out there are valid reasons for them not to do so. Secondly, as you are taking an action (posting in this forum) in furtherance of a goal (attempting to persuade creators to make yes-mod fatpacks of their clothing) I would like to point out that there are more effective actions (direct IMs to specific creators, reviews, creating competing products) you can take in furtherance of your goal in addition to what you are already doing. -Tessa Out.
  21. I know that, It doesn't prevent you from sending them a polite direct IM, telling them about your feelings about their products, or leaving a review. Like people normally do.
  22. Well, if you have a problem some unnamed inexperienced creators, why don't you try reasoning with them directly? Also, nothing in the previous posts suggests your only talking about inexperienced creators. It sounds like you're trying to move the goalposts.
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