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Quistess Alpha

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Everything posted by Quistess Alpha

  1. This has been an argument between sellers and buyers for a while now.
  2. RL or SL, Male or Female? If these are pictures of yourself why don't you just pose naked?
  3. I hope you find what you're looking for, and I'm sure there's one around somewhere or someone willing to make one, However I'm fairly sure buying and selling copyrighted material without the copyright holder's consent (in this case Nintendo) is against Second life's Terms of Service.
  4. Whether or not Hosts need to show skin seems a bit tangential to the point that Zaideaa doesn't seem to want to be a host, and nobody should need to convince her to be one. There /are/ other kinds of jobs in SL that don't involve the music club or Adult scene.
  5. Do you have any specific skills or interests? Have you checked the 'Wanted' and 'Inworld Enployment' sections. Yes most of them are looking for DJs and Hosts and sexy things, but if you keep watch you'll see the occasional request for something interesting like a medical receptionist, priest, or reality-TV show participant to name a few recent ones off the top of my head. If you can do mesh or textures or scripting those can opens up a lot of opportunities for commissions.
  6. Seems like a really easy thing to change if you had access to the contest board's script. I think the reason why most display things prefer usernames is because you can't (easily) change them.
  7. I did a test of sending offline IM's via an alt, and received 21 out of 21 to my email and 15 out of 21 when I logged in. (non-premium accounts)
  8. I have gathered by reading some people's profiles that offline IMs can be 'capped'. What is the number of offline IMs that can be stored, and does the queue still get capped if you receive offline IMs via Email? Thanks!
  9. The HOJ has a free BDSM school that also teaches emoting. I agree that a lot of it you can teach yourself, but if you want some help, they are nice people who won't pilfer your pockets.
  10. Builders Brewery is /Never/ quiet. Are you sure you asked in the right group? More likely there were too many people talking at the time and your comment got missed. secondlife:///app/group/04f595b0-cdc8-97f0-e710-9564824c03b2/about
  11. you could place a color layer over it, but if you're going to do that, you might as well just use the tinting options directly available in SL assuming the tail is MOD. depending on how the PSD is designed, there might be a layer that is just a flat color that you can change to modify the color which might have better results. A lot of mod kits I've seen (and I'm not really a modder myself so I've not looked at a whole lot of them) have a base color layer, and then different shadows and highlights on top of it that make it look 3 dimensional.
  12. Well, in a way asking 'How do I make a mod' is like asking 'how do I paint a painting', it really depends on what modification you're trying to make. If I might clear up one misunderstanding you seem to have, in SL you can't upload a PSD or TGA files. the only kinds of textures you can upload are Jpg format, or image files that your viewer converts to jpg before upload. if all you want to do is have a tail with a different color, then you just have to use Photoshop, or whatever other image program of your choice to change your tail texture (the second one you showed) to be whatever color you want, export it to jpg, then upload it. the first image, often called a 'template' is just a guide to show how your texture maps onto the tail. for something this simple it might not make sense to even reference it as you make your mod, other than to realize that the right half of your texture will become the tip of your tail.
  13. Technically it's just an inverted hull which is a part of many cell shading effects. Actual cell-shading would require modifications to SL's lighting model, but you can get interesting approximations by doing unconventional things with the object's shinyness.
  14. Yes I already Wrote a decent Autorez script for her and I posit it works perfectly when you use it correctly. I'll have another go at fixing the rotation thing in a few hours.
  15. you can copy-paste the username. If you need a SLURL it's secondlife:///app/agent/fa2ca1b2-2fdf-4a02-ac6f-eb95aed6b1da/
  16. I'm not super familiar with the business, so take my word with a large does of salt, but it's my understanding that in many if not most places you are payed by tipjar or private payments from clients. I'd be happy to be wrong but I don't think most clubs actually pay their 'customer service' employees directly.
  17. There are several learning English groups you can find through SL events. https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/index.php?lang=en-US https://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=English&collection_chosen=events&isLeftColOpen=true&sort=start_time_asc&category=26&date=02%2F15%2F2021&dateformat=mm%2Fdd%2Fyy&starttime=0600 If you look under 'education' about half of the events seem to be learning English classes.
  18. I wonder if we're just trolling this thread now. I think the horse has been beaten.
  19. Well, 'horrible and choppy' is relative. if you set the camera params once per frame or so, (llSetTimerEvent(0.022)) it looks okish to me, but I'm rather used to low framerates and such. Also of note. If you want to follow an object smoothly, you can do that easily by ctrl-alt clicking and panning around the moving object, the problem is for fast moving things it can be hard to get them in close enough view to do that before they zoom away.
  20. You could also add a call in there to http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentInfo to get the flying/running/walking state. but I'm a tad lazy.
  21. How much you're going to have to pay really depends on the level of detail and exactness you want/need. I don't have any exact figures, but a from-scratch mesh avatar would probably break your bank (I'd guess 50 USD +). Getting Mods for different components might be a bit more affordable. The main things you'll need are a body+shape and a skin. For a body you either get a full mesh body, such as the Solarian or Bladencat, Or you can break it into components, getting the head, body, legs and paws separately. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Solarian-Feline-Avatar/7456366 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TMG-Bladencat-MK8-ULTRAUpdated-6-15-20/19280993 For heads, you might want to look into: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/C-Felis-Bento-Head-Mesh-bento-cat-head/18832009 Or the foxcat head from happy paw with cheek fluff https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Happy-Paw-Foxcat-head-bento/16764457 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Happy-Paw-Cheek-fluff-foxcat-head/17026181 Once you have a body you like, I'd recommend editing your shape yourself, using the appearance sliders and such, rather than finding someone to do it for you. The price of a custom skin is probably at least 2000linden depending on the artist's familiarity with your components and the availability and usability of psd's/modding resources.
  22. Well you can always look outside of Second life for animations you might be able to upload, but that seems it can get rather pricey. *RETRACTED*
  23. Your first thing seems rather doable, but I can't imagine there isn't something like that floating around somewhere already. as for number 2, you need a different kind of script for floating attachments than for stand alone objects I'm afraid. It's rather simple but you could try something like: integer LINK=LINK_ALL_OTHERS; // link number of prims to float. float step_length = 0.003; integer step_count = 3; float wait = 0.2; float pause = 0.4; /* end configurable options*/ integer up; default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent((wait*step_count)+pause); } timer() { if(up) { integer Index=0; while(++Index<=step_count) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,<0,0,Index*step_length>]); llSleep(wait); } up=FALSE; }else { integer Index=step_count; while(--Index>=0) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,<0,0,Index*step_length>]); llSleep(wait); } up=TRUE; } } } put in an invisible prim linked as the root prim of your object.
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