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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. This actually looks like one of my normal SL outfits. Minus the guns. Haven't needed those (I prefer axes).
  2. Yup. Not only that, but in what community? I mean in a few of mine, it's quite traditional wearing everything I described, and all that is still relatively "conservative." And if someone acted a fool around women in a club for their choice of outfit, they'd promptly get yeeted by security. Walking around SL is no different. Except I'm my own security and I yeet a lot faster.
  3. No Sir, not on my watch. It's not up to anyone to tell anybody else how to dress. Besides, what's "conservative" will differ based on a person's overall style and preference. My "conservatively dressed" still includes various types of leather, tattoos, piercings, pasties over my upper non-HD bits, harnesses, fishnet, and slinky boots up to my eyeballs. Your definition might mean something else entirely. Who knows. But I'll tell ya what - if I feel like running around in the skimpiest of mini-micro bikinis, it's still not open season on me. I do that for *myself* - because let's face it, my avatar's got the cutest booty in all the land and sometimes I just want to admire my handiwork. 🤩
  4. I respect your view on it, though honestly, what becomes tedious is the barrage of in-world IMs that all pretty much say the same thing. I say that as someone who's been here a loooooooong time and goes pretty far out of my way to avoid such encounters these days (my main avatar does not fit anybody's beauty standards but my own - though if someone finds her cute, too, then yay). I'm absolutely open to dating in SL, but not right off the bat with some random stranger I just so happened to bump into at Skin Fair or something. The "Sir, ThisIsAWendy's" floating above my head is kind of a clue that I'm not up for that, fam. That said, it's totally cool if someone wants to treat SL as a dating service, but we're not all looking for those types of interactions (and I'm speaking very generally here - not just women). Sometimes we really are just exploring sims and having a good time and don't want to feel like we're on POF or OKCupid. That doesn't mean don't approach people at all - by all means do so. But there's a massive difference between a friendly "OMG that's such a cool sailboat where'd you get it?" and a "hi bb u look gud." It's the second one that tends to be a massive turnoff for people. It's really not difficult to avoid sounding like that, either. In Persephone's case, the guy went even further and started making demands right away. I can't see how that would be attractive to anybody either. Just throwing that out there.
  5. The real question is who's going to grab Foozie? And Roowlf?
  6. I actually did, too! I was initially going to suggest Rizzo, but then I saw Yolanda on the page Rowan shared last night. I forgot he had a whole little rat crew!
  7. All so true! Fully agree. Not to mention I also find the idea of trying to verify who you're speaking with right off the bat so absurd. The assumption that the other person even gives a dip enough to hop on voice with a complete stranger in the first place. Like they're interested in turning off their music or the Netflix show they're watching on a second screen and focusing solely on that person. Like they're just sitting there dying for a distraction. Like they aren't busy in other conversations. Like they feel like struggling to communicate if their primary language is different from the person making the request (or demand, in this case). PFFT. If immediately knowing the person behind the screen is someone's most pressing concern, then offline socializing is a much better way to go.
  8. Yup, and like Qie pointed out in another thread (at least I think it was another thread...), voice chat doesn't even prove anything. Funny that it's still being used as some sort of indicator of anything other than the person you're speaking with has a mic.
  9. Not at all! They all look hilarious to me so I'm right there with you. That stuff is better off left in the inventory or not bought at all. I mean I guess it's good for a laugh and the face animations are funny - so there's that! Mine were gifted - some people just don't like us being Kens and Barbies 😂
  10. There are so many good versions of Miss Piggy, though! You can grab another (the Great Muppet Caper versions are my fav - she had so many good looks in that movie). Speaking of which, @Rat Luv needs to hurry and grab Yolanda before she's taken, or that'll be my next peeve - a perfectly missed opportunity!
  11. *catches up on new posts* Wait...so you take the alpha...and carry the one...divided by...
  12. Oh darn, I was caught between Denise the Pig and Constantine and completely forgot about Miss Poogy. Very, very minor peeve: Not being able to decide on a Muppet.
  13. Oh wow, and there's me leaving my stuff collecting dust in my inventory for so so so long, I'll remember at the very last possible (worst possible) minute that it even exists, say wait a minute lemme just toss all this stuff on, and realize I don't like the settings. Hang on a sec lemme just... tinting this, changing that. Then go oh wait I'm not even set to HD lemme open my Lara HUD here... wait should I rock these, or these, or those...nah not those they look crazy with this skin nvm. Ok one final check all over, flip through the HUDs again. OH WOW I didn't realize it could do THAT - YOOOOOOO check this out! Suddenly standing there making crazy faces. 🤣 Maybe I'm the very opposite of your friend there. Wearing that stuff just feels so absurd to me sometimes that I can't help clowning on it. My male avatar is a full Ken doll - I only ever wear things on the female ones if I have to, and honestly, I don't even know why I bother LOL. Hmm, maybe THAT's the reason nobody IMs me anymore. 👀😂
  14. I didn't want to be the first one to throw the thread off with a massive "AWWWW" but lil baby Fozzie is sooooo cuuuute. And omg are we all Muppeting?! Ahhh I need to find one. To sort of swing back to the topic: This is possible. It's also possible it's a random guy with too much time on his hands.
  15. Thanks so much! I might just demo them again for fun. Been awhile since I tried on Legacy Female/Perky. I should grab a Prim demo, too. Definitely not buying anything, though. *sits on wallet*
  16. Oh yup I found the event listing but didn't see Legacy actually listed as a vendor. Silly me should've assumed if they were hosting they'd do a discount, but stranger things have happened, lol. Lilly's really versatile, too! I use her exclusively on my alt and occasionally on Aya, depending on my mood. I'm alwayyyys looking at skins, too. That's the main benefit with Evo X at least - you can fit pretty much every new release. My poor Catwa HDPro is still on the struggle bus with that.
  17. Yup! I saw Prim when they announced it a few days ago on Discord. It's sooooooo cuuuuuuute and would make an adorable elf or fairy avie, but I'm NOT buying any heads unless they do a sale. I'm so spoiled with that now. 😂Besides, I still have my eye on Ora and Noa and Milan and and and. I was wondering if Legacy bodies would be on sale. That's good that they are. I peeked at Seraphim but didn't see them listed. Still haven't gone to the event yet because I'm sitting on my wallet.
  18. 1Hundred. They're always in the Saturday Sale. Edit: Maybe Candy Kitten, also.
  19. You're very welcome! I'm sure there's stuff I missed, too. I'm out of the loop with V-Tech/Flat these days, but try hunting around the MP!
  20. EscalateD (shopping in-world might be better as their selection's quite big) Moon Hair Olive
  21. I gave up on V-Tech/Flat quite a bit ago because shopping was so much effort (mostly on the skins side), but let's seeeee.... V-Tech/Flat stuffs: The Secret Store - Sells super cute feminine retro/vintage style casual and swimwear AsteroidBox - Alternative/goth/punk casual TwoSided - An absolute staple that keeps up with so many different bodies and mods - dresses, casual, athletic, leather/latex AtaMe - The occasional flat top/dress - fetish/leather Krankhaus - V-Tech stuffs in an alternative style - mostly on the marketplace and the best part - you get full huds to control the colors and patterns of eeeeverything! Mug - V-Tech & Flat - casual, intimates Boys to the Bone - A nice variety of stylish casual items Mens clothing that fits Maitreya: A lot of this will depend on how good your alpha game is. You can pick up some free alpha layers with a bunch of cuts to play with, you can create your own, or you can fiddle with the Maitreya HUD and see how far you can get with that. Also avoid anything that exposes too much of your upper chest/neck (like button down shirts with the first few buttons undone) because that's just super difficult to work around, unless you create your own custom alphas. Also, Jake tends to fit the best, but you can also try Legacy Male size. Gianni tends to be kind of bulky on Maitreya, but worth a shot sometimes. Hevo - The Kingsmen suit fits if you alpha your whole chest out. Maybe the arms and legs, too - been a minute since I've worn it. It's one of my favs, though. Mossu - Any top that completely covers your arms/upper chest should work if you alpha. I have the Calvin Jacket and the Sean Cardigan - both work well. Pants are hit or miss, but you can try them! Fe Style - Same situation as Mossu. Hank Jacket works great. Romkev Pants also fit...at least I think they do as they're in my Unisex folder 🤣 Deadwool - Alpha everything but your head and you can rock some of the best suits on the platform. Seriously, demo The Dandy. It's so good. Kauna - Also suits - had some decent luck with those, as well. Furtacor - The mens pants may fit with some creative alpha techniques. Or a good top to cover the waist/top of the hips where most trouble seems to happen. I'd also encourage you to just hop into other mens stores and give things a try! Try Ascend, try Erauqs, try Enforcer. Etc. Good luck and happy shopping!
  22. I fully approve of this level of shenanigans! If more people did that on voice, maybe we'd all get asked less. 🤣
  23. Thanks Rowan! I thought that maybe if we tied the idea to something LL was already doing, it might increase the chances of it happening. If anyone else has any ideas for where it could fit, definitely post those, too.
  24. I think I'm just cranky these days, but voice chat reminds me too much of being on the phone. Spending hours and hours talking with friends and boyfriends - running up phone bills and waking up at 3am with the phone welded to my ear and hearing "shzshwerahgsnooooooooore" all through high school kind of got all that out of my system. I'm good with text, now, thanks! 😂
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