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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Hi newbie! Couple questions - how much are you willing to spend (super super budget avatar or something a bit more pricey)? And - do you like to shop? *grins* If you're wanting something near-free, my suggestion would be go for the free Lucybody and the free Genus Strong head gift. Lucy will fit the majority of Maitreya clothes and shoes, so your closet will explode in no time. For tall boots, you'll want the foot addon (99L I think), and you'll need the BOM relay for 199L. Grab a super affordable skin in a weekend sale (tomorrow starts Saturday Sale and Happy Weekend, so you could grab a skin for 60L-75L, at the most). Shop the rest (hair, clothes, shoes, accessories) with free group gifts. Something a bit more expensive - get a well-supported body (Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, etc.), the free Genus or something from Lelutka's Evo X line (3800L-ish) and shop the weekend sales for the rest. If none of that makes sense, that's okay. I just wanted to throw some general recommendations out there, but if you need more in-depth help, I can post some store landmarks and give you a more thorough walkthrough of how to put things together.
  2. Lol, well the "exact" plan (term used loosely as it appears he's just throwing random ideas out there) is to charge third-parties money for embedding viral tweets and tweets from verified users into their websites. Makes me wonder if people are going to start going ham trying to make their tweets trend even more than they do now (not that they'd see a dime of that money, but for the lols - Look guys! TMZ paid for my tweet!). https://www.reuters.com/business/musk-told-banks-he-will-rein-twitter-pay-make-money-tweets-sources-2022-04-29/
  3. He plans to make money through the monetization of tweets and cutting executive pay. Seriously wondering if any current users are willing to pay for Twitter quotes/embeds and how that will influence posting behavior on the platform itself.
  4. I dunno, according to my research, I think I can be an alpha lone wolf that gets to Steppen(wolf). Okay clearly I'm in a silly mood. Sorry. We're supposed to be talking about how much we're annoyed by random IMs (from lone alphas...I'd like to amend my complaint). Oh and Rose is a murderer btw. There was room (tho that thing probably would've sank regardless just saying)! Edit: Would've sank vs. would've sunk? Sank sunk something something. It's too early for grammar. LOL, that's the way to do it! Wig insurance! 😂
  5. Is that a requirement? Wait, so if my head's already mostly shaved, does that make ME an alpha lone big bad Steppenwolf?
  6. Lol I'm sorry. I wandered in too early before I got my coffee and saw something about lone wolves and the alphabet or whatever and it's all your fault. 🤣
  7. I kinda wanna playfully kick @Robberinthemuseum 's butt for starting this thread. Just knock that cute green hat right off his head. Snatch that little orange Muppet wig. 😂
  8. Oh yeah, news is all over the place it seems. It gets pushed out by some random thing for a bit, then something big happens and it's back, and then something else happens and it's gone for a minute, etc. Right now, my Trending is 99% sports and I'm hating it. I will say, being on Twitter a lot, it's kind of wild seeing it trend next to the most mundane news ever - like earlier, having war updates trending alongside Kim K's allegedly Photoshopped belly button. 🤦‍♀️
  9. It trends every day. Individual trends/hashtags and it usually has a semi-permanent spot on that mess they call the "What's Happening" panel. It was there earlier but I kid you not - it looks like it was bumped in favor of all the NFL draft stuff. Wait it's back - things seem to shift around when you tab out/back in. Annnnd gone again. 😐
  10. Easy clickbait. I saw a bunch of articles popping up shortly after the tweet went live. Slow news day, I guess.
  11. There is a lot of this, and Twitter absolutely has been used in these ways, but this is also where mis-(and dis)information comes heavily into play. Unless you take the time to thoroughly vet your sources, which apparently not a ton of people do on there, you can very easily fall into that trap. It happens a lot during school lockdowns, for example. People just out there saying things and other Twitter users run with it, but it's not the truth, despite how official it may look (someone's posted video that's actually from an entirely different event that happened months ago or longer). This also happens with natural disasters, like hurricanes or wildfires. There's also the trend that some news orgs engage in these days - they'll tweet to some random user "Hi I'm from Blahblah News is this your video? May we use it in our broadcast if we give you credit?" Like hello...y'all are gonna verify that video first I hope, right? But yes, Twitter can absolutely be used to spread awareness and news at a rapid pace, but this is why it's critical to tackle mis/disinfo on the platform. I hope Elon takes it seriously. In short, this is my favorite meme about Twitter - "Y'all get on this app and talk, and just say things. Just be saying and talking."
  12. So much this. They also don't let you tailor the damn thing. They make it seem like you can customize your experience and engage only with content you care about (via the dropdowns that let you tell the algorithm you don't give a hoot), but if you go out of your way to hide trending topics, you'll find them right back on the list the very next day. If they hide properly at all. I'm set to show US trends and I get things in my Trending tab with only 1,000 tweets - you mean to tell me that's important enough news pertaining to the entire country to get promoted to the top of my list? And when I hide it via dropdown, it pops back up over and over again with only slight variations (#JurassicWorldDominion - not interested - hide, Jurassic World Dominion - hide, JurassicWorldDominionMovie - hide, #JurassicWorldDominionYOUWILLNOTBERIDOFME - hide). Also, I used to wonder how in the freaking world I would always see comments from the same few controversial accounts at the very top in any political trending topic - well, that's by design as I don't even follow them. But you can bet their tweets have thousands of likes and replies - and if you dive in to peek at the comments, it's nothing but a bar brawl in there. It's a very spoon-fed experience and not organic in the slightest.
  13. A live look at that happening 😂 No but seriously, Twitter's current moderation is going to need a pretty major overhaul whether he buys or not. I would hope they've already started working on that.
  14. I mostly edit furniture and decor items - tinting, sizing, and recoloring. Occasionally, I'll dismantle couches and chairs to add in my own pillows and decorations. I also edit food when I'm able to - I'll usually take it apart to make my own dishes/platters when decorating and to add individual foods to the folders where I keep things for building my custom antlers. On occasion, I'll edit my photo booths/scenes to add or remove elements, mix and match between booths, add or change lighting, and match added furniture/items when staging a shot.
  15. Whatever word he used makes no difference if he hired a private investigator to find evidence of said thing. But anyway, that's somewhat off-topic, so I'll go back to reading about these new online safety bills (man, they are NOT playing with these fines). Oh before I go - I don't think Twitter's current moderation standards are even enough to keep up with this. These bills are going to impact the platform regardless of who owns it.
  16. I love everything about this comment. You've really hit the nail on the head as to why I feel this entire thing is going absolutely nowhere. I mean, perhaps he'll buy it for real if the deal's given the green light - we'll see. I don't expect a whole lot of changes to come if he does, though. Like you point out, there are new international laws and regulations at play, so going completely hands-off is just not going to work if he wants Twitter to remain accessible in those regions. It's all a lot more complicated than his tweets suggest. And to get rid of advertisers in favor of a paid subscription model for verified accounts? I just don't see that working out over the long term. Some people are already packing their things and exiting in search of something new. Convincing verified users to stay AND pay? Yeah, I don't know about that. I would imagine companies wouldn't find losing out on ad opportunities very attractive, either. I do find myself wondering why he didn't just purchase one of the smaller platforms to play with - Gab, Gettr (I can't even say that without laughing omg), Truth Social, Parler, etc.
  17. They should be at the mainstore. I don't think that landmark on Flickr is up to date and I'm not inworld at the moment, but the store should be in Search.
  18. I'm the same - still prefer physical books, though. The biggest reason in my case is I went ahead and bought a Kindle Fire (for apps, mostly, and back then, the older Kindles didn't have built-in lighting), and those are horrrrrrrible for reading. One of these days, I'll grab a real Kindle/Paperwhite and I'm sure I'll like that a lot better.
  19. Right? *siiiiiiiiiiiigh* I loved Borders, too. Man, sad times. I buy the occasional Kindle book or paperback on Amazon and I've had great success finding old favorites used on Ebay, but man it's just not the saaaaame. *whine*
  20. This reminded me of his pledge to authenticate all users. That's an interesting proposal. I can't wait to see how that turns out.
  21. This is my take on things, too. I seriously doubt much will change on the platform if the deal is successful (and I'm not fully convinced it will be). Big brands and advertisers are all over the place, and I really don't think they want to be associated with a platform that takes a full "yolo" approach to moderation.
  22. I don't have any strong feelings about Elon one way or the other, but he seems a bit too old to be engaging in that type of petty name calling. I had to look it up - honestly didn't realize he was 50. I remember wondering how old he was when the Azealia/Grimes incident was going down live on Instagram years ago, but I guess I didn't check.
  23. This tooooooo! Small indie ones and even Borders and Waldenbooks and B. Dalton. Never was a fan of Barnes & Noble for some reason.
  24. Oh man yes. I loved blowing a whole day inside these! Both the tiny little vinyl shops and big ole massive Tower Records. I'll also add: Art supply stores - Blick doesn't count. I'm talking about the small places where you could trip over some canvas while browsing. Poster stores - maybe some still exist, but those used to be found inside any ole mall
  25. I absolutely do read Picks whenever I check someone's profile. I've also got mine filled out. I've never used it as intended, though - as a place to add landmarks to interesting places. I usually fill them with goofy tributes to my friends, fun photography, links to funny YouTube songs, and other silly things. People do seem to read them on occasion and have launched entire conversations with me based on something I've written in there. That reminds me, I need to update them. Been a minute.
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