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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. "I'm on fire" in response to "how r u" is freaking brilliant and I'm so upset I never thought to say it! 😂
  2. Ah haaaa, thank you! I forgot it had to do with size as well.
  3. I feel this - usually anytime Shop & Hop rolls around. Now that Seraphim has started listing individual store landmarks, I do feel a little better about going, but I still feel absolutely compelled to grab every freebie on every single sim, so just knowing I've got 13-16 of them to visit does my head in anyway! I didn't even realize Fantasy Faire started. That's one of the ones I don't like to attend at all. I prefer the much smaller weekend RP sales and mayyyyybe We Love Roleplay if I see something I absolutely must demo/buy.
  4. I'm not even sure. I mean, when I was in my early 20s, I got obsessed with learning about stuff like that. At the time I was big into psychology, so I wanted to understand the why/how. So I hunted around the internet for every non-standard interest I could find and yeah, there's some dark stuff out there. Some are really light and silly and super specific (found an entire website dedicated to women who wear headphones and one that was absolutely flooded with photos of worn sneakers LOL), but others are definitely...unique. I guess SL gives people a safe enough place to explore all of that. I understand that part, but it makes for absolutely horrific opening lines and getting-to-know-you small talk LOL.
  5. Lol, it's a bit different from the ... Hannibal experience. I think it's probably closer to an alligator just going to town on ya. Maybe. I'm not going to look it up to verify, LOL. I forget the exact difference. Sure! I'm used to that happening after a few months or longer of getting to know somebody. But that seems a bit...fast, for such confessions LOL.
  6. I'm going with trolling. There is no way someone's just gonna casually drop that into a conversation, lol. And it's got nothing to do with "first time with a man." He's a trolling fool! And yeah that was my first thought about vore, too. Until I found out, lol. SL used to be a wild place. I don't know if those sims still exist - kinda hope not because it was traumatizing finding out about all that in such a visual way LOL. The one I saw was more cooking/cannibalism focused. Looked like a normal town sim at first, until it didn't. Geez.
  7. OMGGGG, LOL. Maybe that last guy meant a furry? But even then...that's too weird a way to phrase that, lol. But even in your examples - the girls were like wheeeeeeee let's all get naked. That one guy was trying to eat you! Kidding btw - there used to be a sim for all kinds of...that, and worse. And I'm pretty sure women hung out there, too. I found it a million years ago and had no idea what it meant (now I do!!!) thinking gee what is this place about - found out real quick. 😳
  8. LOL, you thought we were complaining about normal standard conversation this whole time? 😂 Perhaps women do weird things like that to others, too? I don't know - the only IMs I get from other girls are to trade compliments about clothes or hair or something. So maybe you guys have your own horror stories. I saw what you said about random acts of nudity. That's somewhat funny at least. But yeah, on our side, we've seen some spooky ish!
  9. 100% this, too. I didn't even touch on the weird inappropriate comments since at least some of those come in complete sentences, so points for that I guess amirite!!! But yes, I once had a guy start talking to me about my butt while I was browsing hair at Doux. I mean, yes I know it's wonderful, I shaped the dang thing - what else ya got to say, brah? In my case, the sexual IMs USED to be funny at least, but now they're just boring and uncreative. At least be entertaining with your thirst. Give me more to laugh at!
  10. Just to clarify (at least for me and a couple others), the main issue is not receiving (or sending) random IMs at all. I love those and respond to everyone who sends one. I've also sent my own. The main issue that some of us have is when the IM is literally "hi h r u" or a variant of such (hey bb h r u, hi u look gud, hi bb, or the occasional weird "hi come over," followed by a TP request which is really unsettling when you're alone in your house on a private island and the guy isn't even in the same sim). And yeah, I've gotten that type of IM quite a bit. Spelled just like that. If you're with a group of women, sometimes you all get those at once from the same guy, so it becomes obnoxious and tedious because even if you try, the conversation just circles and goes nowhere "I'm fine, thanks, you?" "gud, u bizzy?" "Not at the moment, no." "Wut u doin?" "Shopping." "Wut u buy?" 😐 Any message that actually uses whole words (and even better, sentences!) gets much more than an eyeroll from me.
  11. Yeah, that's so far beyond devastating. I traveled a few places (some quite far) to meet men I was involved in LDRs with when I was younger, and sure, when you invest in a trip and it doesn't work out it sucks. That's enough of a punch to the gut on its own, even when the breakup is entirely mutual and you're friendly about it. But having to deal with that level of cruelty on top of it all is an entirely different level.
  12. Whoa wait...he let her travel all the way there without telling her that?! 😲
  13. This is a really interesting point. Speaking of how others read clothing - I do have to wonder about those of us who don't strictly adhere to any universally accepted conventional standard of dress whatsoever and what that conveys to others about our availability. My female avatars are occasionally more masculine than my male - favoring mens suits, athleisure, and industrial outfits or techwear - when I don't have them skipping around in leather anyway. Does that make them more or less available to others? Funny enough, I'll still get IMs wearing all of that (with more traditional hairstyles, anyway) - combat boots and all. So it seems to me that the clothes I'm wearing have little bearing on how approachable and available I seem. Guys still see an opportunity. On the other hand, my males get ignored, despite one of them having been mistaken for a woman before (he's quite androgynous and I was in Lara with V-Tech at the time, doing a Madonna-cosplay photo shoot). He's got better high heel, fashion, hair, nail, and makeup game than my girls do, but things are nice and peaceful on him. 🤷‍♀️
  14. In the case Persephone describes, clothes were only part of the equation (and the dress wasn't even that revealing - I've seen and worn way worse just roaming around and rarely got comments on it - even before I shaved mah head). She was purple with purple and teal hair. It's not like she was trying to represent a realistic-looking human woman or anything, so why he felt it necessary to verify anything is beyond me.
  15. Never. Early on, I was good friends with someone who designed wedding gowns and she got invited to someone's as a decorator/planner or something. She took me along to help set up and all I remember was tons of unbearable lag and rubber banding and people crashing all over the place (this was in...2006 or 2007 or so). I didn't stay long. Last year or so, I was invited to one that seemed to happen quite randomly (literally a hey get over here I'm getting married IM). Didn't bother showing up and went back to my shopping.
  16. Girrrrrrrrl yeeees, I have all of those, too! Mermaid colors, some have neon colors, style HUD, tint HUD - those hairstyles are adorbs, too.
  17. Well that was easy. The moral of the story - be purple! Cute avie, Persephone! The hair reminds me of Little Bones - the mermaid color line. Omg I shop too damn much.
  18. All the this. There are places that exist all over the Internet where women clearly mark themselves as available. Why not go there? I might be a bit out of my depth here since my main female avatar is not exactly beautiful or looking for male attention (well, I guess she's kinda cute for an undead gal and I certainly have seen some fiiiine undead dudes in my SL days - omg wut), but the solution seems easy enough to me.
  19. Nah, I think it's just that it doesn't matter to some of us either way. I have very close friends who play both male and female avatars. I play both male and female (and everything in-between). It wouldn't bother me one bit if a male avatar I sent an IM to turned out to be a woman, or the woman whose outfit I complimented was really a guy. Not a single care in the virtual world because SL isn't where I'd go if I was serious about dating. I'd hit up a real life nightclub or dating site or something.
  20. One thing I don't think anyone's mentioned yet - there are some of us out there (*raises hand*) who don't sit and wait around for guys to send IMs. If there are a bunch of people standing around, there's a very good chance we've already passed our cams over the room a few times and decided who we want to be chatting with based on profiles or overall style or something. I'm a rather picky one with a not-to-common type, so I don't send IMs often, but you can best believe if I spot someone who falls in my type range, I'll initiate the convo.
  21. You can always come to me if you want an avatar makeover guaranteed to make your IM window as silent as a library.
  22. I gotta wonder why guys who do that think they're even worth the effort to chat with on voice in the first place. What's he got that any other guy can't match? Given his opening line, there are so many better options out there. Someone putting forth the bare minimum "Hey there, how's it going?" is already three steps ahead.
  23. It's actually super similar to one of the outfits I put my deer in - her "Wilderness Survival-chic" or "Zombie Apocalypse-fabulous" style. The axes go on her antlers with toilet paper, canned food, a pressure cooker, and other useful tools. 😂 Luckily, nobody seems to find it hot. 😄
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