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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Oh shoot, I forgot about height deformers...need... Yeah no, I'm not at all concerned with my own height in terms of adult content or anything. It's just a stylistic choice for certain avatars I run. It's just that out in the wild, I see mostly shorter women and some of the guys are up there, but it doesn't seem overly noticeable. The ONLY person I've seen that I'd classify as a "giant" is a woman who showed up to last year's Fantasy Faire wearing one of those humongous giant avatars. Like, we'd be as tall as her ankle kind of humongous. Seriously cool avatar, but damn, lol.
  2. Meeeeeeee. I'm probably not who they're talking about, though. As a very tall person (or thing, or whatever), my observation has been that many people are very short. Primarily the avatars in Reborn or Kupra. I tower waaaaay above some of those. Legacy and Kario dudes are pretty tall, though.
  3. In my own personal opinion (take it with a grain of salt since I'm not a family RPer or anything), I do think that'd actually be better. A perma-onesie or tank top seems totally fine to me.
  4. I'm not so sure. In the meeting, they said they're "in the process now of evaluating several different products and systems to help with proactive moderation."
  5. I was actually wondering what exactly that meant, myself.
  6. I know we're kind of getting into the weeds here about how on Earth non-human avatars will comply with the new rules, but I have to say this made me LOL so hard. If someone doesn't make a speedo paint job for an aircraft, I'm going to lose my faith in SL shenanigans.
  7. Welcome! Oh I was sooo thrilled when I learned how to make one with mesh. I used to rock full complete pre-mesh furry avatars wayyyy back in the day, and it wasn't until I was in Apricot Paws looking at clothing and saw a furry in the ad that was SO CUTE that I decided to try making an up-to-date one built around mesh. I had a friend walk me through the process. Takes a bit of practice, but once you get it down, you can make some seriously adorable stuff (and shop ANYWHERE! I'm based on Maitreya). Yep, but those rely on clothing makers to create for their specific mesh, so options are very limited. Like the Snokra. Very cute and I'd wear it in a heartbeat, but it'd be a pain to dress. Any younger furries/cubs using complete avatars are going to have a very bad time complying with the new TOS.
  8. Yep - just a quick overview into how a furry is made: You buy the animal head and it comes with a male and female neck fit and you can slap it on any human body. Then you grab a skin/mod kit that will typically include your BOM skin and parts (ears, tail, etc.). This is how you can turn a base dog head into a wolf or a fox - the mod kit is your overall style and coloring/markings for the head and body. You can further customize with feet/hands made to fit your specific body. You may have to do some manual texturing here and there, unless your separate parts are BOM. Kits sometimes include a note like "compatible with Anima Travelers Skitters" or something to let you know it'll include the textures you need for those parts so you can match your addon feet to the rest of your body. Then you go shopping in any store that supports whatever human body you're built on. For younger/child furries, I don't know what the process is to make one (what bodies?) and how that will work out when it comes to requiring skins with the modesty layers. That's a whole other thing. Oh, that's fantastically creepy and perfectly safe (except for those with arachnophobia, lol)! I like it.
  9. I haven't seen too many lions in general, so I can't really comment on the style. I imagine doing it properly with a full mane might interfere with some clothing designs, though. Maybe. I am really, really seriously considering that super cute monkey kit, though. I already have the head it's made for, AHHHH! Someone asked earlier if it was for child avatars or adults? It's sold for adult bodies, but almost any human body can be made into a teen with shaping tweaks.
  10. That's just clothing for Maitreya, Reborn, Jake, Kario, CZ Slim, Anatomy, Legacy M/F, etc. Most current furries use human bodies and shop in like...Addams.
  11. To people who are familiar with furries/furry culture, of course.
  12. LMAO. That's so true! 😂 Thankfully, some outfits come with their own built-in modesty bra! This is actually the main reason why I've been paying attention to this whole thing. The moderate/adult land component makes it tricky since older teens are included in the ban and some stores I shop at are located in Adult, probably. Yes, everything I create is very adult, but how does anyone else know that when I'm almost never running around as a human? Are we seriously asking people (and Governance) to judge the age of non-human fantasy and furry avatars now? Like, how old is this? This? No, they don't need layers, and I've never been banned from anywhere for rocking looks like that ever, but we clearly see in the photo thread that people can't tell when humans are teens or adult. Good luck with the furries who may get up to more than just standing around looking glamorous and shopping in adult regions, lol.
  13. The example given in the modesty layer thread was prom dresses and swimwear with back laces or cutouts. Edit: Oops, and tops.
  14. I can't possibly imagine feral avatars would be included in this. I'd laugh myself into orbit. Anyone who puts their wolf into a speedo is definitely going the malicious compliance route. Also, I just peeked on the MP. There's a metric ton of stuff that technically could be affected in the furry realm (just looking at things that could be sized into teen). Like this kit (which, omg I think I kind of need this in my life, this is cute as hell, whaaaaat):
  15. Wait, I thought the feral thing was a joke. They aren't seriously included, right?
  16. As to the rest of my thoughts (bras on infants, really?), I'm not overly optimistic. This is going to break a ton of content. I'm happy about the modesty panels in general for child and teen human avatars, but it's poorly implemented IMO. Also, if we're going to be putting merchildren (ok, with that, you could at least make it make sense - see the animated The Little Mermaid 2), fae, elves, furries, and whatever else in the "needs modesty" category, now you're going to need creators who possibly don't even exist in-world anymore to update years old content. You'll need fantasy skins with modesty layers. You'll need furry skins with modesty layers (that's...). Lil werewolf cub running around in a bra over its fur. Oof. I just can't take it seriously. Also, I don't think the non-binary avatar questions got answered at all. That's not good. Bleh. Lol, I am not going to judge you or anyone else for the crazy stuff many of us got up to in the Wild West days, that's for sure. I agree with you about a new thread probably not being worth it, too. It'd just make me nostalgic anyway! 😄
  17. I'm not disturbed by anything adult or mature generally, as long as it's legal, of course. It's the violence/gore that I typically have issues with. I'm extremely squeamish. Like, intensely squeamish. It's funny because I've been reading horror my entire life, so text doesn't bother me whatsoever. I've read some crazy ish. It's the visuals, though. I wouldn't be able to make it through the tamest R-rated movie if it had blood in it, in most cases. At least not without opening another tab and waiting for it to pass. So no, I wouldn't be too shocked by much if it wasn't violent. That's just something I've never been able to handle seeing. I do agree with you though, that old SL felt a lot more enjoyable than what we've got now. I'm not sure why, really. I adore the level of customization we have here now as a result of mesh, but something just hasn't clicked with me since I came back in 2020. Like, zero desire to be social in-world when I was entirely the opposite in the early days. Feeling more meh about it as things develop, too.
  18. I remember teleporting to a sim once back when I actually enjoyed exploring the grid - can't remember exactly what it said or how it was described in the Search directory, but I landed and it looked like one of those ye olde towns. Totally deserted. Started wandering around. Saw some cauldrons scattered around with some very odd looking things inside. W...wha's that ... ok let's just not look in there. Kept wandering. Entered a building. Found a kitchen. Took me a few moments to realize this was a whole cannibal village. That's putting it mildly as @Scylla Rhiadra very much knows what I'm talking about here, but I do not want to get into that. I hauled my butt RIGHT out. If they allow that kind of violence on Mature, I'd be absolutely horrified. As for the video, I've finished watching it and all I can say is - bras on infants, seriously? We're really doing this?
  19. Quick break from the video to respond to some thangs, but woooo, do I have thoughts: 100% agree, and if you were around wayyyy back in the day (maybe 2005-2010ish), you may remember just how absolutely NUTS some of that stuff could get. I would assume some is still around - probably just a bit more hidden these days. Thankfully, I haven't stumbled upon too much of that. *shudders at the thought of seeing it in MESH omg* I'll echo Scylla's statement. You were fantastic and I see you there struggling to keep chat at least somewhat tame and readable. 😂 Much appreciated!
  20. Yep, though there are absolutely some rather lewd mod kits and accessories out there, but it's not difficult whatsoever to put together a very modest G-friendly furry look if that's what you're going for. Even easier since adults are made with all the major popular bodies and can wear whatever they want. Btw, still going through this video and...yikes. It's a lot.
  21. I'm about to dig into the video now, but I'm already seeing people getting kind of...angsty, and they haven't even officially started yet. Fairies???? Those are adult unless you're doing some Tinkerbell reboot type of deal (aren't they born adults though?). What the...? I mean...teen, okay? But I dunno, man...Rosetta's a little sassypants who makes very similar jokes to Blanche from Golden Girls, so I'm not quite so sure they're that young... And no, extreme violence on Moderate sounds like bad ideas.
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