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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. SL's own reputation doesn't do it any favors, even without the trolls. It's known it's banned on Twitch for adult content. If it comes up in conversation, you can pretty much guarantee someone will chime in with their horror stories of how awful their time in-world was. Some will speak positively about their experiences, but many will not. It's always going to be very niche and seen as an oddball of a platform. The obnoxious trolls are far from new - they've been making videos for over a decade because SL's such an easy target. Some of those ancient videos from 8-10 years ago have millions of views and 5-8,000 comments, very few of which are positive. London gets targeted a lot these days since it's listed as a newbie-friendly voice chat hotspot. Last I checked, it's the first destination that pops up under Newcomer Friendly. Personally, I only use the Destination Guide to check for art galleries and scenic photography sims. It's pretty good for that.
  2. On it! That actually sounds fun. We should do that in SL sometime. Peeve: Not enough places to buy cute feetie pajamas, though.
  3. For some bizarre reason, sleeping with someone else (or even in the same ROOM with someone else - RIP college roommate's sanity) sends me into the stupidest, giggly fits. I guess that could technically be a peeve, since it can be somewhat obnoxious. I'm entirely ridiculous when I can't sleep. I once kept a boyfriend awake one night with a puppet show. He went from grumbling at me "stoooop I have to get up early rahhhh lemme sleep aaaaahhhhhrrrrrrrghghghghgh" to hiding his head in his pillow to muffle his laughs so I'd quit making dumb voices from behind teddy bears. 😂 It's like having a big sleepover party with girlfriends in junior high and you all eat way too much sugar before trying to go to bed and stay up late giggling and being stupid? Like that...but...as an adult.
  4. Omg me too! This year, they seem to have invested a lot of resources into their streaming program (I'm watching on Peacock), so I've been introduced to a LOT of sports I normally don't see just because they're scheduled at the dumbest times due to time zones (3am??? ACK peeve!). The streaming replays have been amazing for that. I've gotten to see air pistol, trampoline, gymnastics of course, breaking coming up next week, some diving, swimming, and I still need to catch up with the fencing and archery. I'm like you - I don't care who wins whatsoever and I'm cheering for absolutely everybody. I was tearing up watching the guy under the AIN team win his trampoline gold on the podium even, LOL. I'm so stupid. 😂 Peeve: Some of that stuff is actually really hard to watch due to the whole "oh they could probably die" factor, though. Balance beam stresses me OUT.
  5. My friends list has been fairly dead for a long time. That was my main clue. The other thing is most groups just being filled with tech support and whatnot. Maybe it'll get better after the transition period is over. Agree. Things seem just as slow here as in-world. There's a lot of cool stuff happening outside of SL, though. I've been having a blast with the Olympics and I barely even like sports. I just love watching people win and set world records. 😂
  6. Oh, I was buying Lindens every few weeks to feed my shopping habit. Basic account, but had a rented plot on a private estate + shopping. I don't work in SL anymore, so that was all coming straight out of my pocket. Taking a break is the best thing that could happen to my wallet. 😂 Wasn't spending a LOT, buuuuut it wasn't the most necessary expense.
  7. Take a break. There hasn't been much going on in there for me either, so I've been spending my time with other games. Huge plus side - saving money.
  8. Yep. Shadows are generally somewhat "heavy," as I call them. Meaning they can really affect performance. I turn them off in every game I play unless there's a very, very good reason to keep them on. If a game is well-optimized and the environmental design is too incredible to miss, then on they go. If I'm taking a photo in SL, then on they go. If I'm shopping in SL or doing anything else, they're off. That looks great and you nailed the lighting! These are the types of interiors I've been wanting to see (especially once we're fully PBRed out). I'm hoping once PBR eventually takes off, we'll see more homey, sunny kitchens and living rooms. I also hope we get some dim, dusty, forgotten attics. Cozy comfy pubs. Damp, eerie crypts. Dreamy lush piano bars. Castles in ruins...
  9. Shadows might be responsible for the slight difference. Definitely possible, though my viewer experience didn't look too different from your photos at all. I never run with them enabled unless I'm in BD (set for a photography experience with full Ultra and shadows and I haven't yet updated that viewer to PBR). By contrast, Firestorm is set for a fast shopping experience (graphics on High, shadows off). Really, my main complaint was practically every surface shining - including the curtains, wood signs, floor, ceiling, and walls. Just a little too much glitz for my own liking is all.
  10. Yep, same. I mentioned confirming I was on the Shared Environment in my test post: Settings may be different (I'm set to High with no shadows and no mirrors), but what I was seeing in my viewer looked about on par with your photos. Very department store-bright and very glossy. I'm hoping the "new shiny" (pun intended) eventually wears off and builders start experimenting with a wider variety of textures and effects. That'd be really cool to see. Something like what Red Dead Redemption 2 managed to do with their interiors and exterior environments. Maybe one day.
  11. Lol, sooo tempting. I met a woman many years ago who had shaved all her hair off, but she had a gorgeous face and the right look to rock the hell out of it. I feel like doing that could take more work to establish a look (at least initially - some piercings and jewelry to balance out the whole not having hair thing), but I don't know. I've done pixie/Halle Berry short styles with a shaved back, but never went full shaved. I did consider maybe doing a partial shave, leaving only the top center. A good mohawk transition to start with. Still would require maintenance, though, but would be easier than what I've got now and much more versatile (go natural, straighten it, braid it, curl it, comb it forward, back, up, left, right, north, south, lol). Peeve: Decisions!
  12. That's actually less shiny and more muted than what's at the event. If the curtains looked like that, I wouldn't have mentioned them at all. Whether the PVC/plastic effect I'm seeing is due to reflection probes or lighting or EEP or cute little gremlins in my viewer, I don't know. I just know they look wayyyy too glossy. If SL turns into a shine fest, which seems to be the current trend, I really can't see myself wanting to return to it (I'm on a bit of a break these days). The Firestorm PBR viewer runs totally fine for me and I'm not having technical problems, but from an aesthetics point of view, I'm just not feeling the environments.
  13. Yeah, because it's a weird ask. The platform is basically telling a bunch of people who log in to hang out and chat and maybe play house to set up their own lighting environment before they get to the fun stuff. I can't think of a single other game or platform that does this. Sure, come on in and play, but first, lemme toss you some instructions on how to set up reflection probes... I get that SL is fully user-made and these types of things become the norm as a result, but it's still a lot to expect the average social user to do. Those who come to design and decorate might not mind so much, of course. Having that set up ahead of time is a good idea. Almost necessary IMO.
  14. This one event is PBR-only without fallback textures. I believe the Belleza store is the same, but I haven't tested that on a non-PBR viewer myself. What other events do is anybody's guess.
  15. I'll confirm BilliJo's experience. I just ran over to Fameshed on my not-updated BD viewer and I couldn't get much to rez. My body remained entirely invisible, but my clothing and attachments rezzed, so I thought maybe something went wrong with my alphas or something. Outside of that, the room looked pretty much like her photos, but a bit darker with the environment I had set. No PBR textures, as to be expected. People remained gray for as long as I was there, too, and most displays didn't rez at all. Swapped over to my normal PBR Firestorm and it rezzed better, though still very slowly. Lots of orange clouds, very slow display rezzing with lots of gray. Once things finally looked alright, I confirmed I was on the Shared Environment EEP and zoomed around. More glossy things than I previously thought - the wood display signs, the walls, the floor, the gold in the ceiling, the white in the ceiling, the displays themselves. Just shine on shine on shine. The comparison to Dubai mall was pretty accurate. All that's missing is the aquarium. That's a valid question. The experience on a non-PBR viewer is really miserable with entire vendors not showing up at all. The experience on a PBR viewer is much, much better, but for those who can't upgrade for whatever reason, they're in for a bad time.
  16. Lol, just a very gold penthouse. 😂
  17. Lol, I had a certain penthouse in mind when I said that, but I obviously can't specify what I'm referring to there, so Imma just shut my face up, lmao.
  18. Yes. Very much Dubai/Vegas vibes. Very "what a person without money thinks money looks like" vibes. I know, I knoooooow. I'm sorry!
  19. It's definitely down to taste preferences, for sure. I understand why people like it. I just don't find that level of shine (on the curtains) to be realistic at all. A dull, muted textured sheen like silk or satin without the gloss, absolutely, but they cranked it a bit too far into the plastic/PVC zone IMO. It's just a bit too much "shiny because we can!" The floor, the ceiling, the curtains, the gold trim on the skylight - one or two of those elements, sure, but all of that at once is a bit blinding. Again, I know I'm being very picky and I totally own that! If I walked into a mall like that in RL, though, I'd be rolling my eyeballs up into my head (and I'm someone who loves wearing PVC and latex, so I'm certainly not a shine-hater). It's great, but only in moderation.
  20. I'm sooooo sorry for saying this, but I kind of hate it. The floor looks nice, absolutely. I could totally do without the rest of it. The curtains, especially. I know, I know, I'm being overly picky. PBR is great, but I'm not a fan of going overboard on the shiny instead of using natural realistic fabric textures I've seen in other games. Shiny gold ceilings and skylights are just as tacky to me in SL as they are in RL, too, but that's more of a "me" thing, I know.
  21. I've been blessed with the most obnoxious hair type ever. It used to break combs at the salon on the regular as a kid. Once I got old enough to chemically treat it, that changed it a little. Many years of relaxing has made it too straight to fro nicely, though, and it's too twisty and irregular to wear naturally without a TON of work to tame it. Blow drying with a pick comb attachment and flat ironing is the best I can do at home, but that takes hours. It was only until I started going to a Dominican salon that I discovered the power of a good blowout. The downside (and major peeve) besides the cost of doing this all the time - long-term hair damage and breakage (you're straight up roasting your hair straight - they do not use normal consumer dryers and I've gotten burns before lmao). It's gorgeous in the short term, though. It turns hair that feels like Brillo into silk.
  22. I can't brush my hair. Not unless I want to deal with a ton of breakage and I'm already having issues with that because goodness knows I'm not doing any oil treatments and deep conditioning. I also couldn't braid it on my own and it's super prone to intense knotting (long 4c hair is a @#$@!). I recently had to spend about 5 days combing it out because I often just pile it up in a bun and say screw it. The birds nest is REAL. 😂 Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve! I stopped going to the salon years ago (got tired of paying $80-100 per visit) but the ONLY thing that keeps it manageable is chemical relaxing + Dominican blowouts. That'll tame it for a few weeks, but I can't afford to do that anymore. Without that, though, this ish is a nightmare. Getting a full set of braids will work, too, but that's 14+ hours spent in a chair and well over $150 for the poor stylist who has to do it. I have tried to find someone to shave this mess off before and very few stylists will do it (your hair is so thick and long and takes years to grow like thisssss - GIRL THEN STYLE IT FOR FREE OMG), so I've been advised to just go to a male barber and get them to lawn mower it off my head, lol. I just don't know if I can pull that off. I've gone short, but not fully GONE. Takes a certain face!
  23. Lol, isn't it funny? I think just chopping the hair off is enough to do it, yep! I just tend to go overboard with the rest since I've been directly complained to about it. Extra insurance, if you will. 😂 I do wonder how that works in real life. I've been peeving about this ALL SUMMER, but I really, really wanna just chop off all my hair. It's ridiculously thick, it's long, and it's pretty when I can muster the energy to dedicate way too much damn time to a solid maintenance routine, but ain't nobody got time for that and I've been flirting with shaving it all off. I wonder if that means men will never speak to me again. 🤣 Peeve: hair!
  24. There will likely be no comeback. Steve's voice is not recovering well and they don't think it ever will. Peeve: the end of an era. https://twitter.com/Aerosmith/status/1819483168124072443 Make an orc or cyclops. 😏
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