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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. It's definitely down to taste preferences, for sure. I understand why people like it. I just don't find that level of shine (on the curtains) to be realistic at all. A dull, muted textured sheen like silk or satin without the gloss, absolutely, but they cranked it a bit too far into the plastic/PVC zone IMO. It's just a bit too much "shiny because we can!" The floor, the ceiling, the curtains, the gold trim on the skylight - one or two of those elements, sure, but all of that at once is a bit blinding. Again, I know I'm being very picky and I totally own that! If I walked into a mall like that in RL, though, I'd be rolling my eyeballs up into my head (and I'm someone who loves wearing PVC and latex, so I'm certainly not a shine-hater). It's great, but only in moderation.
  2. I'm sooooo sorry for saying this, but I kind of hate it. The floor looks nice, absolutely. I could totally do without the rest of it. The curtains, especially. I know, I know, I'm being overly picky. PBR is great, but I'm not a fan of going overboard on the shiny instead of using natural realistic fabric textures I've seen in other games. Shiny gold ceilings and skylights are just as tacky to me in SL as they are in RL, too, but that's more of a "me" thing, I know.
  3. I've been blessed with the most obnoxious hair type ever. It used to break combs at the salon on the regular as a kid. Once I got old enough to chemically treat it, that changed it a little. Many years of relaxing has made it too straight to fro nicely, though, and it's too twisty and irregular to wear naturally without a TON of work to tame it. Blow drying with a pick comb attachment and flat ironing is the best I can do at home, but that takes hours. It was only until I started going to a Dominican salon that I discovered the power of a good blowout. The downside (and major peeve) besides the cost of doing this all the time - long-term hair damage and breakage (you're straight up roasting your hair straight - they do not use normal consumer dryers and I've gotten burns before lmao). It's gorgeous in the short term, though. It turns hair that feels like Brillo into silk.
  4. I can't brush my hair. Not unless I want to deal with a ton of breakage and I'm already having issues with that because goodness knows I'm not doing any oil treatments and deep conditioning. I also couldn't braid it on my own and it's super prone to intense knotting (long 4c hair is a @#$@!). I recently had to spend about 5 days combing it out because I often just pile it up in a bun and say screw it. The birds nest is REAL. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve! I stopped going to the salon years ago (got tired of paying $80-100 per visit) but the ONLY thing that keeps it manageable is chemical relaxing + Dominican blowouts. That'll tame it for a few weeks, but I can't afford to do that anymore. Without that, though, this ish is a nightmare. Getting a full set of braids will work, too, but that's 14+ hours spent in a chair and well over $150 for the poor stylist who has to do it. I have tried to find someone to shave this mess off before and very few stylists will do it (your hair is so thick and long and takes years to grow like thisssss - GIRL THEN STYLE IT FOR FREE OMG), so I've been advised to just go to a male barber and get them to lawn mower it off my head, lol. I just don't know if I can pull that off. I've gone short, but not fully GONE. Takes a certain face!
  5. Lol, isn't it funny? I think just chopping the hair off is enough to do it, yep! I just tend to go overboard with the rest since I've been directly complained to about it. Extra insurance, if you will. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I do wonder how that works in real life. I've been peeving about this ALL SUMMER, but I really, really wanna just chop off all my hair. It's ridiculously thick, it's long, and it's pretty when I can muster the energy to dedicate way too much damn time to a solid maintenance routine, but ain't nobody got time for that and I've been flirting with shaving it all off. I wonder if that means men will never speak to me again. ๐Ÿคฃ Peeve: hair!
  6. There will likely be no comeback. Steve's voice is not recovering well and they don't think it ever will. Peeve: the end of an era. https://twitter.com/Aerosmith/status/1819483168124072443 Make an orc or cyclops. ๐Ÿ˜
  7. That might be it, yeah. Your avatar is super cute, so I can see that for sure! I personally find tomboy-ish women attractive (and feminine men attractive - I'm all over the place), but then, I am a tomboy myself. I've kind of gone so far over into "not hot," though, that I can pretty much count on nothing but peace and quiet these days. I first noticed things were starting to go that way when I rebelled against all of the obnoxious "change your nose, take that stuff out your face, change your hair, why are you wearing that, you should look like her" garbage and then said screw it and changed my look to be even more repulsive to men like that. Oh you don't like piercings, lemme add sommore. Here, lemme make my hair crazier. I'll toss a skull tat on my face and white out an eye too. Better yet, lemme just grab my skull mask here...aww, where u goin' braaaaah? I might get a comment if I toss on something cute, like a furry, but a good portion of my avatars are just...not, lol.
  8. Ummm, perhaps! Can't say I've ever been IM'd by women I didn't know out of the blue all that often outside of a brief fashion/shopping convo. Maybe like...once. In 2008 or something.
  9. Yep, that's the first thing I noticed. Chop off your hair and your IMs go dead. Volkstone's got some absolutely cute hairbases that can be worn alone, also. Unrelated peeve: Aerosmith retired, so now I'm officially old.
  10. Oh man, my favorite tattoo shop might not be around anymore (Urban Street Store) and that's a HUGE peeve, but a close second and third are Arabic Tattoo and Tivoli. I also adore Nefekalum for fantasy-themed face and body material tats and I sometimes layer with Zibska and Cureless. I'll also shout out This Is Wrong, Vegas Tattoo, Dappa Tattoo, and my OG favorite PMS (Wild Roots). I shop in-world, so I don't have MP links, unfortunately. Not sure if they'd be to your taste, but here are a few examples: Tivoli: Urban Street Store: Arabic Tattoo:
  11. Lol, I'm only partially kidding. I've gotten enough requests to remove the hardware from my face that it's a pretty good indicator that it does squick some men out, at least. ๐Ÿ˜‚ If you're using a Lel head, you can get a fairly complete set of piercings in there without needing to spend much. Head and face tattoos are harder to find IMO. I stick with the old SLUV map so I can wear my favs. I've yet to find an Evo X face or head tat I really like (peeve).
  12. Shave your head - full or partial up to you. Toss a tattoo on it. Invest in a full body tat or at least a good sleeve. Nothing dainty. Add a few rings, studs, and barbells to your face. Add a few final touches - dramatic eye makeup, stylized monster eyes, a face tat - whatever floats your boat. Haven't been hit on in ages.
  13. Peeve: Watching trampoline events gives me way too much anxiety. It's all fun and games until someone goes flying and their spotters have to chase them with a mat like a Pong paddle. Looks so damn fun, though.
  14. Yes absolutely, and with how tweets and posts are usually pre-written and scheduled to automatically go out, that shouldn't be too difficult to set up.
  15. Very much agree, and a lot of companies do this with their socials. Some have it down to a science where there's a very distinct and consistent "brand voice" in all of their public communications. So recognizable, that you can imagine how certain companies will react to different types of news (like, we know Wendy's will reply to McDonald's promos with their own special brand of catty snark). Of course, the risk of doing it this way is if said employee goes rogue for whatever reason and causes mass destruction under the company name. Tweets suddenly start sounding very "off" and the entire account implodes in real-time, resulting in a massive PR disaster. We've seen that happen more than once. ๐Ÿ‘€ I still think the positives outweigh that rare possibility, though. It's consistent, and consistency is generally good.
  16. Oh, that's super common. See any random gaming Discord. Where's DevBob? He hasn't been in here in ages! I dunno, maybe he got fired cuz of the meme he posted. Orrrr, hmm, maybe it was the time he gave out that wrong info in the LFG channel. Oh yeah, that was a day, huh?! Hey, maybe there were layoffs! Layoffs? Yeah, check Glassdoor! Whoooaaa, oh yeah, the game journos are tweeting about it now! Let's go check his LinkedIn! ๐Ÿ‘€
  17. Regardless of what that post is referring to, if I see a company in a social media username, I'm not taking that as a personal account. If JohnNissan, BonnieVerizon, or PeteStarbucks made questionable tweets, I'm side-eyeing the heck out of that company.
  18. Yes! Exactly. Between that and Snoop showing up all over the place and sitting and cheering with the families and the gymnastics commentator Laurie Hernandez fangirling over spotting Seth Rogen in the audience to where she forgot to pay attention to the routine she was critiquing and the Clark Kent memes, these events have been so fun and wholesome to watch. Peeve: I wish I was there! I wanna go one year.
  19. Lol. I'm loving the fact that there are sports that older athletes can compete in. I never knew about air pistol. I mostly watch gymnastics and sometimes diving during summer Olympics, and this year I'm hype for breaking. But I saw the memes drop on my timeline, and now I'm obsessed. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Also, how cute is this???
  20. Peeve: There's so much stupid Olympics discourse taking place on my timeline when all I really want to see are more Kim Yeji and Yusuf Dikeรง memes.
  21. I wouldn't say that. She's had some success there and some pretty nice brand collabs and partnerships. Several big designers in SL create elsewhere, though not all use platforms they can get paid from (a few popular SL hair brands make free custom content for The Sims 4). Makes sense not to keep all their eggs in the SL basket, IMO.
  22. Self-employed/freelancer. Currently working in AI training. No crossover with my SL. My former education and employment in graphic design helped a bit with my virtual photography hobby and branding for my old stores. I also used my lifelong interest in comedy and writing to help write some absolutely stupid marketplace descriptions. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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