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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I think so, too. The Peach you linked - not to be confused with the original Peach posted. Anyhoo, the over-exaggeration (in your Peach's case) seems to be the entire point of it, according to the body's Marketplace description. "Peach is an open-source female mesh body. It has cartoonish proportions with tiny upper body and large lower body." It reminds me of some cartoon character design commissions I've seen artists post on social media. That's not a bad thing, either. All someone would need is a good cel-shaded skin and that could be a whole fun look right there. Cel-shaded characters are awesome and it'd be fun to have those in SL.
  2. Ooooh, I didn't even realize they were BOM. I'm so used to fiddling around with applier HUDs for nails. Those nails you linked are a taaaad bit longer than I normally wear. I've mostly gotten lucky with RAWR and Veechi on that front. And Stunner Originals if I want something less deadly. 😂 I'll keep an eye out, but those stores already rig for sooo many different bodies. Admittedly, I didn't even try boots yet. The heels were all set way, way down from the foot. Like miles away, sinking into the floor. I figured they just weren't designed for female shoes at all. I've had very good luck pairing up Slink feet with Legacy Male (sufficiently hiding the hideous leg seams, of course), but silly me didn't even try doing that with this body yet. Yup, this is definitely my concern, too. I've known a few male fashionistas who would gladly spend an entire day shopping, demoing, trying, troubleshooting, alphaing, resizing, and magicking themselves into a new wardrobe, but I highly doubt that's very typical or common. I got tired of doing that myself with V-Tech/Lara Flat, which is how I wound up with Legacy in the first place. A few extra muscles vs. whole days spent trying to squeeze myself into new clothes? Sure! If more clothing (and shoes) come out, I'll consider it, though. It's so nice! It'd make some great non-human avatars, I bet.
  3. I love stuff like this so much. Unnecessary, definitely, but it's still so cute, and I'm up for anything that gives my avatar a bit more life here and there. If that becomes something buyable, I'm in! I think I mentioned this in another thread a few months ago, but I have some pairs of pantyhose that come with an adjusting animation. I had NO idea for the longest time, either, as it's just a play button sitting in the HUD surrounded by a ton of other options, so I missed it, several times. Though now that I've found it, I just can't stop using it and I LOVE how silly it looks (especially if my dumb faces sync up, which happens from time to time). 😄
  4. That would be awesome if it's easy enough for someone to do! I mostly want it for some fantasy avatars. There's only so much one can accomplish with Maitreya and and Dev Nana is way too far on the other side of things for my liking. Plus, clothes. *sigh* I remember trying Signature Alice back in the day and really liking how shapely the legs looked. I'm not sure how "sculpted" they actually were (it's been awhile) so maybe that was a skin effect. Still, it was nice. I'm sad that body kind of stalled out, too. I remember liking the demo quite a bit.
  5. My main want for a body in this realm is, well, arms. I've tried most of the newer bodies, and it always comes down to arms for me. Almost all of the bodies seem fairly limited in the arm sliders, but that could also be an SL limitation, perhaps? I very rarely ever see sliders that can increase the upper arm size and softness without making them super buff. If I could get an overall entirely soft look from shoulder to leg, I'd so be down for it. I don't need 100% realism, but I would like something a bit different than the usual. I also want a fit/athletic body, too. And no, slapping a skin on doesn't count. Gently sculpted leg muscles for the win! Still waiting on that.
  6. Okay, I've just played with the demo and went through the majority of my menswear inventory in addition to trying clothing demos from a number of stores. Unfortunately, I won't be buying the body, but I reallllyyy do like it. But my reasons why it's not for me aren't exactly typical, so your mileage may vary. I just dress my males very unconventionally (you'll see what I mean), so certain things were deal breakers right off the bat. The body itself (the good stuffs): Woooo, it's kinda hot! It's pretty thin, but the sliders are very responsive IMO, so I was able to thicken it a bit and make it more on the slender side. You can thicken the legs as well. As for Sam's concern with the torso - that can be slidered away without much issue. The default shape is short and has the torso length set pretty long. Just tweak the torso and hip lengths and it's fine. He can also get pretty hippy, which I liked. You also get a pair of separate high-positioned feet, which was my entire reason for checking out this body in the first place. More on that later. Lastly, there are deformers included in the demo for the butt, the chest, and the shoulders. Not entirely sure why as they didn't seem to help with anything I was trying on, but hey, they're in there. The bad stuffs: The body itself does come with nails, but I didn't have any HUD whatsoever included in the demo, so I'm not sure how flexible all that is. I couldn't turn them off when trying out the high feet. Also, the nails are very short and kind of round. My current Legacy rings and nails do not fit, and this was pretty much a deal breaker for me right here. Lol, I'm sorry but I need my claws. MEOOWWOW 😼. It's hard enough finding stylish nails and rings in Legacy Male size as it is, and I've already got my favorite stores that do it. Not much chance I would find them in this form, and there's no way I'd even ask shops to do it since they've also got like 6 or more female bodies to rig for 😩. Also not great - those high-heeled feet I mentioned. They come nowhere close at all to fitting Maitreya, Belleza (old), Slink, or Legacy F shoes. I tried a bunch. All a mile off, and no deformers included in the demo, so my guess is the intention is for stores to make separate shoes/heels/boots/whatever for this body alone. Again, a problem for me, considering the Maze high-heeled feet for Jake didn't take off (that I've seen, anyway) either. And lastly - yeah, having no alpha HUD is a challenge. Every single outfit I tried on needed something alpha'd out, and the majority of the time I spent fiddling with demos was spent going through my entire alpha library trying to find something that would work. There's a consistent issue when trying to pair Legacy clothes with this body that happens right near the front upper hip (exaggerated by my AO, so your mileage may vary here), and every alpha I tried completely missed the mark. GRRR. Okay, as for "how do clothes fit, tho?," I tried pants/tops/outfits from *deep breath*... Over, Strunsh, Enforcer, Duk, Traume, Gild, Furtacor, Noche, Cordewa, Amias, Bartimeu, Erauqs, Riot, Val'more, Mossu, Ascend, Varsity, AsteroidBox, and Nuage. Out of those, the stores I mentioned previously from Rowan's article only had one or two items for the body itself. As for "fits Legacy kinda sorta maybe" - the closest and best fit I could get with Legacy was from Strunsh and Over. AsteroidBox might be okay, too. I only tried one outfit from there and it seemed to fit decently. The main issues that remain consistent are tops stick out way too much from the body to where they seem a bit floaty, pants have too much gap in the back waist (not quite fixable with slidering or the butt deformer - I tried), and the front hip glitch I mentioned earlier. If you're not opposed to creating custom alphas, maybe the pants issue isn't a big deal. But yeah, tank tops, button down shirts, tees, jackets, etc...they stick out enough to be noticeable, especially from the side. So unfortunately, I shall stick with my Legacy + female Slink feet patch job until something else comes along or maybe (hoping) this gets some updates (separate high-feet that can fit female shoes and an alpha HUD and maybe some built-in nail states and I'll figure out the rest! 😂). But if you're not bothered by ANY of my weirdo requirements - demo it anyway. It's super cute and shapes nicely!!
  7. I believe this is the body I've been waiting for. Someone mentioned it in this forum a few weeks ago...I think? Off to demooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh, before I do. From Rowan's linkie: While you can wear Legacy compatible clothing with it it will appear baggy on the avatar. It is best to shop stores such as Gloom, Varsity, Nuage, CheerNO, Truame and others if you want compatible clothing and appliers that are fitted for the CZ Slim. Edit: If anyone's interested, the body is 2000L (yay!) and available HERE at the Men's Closet event. If I can squeeze it into anything good, I'll let you guys know. Gonna grab a zillion demos from everywhere and see what I can come up with, if anything.
  8. That looks a bit Photoshopped to me, but the body type does exist regardless. What a lot of SL bodies that try it get wrong IMO are the arms. Smaller waist/wider hips/etc. - yeah that's a thing, but usually the upper body is a bit bigger and more in proportion. Something like this is more realistic than most of what I've seen in SL (so far):
  9. That looks great! It's super cute. And I definitely wish more stores had longer skirts (not floor length maxis), but I understand why they don't.
  10. I actually don't mind using Discord for SL at all and it's the main way I chat with SL and non-SL friends these days. It's so so so much better than ancient IRC and Vent and Teamspeak and Skype and all that other stuff that used to be big. I initially joined it for work purposes way back in 2016 to keep in touch with other freelancers and share work opportunities and discuss projects and whine about taxes (previously, we all used an actual forum for that, but found Discord far easier to gather and chat on daily), but then I saw how useful it was for gaming as more features started rolling out, and got heavy into that side of things. So I mostly use it as a gaming and networking tool these days. Funny enough, I used Discord during Black Friday 2020 to find an absolute steal of a sale on a new PC - a bunch of us nerdy weirdos gathered together at midnight in a PC suggestion server (spun off from a popular subreddit) deal watching and sharing links as flash sales started dropping. Many of us lucked out and were able to lock in some great sales that way. Honestly, by the time SL groups started moving there more regularly, I already had about... 26 or so servers I was in, so adding 3 or 4 more wasn't really a big deal to me personally. There are 2 head groups I actively keep an eye on for sales/news/announcements, and one of those is fantastic for figuring out weird issues as they come up (using the search - never really needed to hail a CSR - yet another thing Discord has over in-world group chat). My experience with it so far has been pretty good.
  11. This is true! It just takes so much time. I had to give up on a few outfits because I couldn't get clothes to play together nicely. I attempt to mix and match eeeverything - even going as far as trying to mix menswear and/or fantasy items into the outfit to guarantee something unique. Spring/summer wear is a lot easier for me to play with that way. I guess because clothing is far less bulky.
  12. Yeah, I'm not a fan of BOM clothing in general. I even wear mesh stockings. I do have one recently-bought outfit with BOM tights, but then I have to fiddle with nail removal and toe caps to wear my open-toed shoes/heels (took me ages to find the HUD to toggle those on/off for Maitreya, too! Didn't even realize we had that feature at all). BOM can work for that, or undershirts, underwear, and tanks, but I'm mostly whining about wanting to wear whole comfy sweaters with a separate scarf, for example, and what a pain it is to get those to not clip on each other (and the hair!). Or wanting to toss a thin coat or long button-down shirt on over a pair of jeans and not have the bottom of it showing mah denim butt through. All kinds of issues - you know the pain, I'm sure, lol. Mesh is awesome, but sometimes I wish there was a standard silhouette where, say, every pair of jeans could be made to fit under the majority of longer shirts, regardless of store. Impossible I know. I'm just dreaming! 😄
  13. Totally agree! I don't typically buy fatpacks unless we're talking 400L or less if it's a single item. Single color clothing items are fine by me. I typically make up color and style profiles for every avatar/character I run around with anyway to help keep costs down. Like, my pink skin wears pink formals, orc wears neutral tones and black semi-formals, frog wears mostly "bright & sunny" colored summer and vintage wear in yellow/orange/red and sometimes green, deer rocks mostly green casuals and suiting, one male favors yellow, etc. That way, I'm not tempted to spend a whole lot on a range of colors. Of course, that means I have to enter a store with a very clear idea in mind of who the heck I'm buying for and not get sidetracked, LOL. Also, I don't think any of the problems I described are the fault of clothing designers. Mesh in SL is a PIA to layer. It just is. The only workable solution I *think* might help is if we had more tops with optional sleeves, pant legs we can shorten or thin (Blueberry did this a few times), belts we can remove, waistbands we can raise/lower. But other than that - we're kinda stuck in layering hell! LOL, do it! I'm sure it's possible. It'll just take you a bit to find a sweater that'll look properly tucked-in and a leather jacket that will fit over it without weird glitches!
  14. I'd actually argue that spring/summer wear is a lot easier, from a consumer shopping/wearing perspective, just given the nature of mesh. Fall/winter clothes require so much layering (cardigans, sweaters, sweatshirts/hoodies, scarves, longer tops, coats, etc. etc.), and if a store isn't selling entire outfits or you're a fan of mix/matching, it takes aaaaaages to find layerable items that won't clip all over the place. This is actually the bane of my SL shopping existence in general (especially with menswear😩), but it's much worse when you deviate from clothes that don't need to be layered much. Pants/jeans/mesh stockings/tights that fit into boots? Pfft. Long, cozy sweaters that don't interfere with waistbands and belts and properly fit over our pants? Pfft. Long, heavy wool skirts that don't clip all through mah legs and flop around all unnatural-like when I walk? Pfft. Thinner sweaters that can be tucked into belted skirts/pants? Pfft. Jackets that fit over sweaters? Pfft. Coats that fit over everything? Pfft. Big cloaks and cute hoodies with animal ears and hooded dresses that don't completely glitch out our hair? Pfft. Honestly, that's one major reason why I don't even bother paying attention to seasonal shopping. I mix and match between stores way too much for that. For instance, if this isn't sold as an entire outfit in the same store, good luck doing it on your own! And for the mens - some more complicated layering that I've not yet personally tried and my head is splodin' trying to figure out how I'd pull any of it off...
  15. Try logging in here - https://secondlife.com/my/ and see if you get the Terms & Conditions that way.
  16. LOL, I tell myself that over and over, but the inconsistencies kill me. But yeah, mystified is an acceptable reaction. She kinda went..."huh?," shrugged, and hopped on in! As a counter example, I really enjoyed the Faerie Tale Theatre version (starring Matthew Broderick as Prince Charming, heyyyyy). Jennifer Beals played Cinderella in that one and her reactions seemed a bit more natural. And they actually TALK in that version!
  17. Well, it's my highly, highly subjective opinion at work here. I'd certainly never fault anyone else for liking them because the enjoyment of all entertainment is subjective, buuuuut... The plots in the earlier movies are often rather...basic? And the characters just accept all kinds of mess. And they don't really have a whole lot of depth. That all improves as the movies get more and more modern, but ya know. Taking Cinderella as an example, I had so many questions about what happened - but yet, she never did. She never once questioned a random woman appearing in front of her while crying alone in the backyard? I guess not, considering the mice talk and sing and tried to design her a whole gown (the cutest part of the movie, I'll admit)... but ya know, let's just go with it. The woman just shows up and she's entirely okay with this. She listens to her and trusts her right off the bat. Magic happens and she never asks why/how. Things just sparkling and changing before her eyes. She takes her word for it, hops into a carriage that was a pumpkin mere moments before (I personally would've fainted by now, just sayin'...) and rides off to the ball. Okay...giving her the benefit of the doubt here. She realllllllly wanted to go. Fine. She gets there, makes an appearance, this random guy wanders up to her and asks to dance. Okay...that's alright I suppose. But not even a mini conversation first? Alright. Suddenly, she's swept away. There still haven't been many (any?) words exchanged. Hmm. Oh gosh, hours have gone by and I need to run before I'm caught out looking a whole mess and my wig gets snatched. Peace, brah, thanks for the dance! Leaves her shoe behind. Yeets self into carriage that was a pumpkin a few hours earlier and rides home right before all hell breaks loose and her pumpkin rolls out under her. Next day, Princeypoo's men show up talmbout yo, anyone here got feet? She's like omg yaaas I have feet. I know that shoe that's my glass Louboutin, I'd recognize it anywhere! Not once thinking maybe other girls at the ball had random women with sparkly wands show up in their backyards and bless them with couture threads and pumpkin carriages? Okay...but it doesn't matter anyway because now she's locked in a tower and has to rely on her stylish mice friends to bail her out of jail. Her sisters try on the Louboutin and of course it doesn't fit because nobody else in the entire kingdom rocks a size 7. Anyway, she busts out of jail and runs into the room like hang on, I said I have feet, damn. And of course, the Louboutin gets tossed to the ground by her shady stepmother, so she randomly pulls the other out of her apron and yet again, doesn't even try to question how everything else given to her by the random woman in the backyard changed back at midnight and/or disappeared into thin air, but this apparently rather delicate pair of glass Louboutins didn't? We're just not going to talk about that? Anyway, the shoe of course fits because again, nobody else wears her size, so she's rushed off to marry the Prince she still hasn't had a proper conversation with (and don't even try and say they talked out on the balcony after the dance - that's not enough time for him to enter into a prenup-less marriage with a random woman who nobody in the entire kingdom has ever seen before!). I know, I know, original fables tales stories, I know. But you'd think they would maybe...make their version make some sense? Nah? Okay. 😂 Well now it's a peeve.
  18. Oh, you've just reminded me of another peeve! I've spent the last few weeks actually using my Disney+ subscription (imagine that?) and re-watching the "Princesses Collection." No, really, that's how they categorize them. Anyway, I haven't seen many of those movies in soooooooooooo long. And...I have unpopular opinions. Very, very unpopular opinions. *Inhales and prepares whole chest with which to say this* ... Those movies absolutely SUCK! No, seriously. Huge peeve alert but oh my god - Ariel might be the most obnoxious one ever. I can't believe mini-me actually enjoyed that at one point in time. My gawd. And to make things worse, I actually watched some of the direct-to-video sequels, too. LOL. *Minor note - I'm excluding the music here. The music's fine and in some cases, really, really nice. It's just...gawd. The characters. Gawd. Gawd. That said, the later/more recent movies seemed to take notice of that and made a lot of changes. It's so apparent. Hercules, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Princess & the Frog, Raya and the Last Dragon, Coco, Encanto, Brave, Tangled, Moana, Frozen I and II, etc. Hell, even the standalone Tinkerbell series is AWESOME and so fun compared to Cinderelly oh my freakin'... Funny enough - I found Cinderella III: A Twist in Time pretty enjoyable. Don't even ask, I don't know! It had a far more intriguing plot. Skip the second one, though - the reviews are embarrassing. ... Warned y'all I was grumpy today, LOL.
  19. Oh, I definitely feel no rush to switch bodies. I'm still really happy with the overall variety of clothing and mods available for this one, including gachas, which I use for accessories on occasion. I'd only switch if someone made something androgynous with a large, varied unisex wardrobe. Until then, I'm staying put! I demoed Erika at one point - it's nice, but the available clothing isn't really my style. The main thing for me is I'm one of those shoppers who doesn't want to even think about "reading labels" when I do it - in other words, I hate having to look for logos/names on ad boards, lol. I just show up, grab demos, tp home to unpack, and look for Maitreya in the folder. Only one time did I find no Maitreya size included in the package. Shopping with Legacy Male, on the other hand... *big sigh* - but at least with that, there are only 3 logos to pay attention to, lol.
  20. Lol, I'm still in Maitreya - still haven't bothered purchasing any other bodies yet - and likely won't unless I'm forced to. But it's nice to see the newer bodies get supported all over the place. Variety is good. As for the clothes, I just don't like wearing the same outfit as everybody else. I'm still traumatized from that one time I showed up at a high school party and saw some girl wearing MY very same party dress!!!!!!!!!!1111 Omg, the embarrassment! The eternal shame! I'm never getting over that. 😄 No but really, even in SL, I'm quite determined when it comes to putting together unique-looking outfits as a result, lol. It's not unusual that I'll spend a good few days (weeks?) shopping all over the grid just to pull a single look together.
  21. Yeliz is awesome! I found that store when I first came back to SL in 2020 after a massively looooooooong break and meshed up for the very first time. I believe the stuff was...50L per outfit or so, with full huds n whatnot? Something like that. Super affordable and helped pad my brand new mesh inventory before I learned how to hunt down freebies/group gifts/sales/discount events/store credit. Nothing at all wrong with template clothing. I still rock some from time to time from different stores. I like the variety and find I look less like a clone when I shop around like that and mix/match with it than if I just relied on brand new regular-priced event releases that everybody else is buying. Nothing turns me off more than showing up at a store and seeing 20 people trying on the same outfit. But I'm weird like that. 😂 Edit: Just ran over there since it's been ages since I've been. Their new stuff is CUTE!!! And they support a wide range of bodies (Erika, Reborn, and Gen X among them).
  22. Doesn't matter, as long as it's over. Speaking of which...is it over yet? I feel like it's been around for 3 months already. Peeve: Holidays that don't ever go away. 😩 *Disclaimer: I may be grumpy today!
  23. 😂 Btw, I'm now even more peeved going through the replies. "It's called 'Meta Horizon' now." NO WE AIN'T! 🤣😂
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