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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Happy Pride Month!!!!!!! I don't have anything fun to show off yet. I haven't been in SL in a few days, soOoOooO...I'm behind on my shopping! I've never attended any RL Pride events to be honest. Parades and biiiiiig outdoor events have never been my thing in general. I've only been to one parade ever (West Indian Day Parade in NYC) and I stupidly braved New Years Eve in Manhattan once many years ago (and nearly got trampled in the process!) - soooo not my jam! 😂 The chaos kind of gets to me I think.
  2. I've had a different experience, I suppose. I was pretty into mainland exploration/travel yeaaaaars ago - by air, sea, land. Ban lines, nasty laggy sim crossings, and eject orbs were as much of a thing then as they are now. Not much has changed IMO. It's why I prefer to explore in multi-sim parks and scenic sims specifically designed to be traversed. Mainland has not really been the easiest place to roam around in my experience, at least since around 2005 or so.
  3. Oh yeah, with new people I could see how they might not understand the difference and not expect to be barred from certain areas. But I mean...orbs, eject, tp home - this stuff has been around a thousand years. Not sure why it's suddenly a problem now - for those who are not brand new.
  4. I can tell you that nobody's ever messaged me about my 5 second warning/eject since I've started using it. I've never messaged anyone about their 0 second warnings/ejects, either. I knew I landed in their personal living rooms due to an outdated landmark or got too close to a private parcel when traveling around. No big deal IMO. Wouldn't even occur to me to complain about it.
  5. Oh I agree. I just like having as many options as possible. I'd love to be able to let a person linger around outside for a much longer time with a more pleasant warning than the person who ruuuuuudely plants their butt on my couch who gets the insta-yeet. Not sure if that'd be a pain to script or what, but it might solve some of these issues. Or maybe it already exists. I've honestly stuck with my freebie default system and never checked (I'm over 3000m in the sky, so having people naturally wander by is more rare).
  6. I thought most did. Well, most have general range options anyway. I'm all for giving orbs more finely-tuned options and the ability to change what happens at multiple ranges.
  7. I actually wish security orbs could be made more sensitive to detect the difference between an accidental TP via a defunct landmark (which surely happens to all of us on occasion) or someone taking a casual stroll through the garden to check out the landscaping and walking up to say hi vs. cam sitting into your whooooole house. The first two scenarios I would never mind at all if I had a home on ground level. By all means, romp through the garden and approach my front door/window with a "Hi how are ya!" and give me a chance to greet you and come outside or invite you in - or take a minute to get your bearings after a bad TP - but cam sitting into private homes really grinds my gears. It's so rude. I guess that's doable with a tiny range setting, but I'd prefer having different options for each range.
  8. I guess maybe I don't quite understand the trend. When I've tossed on stockings in RL and they fit that way, I took them off and made sure to grab a size up the next time I went shopping so they...no longer fit that way. A super subtle soft effect for stockings and socks and boots could be nice overall - but some of this stuff on Flickr looks painful AF! Also, and I'm going into super picky mode with this, I know - some of these leg garters and straps and whatnot don't even fit the indentations properly, so it all looks really off. Just saying.
  9. I've watched way too many criminal trials where SYG was at the center of things. But that's way off topic, so I'll behave! As Coffee said, orb security is nothing at all like that anyway. Not sure how real life property got into this discussion anyway. Wasn't me I'm innocent! 😇
  10. Maybe he's not familiar with Florida or Texas. 😂 Kidding kidding just my dark sense of humor at work.
  11. No real talk - getting cursed out by an orb before getting sent home kinda did hurt my feelings a bit, LMAO. Just didn't expect it. Then I got mad because it never occurred to me to be that creative with my own security (I'm not that mean, though). 😂
  12. I've TP'd to outdated landmarks and accidentally stumbled across a residential boundary here and there and got yeeted home with 0 warning. One person had an orb set up that actually cursed me out and gave me massive attitude!!! HMPF! I got over it pretty fast, though. I guess I'm not really seeing the issue.
  13. I'll second this. Been renting with them since I returned to SL in 2020 and it's been a great experience. Their customer service reps (who you can contact very easily outside of SL via live chat) are super responsive and really nice. I mostly just love how flexible and automated everything is with them, though. I've bounced all over their islands (want more prims, want fewer prims, want a different view, feel like being near mountains, want to be on the beach, etc.) and only ever needed to contact them to let them know when I move so they can forward my remaining rental time to the new plot, if needed.
  14. This is a good point, too! I try to keep this in mind if I move to a commercial use allowed/residential plot - sometimes people just TP in using old landmarks and who knows what was originally in my place.
  15. Agree with this. People use SL for all kinds of reasons. SL is my creative outlet. Others use it to socialize. Others use it to roleplay. Others love to log in and play with friends in skilled gaming regions. Others are looking for relationships. I prefer socializing elsewhere these days, so when I log into SL, I intend to build something, I want to photograph something, I want to shop events and create a new look or avatar, I want to tear my house down and redesign a new space, etc. So there's a good chance that when I'm home, I'm zoomed in on a couch as I try to come up with a good pillow arrangement or color match it to the rest of the furniture, or I'm lost in my inventory searching for the perfect accessory, or zoomed in on my hands posing my fingers for a shot. Because these are mostly things I do alone, I specifically choose to live on remote private islands out in the middle of nowhere. Because I'm anti-social? No...because it kind of sucks to have someone's big ole boom boom booty land in my view while trying to build. I have had friends TP right on top of my freaking head with their pointy stiletto heels as I was in the middle of plating some food (yes I like to customize my plates and food arrangements to please my inner Gordon Ramsay). I love them dearly, but...srsly...get your feet out of my hair. I'm working here! 😄 I was on their land at the time decorating FOR them - otherwise, I would've lovingly yeeted them into the sun, too. Friends do know how focused I tend to get with this stuff, but we all love our shenanigans I suppose. But no really - If you cam-sit uninvited inside my home while I'm doing any of that (which has happened, oddly), you're getting yeeted within 5 seconds. Not because I dislike people or anything - but because you're in my damn way! There's a reason I don't mess with mainland. 😂
  16. Mine's supplied for free at my rental office. Since I have a sky plot, I can't use ban lines (not that I ever would - they so uglah), so they give out their own security systems for free for residents who don't have plots on the ground. It's fully-functional, but has its limitations (range limits, in particular), so I'd have to spring for the full version if I really wanted to go nuts with it. The basic freebie is just fine, though - 5 second warning minimum, eject/ban options, white list, black list, manager list, time zone, logs, group access, notify, and a range of 100 meters. The full version goes down to 2 seconds and offers options for range and eject style.
  17. My regular orb works great, though. I'm not looking to change it as I'm not on mainland and don't have to account for people traveling around with vehicles (I'm just over 3200m in the air on my current plot).
  18. I have no interest in messing with people. When I'm home, I'm most often involved in something artsy (decorating or photography, usually) and don't really feel like pulling myself away from that perfect shot to chase down and stun an intruder, lol. That plus - I'm not always a female avatar, so how would that even work? 😂
  19. Oh, it was actually a female avatar. The gender didn't matter, though. The fact that someone either cammed or flew 2000+ meters into the air to gain entry into my skybox, on a private island out in the middle of nowhere, was enough to annoy me. Weirdly, I've seen numerous avatars show up on my visitor's list since I've started using security, so I guess that's just a thing some people do (my plot is residential only, otherwise I'd just assume they were trying to visit a dead store landmark or something).
  20. Mine's on 5 seconds - only because it's the lowest setting. I'm on a private island, though, and in the sky. I never bothered with security at all until I had someone cam-sit right into my living room while I was in there (and I was thousands of meters up). So...full nope mode these days.
  21. That's pretty good! But yeah, those dang arms!!!!! You managed to get him thinner than me, though! I left mine kind of "average" and just do my best to hide the arm muscles with tattoos and slender-fit clothing. Enforcer's pants are great for that btw. Look how thin they make the legs! BUT DEM ARMS!!!! Gah. 😂
  22. Oh, I'd want it super, super thin, though. Even Jake is too built for me. I make do with Legacy for now, but I'm always whining about his arms. 😂
  23. F...feet poses? Darn...why can't that body be more slender?! 🥺 Maybe I'll demo it and see what I can do.
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