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Everything posted by rushingaround

  1. I am not sure about transmale areas. There are still some lesbian places like Lesbian Teahouse and a few others that are lesbian only , but a lot of lesbian communities and areas welcome transgender women (or MTF). I am a transwoman in SL and as long as I behave myself and most times keep my stuff covered I am good.
  2. Someone can correct me but I think you need a bento ao
  3. One of the dating sims in SL has a friend section
  4. I feel you. I am a transgirl in SL and guys don’t read my profile. I quit explaining until we are alone and they get surprised. But i like to hang out in bare sun beach or Ku’lani beach
  5. I am a bi girl in real life In my 30’s but started wearing an Aero ck after a gf bought it for me in SL. So now I am a transgender woman in SL. I enjoy it. I meet a lot of girls in SL now than I did before
  6. Whats lqbt meet-ups? Is the same thing as hookups?
  7. Depends on what you want to do as fun
  8. I can be the pretender and bash you, start rumors and tell all kinds of lies. As a friend I can tell you to avoid the pretender, talk you up, your the best person in SL, your all that and a bag of chips.
  9. any random friend requests i turn down. or ones that start like this.... Wanna F@@k or I want sex
  10. you have three rooms available.. your not asking for any linden, but anything would help
  11. Majority of the friends on my list are friends I have bumped pixels with In SL. I have been the side girl to some, met in roleplay areas or on beaches. Then we continued on with the friendship.
  12. I am a girl in RL and have a trans woman avatar. It works. Have fun
  13. Not necessarily mean but like to start drama, self centered, crybabies, whiners, and liars
  14. Sorry the pic there looks like a muscular male av
  15. Stud lesbian is that the same thing as a transgender male??
  16. I hate about mesh heads that if you don’t use the default shape then you have to mess around getting to look right
  17. Wait a darn minute here..you’re saying there is more than sex in SL... this is a conspiracy and you are all in on it
  18. I used a random name generator online with an option for cyberpunk and picked a first name and last.. Cammy Ducante. The sl username rushingaround was random
  19. Whose sl name is different than the name you have displayed?? For example my sl name is rushingaround but the name I have displayed in sl is Cammy Ducante
  20. There is a girl I got close to in SL Who said she was a news reporter for her local tv station. She eventually sent me her facebook page. After looking, it wasnt what I was expecting. Not much info and a bunch of friends from all over. Didnt make sense and I think it was a fake page
  21. Some of the mesh is a pain in the a$$. You get a head and try and match skin. Why cant the head people and body people compare notes or something.
  22. Without any names, What’s the craziest or weirdest story someone ever told you about real life?
  23. I wear maitreya and got the free head from Genus and it looks really good. I have a few alts that are still system avatars.
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