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  1. I am not sure about transmale areas. There are still some lesbian places like Lesbian Teahouse and a few others that are lesbian only , but a lot of lesbian communities and areas welcome transgender women (or MTF). I am a transwoman in SL and as long as I behave myself and most times keep my stuff covered I am good.
  2. Someone can correct me but I think you need a bento ao
  3. One of the dating sims in SL has a friend section
  4. I feel you. I am a transgirl in SL and guys don’t read my profile. I quit explaining until we are alone and they get surprised. But i like to hang out in bare sun beach or Ku’lani beach
  5. I am a bi girl in real life In my 30’s but started wearing an Aero ck after a gf bought it for me in SL. So now I am a transgender woman in SL. I enjoy it. I meet a lot of girls in SL now than I did before
  6. Whats lqbt meet-ups? Is the same thing as hookups?
  7. Depends on what you want to do as fun
  8. I can be the pretender and bash you, start rumors and tell all kinds of lies. As a friend I can tell you to avoid the pretender, talk you up, your the best person in SL, your all that and a bag of chips.
  9. any random friend requests i turn down. or ones that start like this.... Wanna F@@k or I want sex
  10. you have three rooms available.. your not asking for any linden, but anything would help
  11. Majority of the friends on my list are friends I have bumped pixels with In SL. I have been the side girl to some, met in roleplay areas or on beaches. Then we continued on with the friendship.
  12. I am a girl in RL and have a trans woman avatar. It works. Have fun
  13. Not necessarily mean but like to start drama, self centered, crybabies, whiners, and liars
  14. Sorry the pic there looks like a muscular male av
  15. Stud lesbian is that the same thing as a transgender male??
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