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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. No, you didn't. From what I've seen, a few SLers on Flickr only went by their Display names with no clues to their user names, thus finding them inworld is near impossible.
  2. When everyone and their grandmama is named Kitty, Venus or Mistress, how do you figure out which is the right person you're looking for amongst hundreds given in search results? Display names mean nothing.
  3. Turn off the animations in the animation HUD that came with your head. There should be a button where you can disable the lips when talking. Detach your regular AO for good measure. Then right-click on yourself and reset skeleton and animations. You can also go into your viewer's settings and disable "Move avatar lips when speaking". In the official viewer it's under Preferences >> Sound & Media tab.
  4. Yesss! OMG, y'all bonkers. 0_0
  5. Haha, thanks. Their website is still active but they aren't as popular as they were in the aughts. They peaked when emo fashion was in vogue.
  6. I don't know why I have to go along with my parents to this boring wedding party for some distant relative I don't even know. So bored out of my skull. Please send help.
  7. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to sitting in a dark room stewing in my own hatred of life and everything in it. And I'm going to post about it on MYSPACE.
  8. You're doing better than me. I have zero followers.
  9. Why did my parents drag me here? Adults have the most boring parties ever.
  10. A masterpiece all the same. I, for one, would like to see more of your portraits. The ambiguous images part? I was just saying your drawing unintentionally became an optical illusion for some people to see it one way and others to see it in another. I first thought it was a picture of you falling down, so I pulled out a pose and made a snapshot of poor Greg doing a face plant. It didn't occur to me that the extra branches on what I thought were legs suggest your trademark antlers.
  11. I appreciate you sticking up for me. But let's not give the mods a reason to lock this thread and someone else creating a third picture thread. Upon a second look, the stick figure is looking more like an ambiguous image or reversible figure. I suppose it could be interpreted in multiple ways. So bravo to @Zzevir for creating an accidental masterpiece.
  12. I check my credit file a couple of times a year, but never really thought about putting the freeze on it before. It makes total sense, so I'll likely keep the freeze there, even after the fraud alert expires in a year. I've placed freezes on mine when the Equifax breach news broke. I need to check to see if the freezes are still there.
  13. I'm really liking the short hair. It suits you well.
  14. And they don't even bother with whitespace. You'd think they want people to see what they have to say, not make people's eyes glaze over at solid walls of text.
  15. I used a full perm mesh cube from the MP to build an extra room in my houseboat and textured it with the texture pack from the life preserver and the Linden library.
  16. That's not ugly; that's downright terrifying. 😂 /arachnophobe and hater of all creepy crawly things.
  17. Eddy has a house. It was a neat and orderly house. Then a little brat moved in. The house hasn't been orderly or quiet since. I hate my life.
  18. And deprive us the pleasure of making fun of the necroposter? We already have warnings and big blue banners for that. If they choose to ignore that, that's on them. Not our problem. Occasionally there may be a legit reason for resurrecting an old thread if someone has new information to add to an old topic. I think it would make sense to add the post instead of creating a new disjointed thread and have the same subject matter scattered in bits and pieces all over the place.
  19. Hmmm.... Start packing your fishing gear... we're going catfishing on Tinder.
  20. Shout-out to all those who prefer their own company a bit too much.
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