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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. The log ornaments are a Farmer's Market special at the main store; $80L ($72L with group tag) for a set. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Apple Fall/58/188/29
  2. This is pure comedy gold. Eli Schlegal won the thread.
  3. Apple Fall, now currently at Christmas Village: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vosk Post/243/61/22
  4. GET ALL THE DEMOS They have a crop tank top too: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/H-CZ-Slim-Cropped-Tanks/24284883
  5. What head and animation HUD allows for a smile that make dimples like that?
  6. Just speaking of my own experience, that's all.
  7. I've seen this happen too often in Firestorm. So many unfair assumptions being made about missing demos and other stuffs before I try relogging with the offical viewer, then everything started to rez normally again. People love the derender feature so much, FS derenders random things automatically in the next upgrade.
  8. Okinawa Christmas Festival: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ryukyu/252/210/1797
  9. ONEDAYs - VICTOR SET @ Okinawa Christmas Festival 2022 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ryukyu/62/188/1799
  10. Elementtare has an Aiden Set for the TMD Weekend Sale. Shirt, shorts, and bags are sold separately.
  11. It sounds like you may have your graphic settings on the lowest settings. Try moving it up a notch to see if it helps any.
  12. These bot avatars, what are they doing exactly? The most I've seen them do is rez into a parcel for a second or two then poof away. They don't talk to you and leave you be, so harm done.
  13. Yes. Maximum you should have is two.
  14. Those Flickr portfolios where their photos have those distinct glass glare and horizontal stripes with strange color casts caused by the fluorescent flicker on their internet screen. No, Photoshop has nothing to do with it. Did they seriously take a point-and-shoot camera, photographed their computer monitor, scanned the prints into digital format, and then uploaded them to Flickr, instead of finding their viewer's snapshot function?
  15. I thought 3LI is too high for a chair, but 24 LI is sheer lunacy.
  16. Dictatorshop has a free gift at Man Cave. Four Christmas paintings at 1LI each. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Match/230/64/46
  17. Some stands look alright with such outfits until you start walking or running. XD
  18. It's only for the CZ size because the alpha system doesn't allow for asymmetrical patterns . The Lagacy and TMP classic sizes don't have both hands stuck in pockets and relies on HUD to alpha out one hand. (I'm surprised they made a TMP classic size for this one.)
  19. I like the Hovery Craft from Culprit for its ability to drive on land, water, and air. My driving skills is a different matter. I can't tell if it steers smoothly or not due to my lousy driving.
  20. Modern streetside hot dog vendors in NYC don't wear any sort of uniforms. If you're thinking of the old school style at baseball games like this: You can try cobbling together a shirt, vest, or apron using full perm kits from Meli Imako or GeorgeVerde. You can also check out Bare Rose; they might have something.
  21. That would be nice. The old Meadowbrooks had texture change options for grass, gravel, water in the enclosed front yard area. One could dream.
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