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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. Not bad. Though the hips are a bit too thicc out of the box, the sliders can easily fix that. The ability to take on various shapes is its most impressive feature. So if I decide to give an alt a middle-age spread, I'll know where to go. There are a few distortions with some tattoos and system clothes even at the slimmest shape I could muster. Look what it did to my BoM underpants: I'm not going to dump the CZ body for this one yet; I just barely started building a wardrobe for it. 😅
  2. It's one thing to make certain colors or patterns of a shirt part of a fatpack exclusive. But not having single pack shirts available for sale to go with the pants you're selling, and instead you've made the shirts part of a fatpack exclusive is a whole load of equine waste-based fertilizer.
  3. TwoSided's Combi coat Jamie at Mens Closet Event: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zen Soul/176/139/25
  4. So far, I've seen the ones by Afterparty: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Afterparty-Onyx-Rings/24461549
  5. This has to be chaotic evil level right there. XD
  6. If you use Firestorm, simply hover your cursor over a random fashionista wannabe and watch the IMs roll in with "wHy ArE u LoOkInG aT mE!! StOp LoOkInG aT mE!!!!eleventyones"
  7. I'm really disappointed with a merchant. They used to be good with customer service when they first started out, now they think they're too good to respond to certain customer inquiries? I know because my eyes could see that they had responded to someone else on Discord as recent as March 2nd while my messages and IMs got crickets. They promised a product update in Oct 2022, but they yanked it from the market instead with no warning or explanation. So no updates. I'm not asking for much. A simple yes or no would've sufficed for the "will there be an update coming for this product?".
  8. Just two my main avatar would keep. Gregorian Chant is a funny enough name to attract attention while out and about inworld. One person suggested he should join the groups, Clever Nicknames Club and The Ministry Of Silly Names. They were the first two groups he joined as a newly rezzed noob. I don't think I saw any new members on there since LL did away with last names in late 2010.
  9. Tartessos Arts offers a nice bowl of oranges (1 LI) as a gift at the Alpha Event: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACCESS 3/132/111/1000
  10. "Not today, Satan! Not today.", said the fish.
  11. MadPea: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MadPea/174/151/34
  12. What happened between 2012-2017? I took a break and came back in mid-2018 and therefore I have nothing from those years.
  13. Comatosed has tee shirts and sweatpants for Happy Weekend sale: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Plush Tau/209/162/1039 https://www.facebook.com/Access.SecondLife/photos/a.6271820206217019/6271798962885810/
  14. @archangel969 Holy cow, she is amazing! Thanks for introducing her to us.
  15. @Leora Greenwood, @Rat Luv, @Garnet Psaltery Cinnamon and Love had beaten me to it and explained the references sufficiently. It's the classic story of 3 pigs and the big bad wolf. Wolf can't blow down the brick house and had to enlist the help of the Kool Aid Man.
  16. Duk jean shorts for Saturday Sale: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Heartbreak/133/79/24 Duk tank top and jeans at Mancave event: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Match/150/114/2
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