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Everything posted by PermaRuthed

  1. Were they accurate? If they're going by IP address logs, they could accuse all Lindens of being each other's alts.
  2. You know someone is bound to remake this in SL:
  3. This is what happens when you don't trim back bushes and pull out weeds.
  4. I wouldn't think of missing it. Congrats again to you both! Here's Kalegthepsionicist tearing up the dance floor.
  5. 1. Miss Congeniality prize 2. Say cheeze 3. Paris Hilton eyes 4. Ninja chopping onions 5. Pleeze pay attention to me.
  6. It would be easier for them to say they hate kids, they are antinatalist, and proud to be childfree. No kids allowed, come back when you're grown up. No fancy explanations needed. He who pays the piper calls the tune, right?
  7. If they can help with opening jars, it's all fine with me.
  8. I am the most feminine of them all. Long hair should bring all the boys to the yard.
  9. 🤔 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fried-Chicken-Invasion-Butt-Poofer-Wear/3249483
  10. How tragic. She needs to understand that self-immolation will not make the ex come running back to her. I don't know any cases in the history of humans that this tactic has ever worked. It didn't work out so well for Britney Spears.
  11. We are all Tenshi Vielle's alts? 🤯 🤫
  12. So I guess a rooftop club is out of the question.
  13. That's nice. But I think the Irish Red Cross would get donations faster if you donate directly: https://www.redcross.ie/ https://donate.redcross.ie/
  14. Maybe mesh mannequins such as these. And put in a bot greeting script such as this.
  15. Broken group chats are annoying. I couldn't tell if I'm being ignored or my chat got lost for real.
  16. I was talking about the abstract noun. lol Love the neko lion, he's been gone for too long. Good to see him back. I'm glad to see him back.
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