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Lyssa Greymoon

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Everything posted by Lyssa Greymoon

  1. No one reads profiles, and no one appreciates your black as midnight humor.
  2. Marketplace searches that get 1,200 hits, 1,100 are three Gacha items.
  3. What I'd like to know is what they're running and what they consider "struggling". I think from reading this thread there's a wide divide in people's expectations and standards. The computer I'm quite fine with running SL on clearly falls well below what others consider the minimum requirements.
  4. Knowing that SL's user base is using would make the question a lot easier to answer. I suspect there are a whole lot of users are running on non-gaming laptops.
  5. It would be an upgrade for about half of the SL population.
  6. It's a mess of nonsense. The minimum requirements won't even load SL properly under Windows 10, much less run it. The Intel GMA 945 won't run it under 8 either. The Radeon 9000 series won't run it on anything later than Vista. The Mac requirements are gibberish that amount to systems that never existed. I think someone just changed "G3" on the original SL requirements to "1.5 GHz Intel" then called it a day
  7. Core 0-10 <5%, core 11 100%. Maybe I’m being unrealistic and SL’s fundamental nature is incompatible with significant multi-threading, but it seems like some optimization for CPUs made in the last decade is appropriate. I can’t believe that would be more difficult than dealing with almost 20 years of bad content and creators throwing more garbage onto that pile every day.
  8. Also go to the Windows power settings and change the plugged in option to performance, then in your graphics controls set it to performance as well. It’ll either be in the system tray, or the pop-up window when you right click your desktop. Unfortunately this is the sort of performance you can expect out of a ten year old laptop. You may be able to upgrade the laptop’s CPU, depending on what’s in it now, and your comfort level of poking around inside an easily broken laptop. Replacing the hard drive with an SSD and a memory upgrade usually makes those old laptops a lot more usable too.
  9. I'd like to know what part of that advice is not good so I can correct it in the future.
  10. No. If you’re going to use a ten year old CPU, get the fastest one you can afford. They aren’t much more expensive than the slow ones. Don’t look at anything less than 3GHz. Personally I’d put the cut-off point at the Core i7-950. Nothing older, or slower. The entire GPU list should be ignored. The best of them can barely keep up with the better modern budget cards, and they’re obscenely power hungry. (If your need a computer that doubles as a space heater, go ahead and get a GTX2xx or 4xx). They’re all EOL, and haven’t gotten driver updates in years. An Nvidia GT 1030 or whatever AMD’s equivalent is will serve you better.
  11. $49 for a month could pay for a decent graphics card for the dismal desktop. For $419 you could put together a pretty decent SL desktop rig.
  12. The password that Unpaid Intern Linden told them was taped to the 9800GT Mac Edition box just before he left.
  13. Apple depreciating OpenGL isn't a secret, everyone knows about it. Well, almost everyone.
  14. With the end of Windows 7 support looming, I think this deserves another look and a bump since after January no one should be running Windows older than 10. The minimum requirements are a soup sandwich of junk that's not just slow, it's a mess of incompatible nonsense. First off there's ATI. Seriously? The only people who should be using ATI labeled cards are retro computing masochists. Driver support for the 9000 series ended with Vista. You can't install the latest drivers for any supported OS because they never existed. I'm pretty sure this means is Windows will install the standard VGA or basic video driver and SL won't run at all. Nvidia support for the 6000 series cards with Windows 8 (no 8.1 drivers), so once Windows 7 support ends, that's it. Current drivers for Windows still getting updates don't exist. SL is effectively incompatible with anything older than the 8000 series on Windows 10. I am convinced the Mac requirements were drawn up as a joke. Good thing you didn't spend any money on a Mac to test them because the requirements are a bunch of nonsense that doesn't even exist. I expect SL on the Mac will be history when Apple gets around to nerfing OpenGL.
  15. In my experience, SL should be at least okay on anything more than the cheapest of laptops with the most patatoey of potato GPUs. They probably weren't hacking it in '09 either. If a Core i7 with a GPU meant to run 3D graphics is giving you 2fps staring at the floor, I'd suspect there's something else going wrong. Either it's throttling spectacularly badly or something is chewing up all the CPU cycles. (I'm looking at you, Microsoft antimalware agent).
  16. I think most of the people who have ended up on my block list are the Safe Hub DJs who think playing terrible music through their terrible open mic is a good idea.
  17. You were probably going to get banned sooner or later, so better to get it over with. I also gotta know, what was the landmark?
  18. Yes! I managed to get it to work. It has to run in fullscreen mode.
  19. Sadly, you're about ten years late. I think all that's left is The Far Away, which someone else has kept running.
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