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Everything posted by PrudenceAnton

  1. Rolling Restarts on Bellisseria Those few minutes when you have beach front property and a gorgeous sunrise. When the neighborhood returns, its still a beautiful morning, only like Bellisseria can offer.
  2. Rain I like! I've seen a few here and there on Belli. That was my first time seeing thunder snow here though.
  3. So out exploring this morning, we came across a few....could they be red herrings? The first one we spotted was on the new large 3 mile or meter island. We noticed it on the world map and had to go in for a closer look. Where the moles leaving us clues or misleading us with more of their cleverness? This is what we saw: Upon closer inspection it turned out to be prim layouts for a possible waterway for a small river or stream. Darn, foiled again by those crafty moles. We were certain it was a clue to bigger things, like the cooling towers lower on the island. A bit disappointed we ventured off to explore the possible new layouts where the campers/trailers might be going in, but were distracted by another red herring on the map. Another mole clue?!? Upon closer inspection of the map we were left.....well ...totally baffled: What is this?!? ^ Needless to say, we were speechless and unwilling to speculate. We needed visual proof of what this might or might not be! Closer to the location, this appeared on the mini map: ???? So we stood before the location and this is what we discovered at ground level. Thunder snow!?!? Okay, yeah, there are some strange things that home owners put out. It still does not fully explain the strange red symbol appearing on the mini map and we decided to leave it for someone else to figure out what the one eyed willy might be.... or might not be.
  4. Remembering Woodstock 50 Years : August 15-18, 1969 Taken @Bellisseria Fairgrounds
  5. Wanted to put this out there for those that are seeking more wearable vehicles to use around Bellisseria. What Next has a beautiful little scooter on sale for $50L in two versions of color huds. It comes with male or female versions of the scooter and is low LI. It is an ATTACHABLE, yay! This is out for Fifty Linden Friday, so if you want to grab one at the cheap price, get over there today and grab yourself one. Cian and I both have our own and love them. So easy to drive! Yeah, it was a little confusing at first to figure it out, but read the note card and it explains the set up. {what next} Vacanza Wearable Scooters for Fifty Linden Friday
  6. I do believe there are creators that have items that give objects for Halloween that non creators could put out on their porches as well. i.e. candy, candy apples, etc.
  7. If this is allowed under the covenant, a Bellisseria 'Trick o' Treat' sign could be placed out front of the homes that are participating. I like the idea of a pumpkin or bowl of candy object hosting the gift treat. Treats could also be simple, like a wearable candy, balloon, hat, etc so non creators could participate as well. 😉
  8. Hi @PixieFruity You got some great helpful tips from @Kitten Kaos, @BJoyful, @Beth Macbain, @JessycaJayne and others. All fantastic tips. I wanted to point you in one more direction that I used to explore Bellisseria community and discover what is out there. btw, there is LOTS. Take this teleport to the Bellisseria Community Center. Grab a Bellisseria Community Travelers HUD. It'll take you directly to many places across the continent of Bellisseria. So much to explore! Bellisseria Community Center: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moretti/90/64/24 The Bellisserian Newspaper is also a great source of information. They have a handy landmarks page as well, to all the current places around Bellisseria. The Bellisserian https://thebellisserian.wixsite.com/news Landmarks: https://thebellisserian.wixsite.com/news/landmarks I hope all the information helps and you get a chance to explore more of Bellisseria and attend some events and meet people! 😊
  9. Perhaps try setting your timer back a little more. From 72 seconds to 75 seconds. For other helpful tips, I'll refer you to this post that @RaeLeeH did a few days ago.
  10. Did they do their homework, research the information on availability of the new Linden homes or not? If the answer is no, its split milk. Again, if they feel a need to vent, complain, within reason, go for it. But when their venting turns into heated attacks against the Linden team that is working endlessly to provide us with the gorgeous regions and lovely new Linden homes that many are craving to have, then people are going to address those attacks. Its a logical response to bad behavior. As for having sympathy for those feeling frustrated, wanting support and encouragement to keep on trying, I'm 100% in their corner in that regard. I would love to see every single premium member that wants a new Linden home, acquire one. I have been privately encouraging some not to quit; that have been feeling very let down and wanting to give up entirely, on trying to get their new Linden homes, that they so desperately want. I feel a great joy when their dream comes true and they finally get that home at last. Most recently, @RazarStone who had been waiting, camping, craving, plotting and doing up humor videos on being so close, but never getting his dream houseboat. Congrats @RazarStone; at last you got your home! So happy for you! 🥰🥳 What I don't care for, is the have-nots, begrudging the haves and bad mouthing those that have a home, or worked just as hard to acquire a new home. That's not venting, that's just pure, bad behavior.
  11. I am not a new Second Life resident, been in SL for 13 years, but I am a newer premium member, signed up in May of this year. Referring to 'new people' trying to get a new Linden home, I qualify under that list. I never found a need to vent and rant on, because I was struggling to get a new Linden home. I had the same difficulty as everyone else sitting before a screen and hitting on that page refresh, only to see every new home that popped up, gone before I could swiftly click through the buttons and pages. I found more humor in the situation than anger, holding onto anger seemed totally pointless, laughing about the situation eased the disappointment and made me more determined that the system was not going to beat me. So, if its your niche to vent, complain, within reason, go for it. This thread is useful in that regard. But attacking those who are hard working to get these regions built and homes ready, is not acceptable and will be met by many others that will point this out. I also strongly feel that it is the sole responsibility for any and all premium members to do their homework, before they sign up for a premium account, of knowing what is guaranteed to them and what is not. This includes knowing if the new Linden homes are available now and easily to acquire or not. Buyer beware. As someone once told me, "If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all." That quote always made me chuckle and be more determined not to let it stand as truth and win.
  12. People are entitled to have their privacy if that is their preference. I don't use security orbs myself, nor do I have my parcel set so people can't see me when I'm at my Bellisseria home. I do have sounds restricted to my parcel though. As for why people might want the security orbs? Well, twice I have had random people just fly to my home and walk into my house, look around or just stand in place for anywhere from 5-10 minutes. Now, I was not offended by this, even though they didn't say a word to me, they just stood there looking around. I do feel it was rudeness on their part not to even speak to me, but I did not boot them off my parcel or ban them. Some people also want to keep their own conduct, adult theme in nature, private from voyeurs; in other words, to prevent people from spy camming on them or trying to eavesdrop. I do agree that it was a good move to omit ban lines. They are very distasteful, rude and make a sim look down right fugly. But at the same time, I do respect those that are more reserved and desire to have their privacy. As long as they follow the rules in the covenant, I see no issue with it and we all should respect their wishes, whether you agree with it or not. It is their home and they have paid money for that privacy.
  13. I'd have to say the one thing I tend to try to find the prims for to rez out are my instruments. I love to sit and play my cello and either a piano or harpsichord I have. I've modified both with many great songs and added in bento playing animations for my own enjoyment. And yes, I have my land set so sounds from my parcel do not extend out to offend any nearby neighbors. 😉 I should add in, the Intan my husband and I have had for 13 years, with many new dances added in. Where we go, it comes along. Intan Couples Dance Machine (disguised as a hot air balloon candle)
  14. For skins I have used: L'Etre, It Girls, Glam Affair, Pink Fuel, The Skinnery, DeeTaleZ, Go&See, *YS&YS*, MILA, 7 Deadly skins, Amara, Atelier Pepe, Insol, Lara Hurley Skins, Milan, remy&rowe, LAQ, Fiore. And a few more not named here.
  15. Everyone as their own taste in makeup styles. My own preference is often lighter makeup so I can keep the natural beauty of the skins I purchase as the focal point. I do have a few favorites though. -SU- (Suicidal Unborn) - If you want or need a dramatic makeup, I love theirs. But I also love their eyeliners with light to heavy eye shadows. They also have great mesh eye appliers. L'Etre makeup - Is always a good go to for pretty, natural makeup, great lipsticks, too. WarPaint* - I absolutely love their eyelashes. Izzie's - I love for certain enhancements to my skins, like breast veins and such. AG. (Avi-Glam) - Is my go to for great mesh eyes and appliers. In the below photo, I'm wearing L'Etre lipstick and Suicidal Unborn eyeliner/eye shadow In the photo below, I'm wearing Warpaint* eyelashes and L'Etre lipstick.
  16. Region release day in Bellisseria. how we'd really like to vent? ankle biting is prohibited
  17. Just put a note on the information that, before purchasing this product, read the foot notes: using these add ons requires some basic editing skills. I am not responsible for purchases by customers that have not read the information about how this product is delivered. etc etc etc
  18. They can edit and unlink it, or turn the add on phantom and turn the block invisible. As for the text, perhaps you could have a friend that understands English or the languages you would like the instructions typed out in? It doesn't have to be complex instructions, just the basic information, perhaps include a couple of example images?
  19. Yes, many people can figure out the basic texturing if you want to just include your textures in the pack (copy/mod/no transfer) and they can apply them through using edit linked parts. You can always give a brief explanation how to do this. Most people love to be able to modify their items if given an option.
  20. Only owner needs to have controls to change the wall textures. If you are struggling with figuring the scripts out, there are two solutions. Either use no scripts and make multiple copies, each with a different texture on it. You can use a prim block as the anchor and line it up in the corner by the front door, so those who purchase it can easily line the wall lay overs on top of the building's walls. Another thing you can do, if scripts are not your strong suit, you can either join an SL scripters group or ask for help in the forums on how to understand your scripts and get them working.
  21. At the SL 16th birthday, Patch Linden stated that it was still a few months off before the Campers/Trailers release would be ready. That was back in June/July. So it could be August - October before this release happens. He has stated he won't go into more detail until that time, what information they had for us was given at the meeting they held. Here is the post I did on the campers/trailers a month or so ago.
  22. If anyone comes and complains about your Flamingos. I'll gladly come abduct them for you!
  23. Oh, camper/trailer area in development up on North development area on the World Map. Excited to see the finished areas here on Bellisseria. 🥳
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