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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Fine with me! I wasn't allowed to wear pants the first go round until I was in junior high! And my Hot Wheels are the oooold original ones that were made from metal. So there! 🤭
  2. Mine was a really, really good one. I was "shocked" by the lock because I wasn't expecting it at that moment. So shocked that I have forgotten what my post was about. 🤣
  3. AUGH! It's so frustrating when they [s]delete[/s] lock a thread just as I hit Submit Reply. 🤭 Oh lovely. Now they (LL) aren't allowing strikethrough on edit post. WTG LL. 💩
  4. No, no. That's when the fun begins! That's when you get to be a kid all over again. Now gimmie back my Legos and Hot Wheels I'ma build us a giantnormous race track!
  5. To clarify I was saying you are never too old for anything. You are limited only by what your body and mind are capable of or are not capable of, as the case may be. I can still dance. I just don't have the flexibility, extension or elevation I once had simply because my body has grown old(er), not my mind. I'm over 60, have stuffed animals on my bed and I even still talk to them as well as my cat. I talk to animals and plants and things more than I talk with people. Sometimes they (the real animals not the stuffed ones) talk back and all is right with the world. 🥳
  6. Huh. Imagine that. The one and only owner of ZeroHedge is a failed molecular biologist that couldn't cut it as a physician. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Ivandjiiski
  7. Does it have Closed Captioning? If not, then it isn't for everyone. oopsie I only mention it because I have hearing loss and wish I could use audio "books".
  8. I know what you mean. I had mine set a certain way and now I can't change it. Well I can but it will change ALL of the previous settings and I DON'T want that. So I'm not touching it. lol This was not a good move on either LL's or Invision's part, whichever one made the decision to remove features without bothering to let the users know.
  9. Is she or isn't she wearing any? That is the question. 🤭 Have I derailed enough yet?
  10. Shouldn't need to relog but it wouldn't hurt. It might even do the trick since it will "reset" things similar to how relogging in SL works.
  11. Yeah I don't think I'll live quite that long. lol But hey if I get reborn as Zoe then you've got my vote! 🤭
  12. Looks like you have it all turned on so it should be working. Have you tried unchecking, saving and then rechecking and saving? Just the Mentions one. Apparently old settings didn't port over to the new "system" very well.
  13. I think it's a rerun of the first attempt. The only way it has a chance of a different outcome is if the voting takes place after the "changing of the guard" when the "new" senate takes over. Even then I doubt they will do it. No one wants to be the ones to have fully impeached. They think it will look bad in the history books.
  14. There have been too many snide remarks made towards me and to me that have absolutely no grounds.. Yet, it continues. That is not including the accusations made against me that were completely untrue.
  15. You seem to not understand that I was NOT LAUGHING to begin with. If I were, I would have given some indication that I was. That IS what emoticons are for and I do use them so that there is no doubt. If a bomb indicates laughter to you I suggest you get some professional help.
  16. My views and beliefs have nothing to do with California or Obama and everything to do with the 💩.
  17. Yeah I know. It's just me and I will always refuse to acknowledge. That doesn't mean I won't go with the flow on numbers. I just haven't come up with a plausible explanation for how this country managed to survive those 4 years without being invaded and/or conquered by Putin. Note I said Putin, not Russia.
  18. That was a serious post and you laughed at it and me. You made light of something I find deadly serious and see nothing wrong with doing so. That is all that needs to be said.
  19. Go ahead and laugh at a serious post. It just shows you for the kind of person you really are.
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