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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It originated in Louisiana. https://www.whereyat.com/the-history-of-the-cajun-deep-fried-turkey#:~:text=Fun fact%3A The tradition of,propane cookers in the 1970s. Peeve: I'm older than the durn deep fried turkeys.
  2. Everyone that disagrees with me. Oh wait... SL would be dead then. 😄
  3. Wait until you read the article I posted above. The Smithsonian one in my reply to Garnet. They were a minority only in skin color. I guess you could add religious beliefs to that.
  4. It wasn't called Thanksgiving. The whole thing is a myth. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/thanksgiving-myth-and-what-we-should-be-teaching-kids-180973655/
  5. I only looked because some idiot had claimed I was Rowan's alt a while back. I find it funny that people keep trying to make me be someone's alt but never my own. Damn, I'm good. 🤣
  6. I didn't like a good bit of their stuff (Beatles) before they crossed the pond. Once they did and started really getting away from the bubblegum, I was all in.
  7. Good thing you never tried my mother's Christmas Rum Balls. She made them with and without the confectioner's sugar. Here's a decent recipe if you ever want to try them: https://alexandracooks.com/2011/12/23/rum-balls-so-easy-so-pretty-so-delicious/
  8. It's always the ones that don't need it that gets the "free money" while those who really could use it, do without. Gee, just like real life. 😬
  9. That's a very kind offer. Makes me sad to see you leave.
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