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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Before we moved, our downstairs neighbor would make kimchi a couple of times a month. They moved out, new neighbors moved in... kimchi made at least once a week. It's enough to make you wish it had been a dead skunk in the middle of the road.
  2. Peeve: Roughly 99% of the human population on Earth has been brainwashed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9597644/
  3. The rabbits in my yard disagree with you.
  4. Customer issues are not the same as product reviews. If a customer can't be bothered to make direct contact for customer service, CS can't be bothered to scour the MP for CS issues that don't belong on the MP. Posting a CS issue in a product review only creates more work for the merchant and takes up even more of their time having to track down stray CS issues before they can even address an issue. I suppose it is hard to find the information on how to contact a merchant when the customer is lazy. They managed to get into SL and stay for a while so they can't be stupid. I'm not saying to ignore the CS reviews, just that the customer should be pointed in the right direction in order to obtain proper CS, rather than dealing with it in the MP reviews where it really does not belong. Edit: The issue(s) should be resolved before making a review. That way if the merchant/CS doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time the review of the lack of CS for that product would be in order. But only after reasonable time or the issues is resolved. If resolved then you get a "glowing" review, if not, then it may be that your CS needs to improve, or your products needs something you overlooked... or maybe the customer was just a jerk.
  5. Only if you enable that feature. I tried it once in the almost 20 years I've been here. No, thank you. It ended up being more of a hassle than what it was worth.
  6. I'd suggest asking Henri about it on his forum: Cool VL Viewer forum - Index page (free.fr). Not sure exactly when he stopped doing a 32bit version, but it was in the last few years, I think. You may need to update your Win7 to a 64bit version instead. There is no upgrade path, so you'd have to do a clean install after backing up files. https://www.ubackup.com/windows-7/upgrade-windows-7-32-bit-to-64-bit.html
  7. I agree with everything you've said here. All things I've said before. Many times. We're just two tadpoles in a pond. Peeved because I feel like I should have a butcher knife in my hand. Paw? Frog hands?
  8. You must not have seen the flame wars that happened on SLU. That's what LL doesn't want on their squeaky clean yet adult forum. And it wasn't always over products. Sometimes it was a customer service issue; other times things just got blown out of proportion because tempers flared. It does make me uncomfortable to not be able to be my 64-year-old self and have to act more like I'm 12. I know that sounds bass ackwards but if you think about it, it isn't. Sort of a children should be seen and not heard kind of thing. Sort of.
  9. Nope. Threaten to make them into mincemeat pie. I've been doing it on my own for way too long. The main reason hubster helped yesterday is so I wouldn't collapse after being ill. Still not over it completely and did too much yesterday but... I'll live. Even if I don't really want to. lol Instead of needing help, over the years I've slowly reduced the menu so there isn't as much work. 😊
  10. Sid does it for his business, not for the fun of it. Smart move on his part. Considering what he creates is tailor made to fit the Belli homes. He goes for quality rather than quantity and that's a good thing.
  11. That is exactly what this feels like! Thank you! I'm feeling well enough today to make Thanksgiving dinner with a little help. He does try. Sometimes. 🤭 Be glad you don't work for BowFlex (Nautilus). No raises or bonuses again this year. Except for the CEO and upper management and a few select. They're good at fast tracking and then leaving you stranded on the road.
  12. I'd rather not have to cook for the next 3 days after. Yep. I'm selfish. I make enough on T Day that I don't have to cook for the weekend and sometimes Monday. 😋
  13. You've never heard of Cordon Bleu? Yep, we have at least one! https://www.schoolandcollegelistings.com/US/New-York/519572951504591/Le-Cordon-Bleu
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