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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Psst... there really is more than one canine language, just as there is more than one feline. On the other hand, cats and dogs are closely related. What was cool was when the pack started hanging out with the herd and the youngsters played together with no harm done. Things aren't always what they seem to be. 😉 https://thechive.com/2018/02/21/horse-doesnt-give-two-fcks-about-pack-of-wolves-video/
  2. That link has been given to that person many times over the years. Not much you can do when they choose to completely ignore it or twist it around to mean something else.
  3. If you ever run across a little crammed full shop that won't allow you access not due to lag, it's mine.
  4. Almost 2 months later and you think I'd still want to be a part of your little clique? Even if you were to change to all text for those who have hearing loss like myself, I wouldn't want to be part of any group who excludes people for whatever reason.
  5. If you want to reach the moon, aim for the stars. That way, the moon will be your first stop.
  6. There was a time when it wasn't uncommon for statuses to be hidden by some weird glitch. It's not fun to log in one day to a bunch of not very happy IMs asking why I hid when I'd done no such thing. Like that old permissions bug that raises its ugly head from time to time. It never really went away. It just doesn't happen as frequently.
  7. FUBAR would never make it since it is an acronym and contains a word that LL won't allow on the forums. Same with SNAFU, which, imo, is better.
  8. Dogs sniff rear ends as a form of greeting and obtain vital information from the ***** secretions. Is this dog friend or foe? Is he going to be a good “date”? Will he be aggressive? Is he feeling ill? And because the odor is unique to every dog, two dogs can quickly determine if they have met before. That aroma emanating from the ***** region is a unique form of canine identification. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/why-dogs-sniff-butts Oh, nice LL, you allow ass but not a-n-a-l.
  9. Some things LL hasn't provided a proper category for, so people use keyword spam to get LL's attention. LL tends to word things in such a way as to discourage reporting things in an attempt to stem the tide. Thanks to Philip's Love Machine, employees still believe they can pick and choose what they work on. Who wants to deal with MP complaints? No one. The same applies to all of SL.
  10. How do you know when the inworld economy is hurting? When a certain person stops ranting about their complaint du jour. Since that will never happen, I think we're good.
  11. I couldn't decide which one was best so I used both because why not both?
  12. I'm tired of seeing certain people going out of their way to pick fights so threads get locked, and people get suspended/banned because some forum wannabe badasses want to control what can and can't be posted on the forum for no other reason than being a control freak.
  13. Bring it back? When it was never launched? WTH?
  14. Active Worlds has had a loyal, active user base for well over 20 years. Small though it may be. Enough to keep the doors open anyway.
  16. People who don't bother to read, jump to the wrong conclusion and then proceed to jump all over you for their mistake while reporting your posts so they get deleted. Congratulations. You've just added yourself to my long, long list of reasons to hate human beings.
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