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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Is this the part where some old person (me) is supposed to admonish you for playing at life? 🀭
  2. I already answered that. I said SL is a sandbox. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbox_game Note the word GAME.
  3. I used the word SEEMS because it was NOT an accusation. I never said there was anything wrong with looking at SL as a game. I said it isn't a game. Huge difference. Again, I just pointed out to you how it SEEMED. I did NOT accuse you of using an alt. SEEMS does not mean IS. FFS.
  4. Something is wrong with this picture. You seem to have just outed your own alt.
  5. What a load of horsecrap. WTF is wrong with you? 1) I REPEAT, SL IS NOT A GAME. 2) You don't have to be into making things to have a place in SL! You deliberately twisted my words around to mean what you want them to mean. Again. You've done this several times. Stop it.
  6. Wow. It's as if some people think SL and LL's reputation has always been squeaky clean and no huge corporation would ever want to have anything to do with SL, yet, that is precisely what has occurred over the years. I never claimed any of that was recent only that there have been large corporations who have done business in SL and there are those that still have a presence. Where's my popcorn? Oh. Here it is. 🍿 πŸ₯€πŸ₯œ Ok. I'm ready now, carry on.
  7. Oh please no. There are 2 in particular who should never be allowed back on the grid for their own good as well as ours. One of them is zFire aka RedZone.
  8. No, it isn't. Not when you have a group as large as say the main FS support group. Granted, that particular group is not a pay group, but that wasn't the point of my post. The main FS support group is one of those that MUST be purged once in a while or no one will ever be able to get any help because no one will be able to use the chat due to horrendous lag. So, the choice is either do some purging now and then or don't purge. When you don't purge, then you get the irate IMs and notecards complaining about the group chat lag. I've seen it happen too many times.
  9. For some groups it makes sense to remove those who are not active but those groups shouldn't be pay to join. It would be ridiculous to have to pay to join an RP group only to be kicked from it because real life required you to be gone for a long time just as it would be ridiculous to join a paid store group and be expected to be active all the time in the group. Sometimes the expectations of group owners/managers cross the line. Not knowing the nature of the group it's hard to say if that is the case here. Either way, the group owners need to get a better handle on things because they are mistreating people who haven't done anything to deserve ill treatment. If you are going to remove people for inactivity, put that in your group description so people know and can make an informed decision before they join. It will save a lot of headaches and hassles on both sides. If someone doesn't bother to read, that's on them.
  10. What you expect and what SL NEEDS are not the same thing. LL isn't going to cater to one person's demands.
  11. One reason for reducing group size is chat lag. The more people in the group logged in with the chat open, the more the chat will lag.
  12. Check your local ordinances. It took three months and a lot of yelling, screaming (at the dog) and filing complaints with animal control, the park manager and the police, but that damn dog is gone now. They didn't get permission to have a large breed dog in the park anyway.
  13. Oh really? Then how do you explain all of these that either have been inworld or STILL ARE INWORLD? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Businesses_and_organizations_in_Second_Life#Operated_inside_Second_Life
  14. So, you think only BIG events should be listed and all average everyday events should be banned from the list? People shouldn't be able to plan their excursions to these events days in advance? How about just do away with all of the listings all together so only you will be happy. πŸ™„πŸ™„
  15. That's just your inner child, bored with doodling on the walls. Buy her some coloring books, color pencils and crayons. Then you two can have fun together! 🀫☺️
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