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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. 🤔 Whatever for when they are already denied access before they even log in for the first time? Seek and ye shall find: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ#Why_can.E2.80.99t_I_access_a_Skill_Gaming_Region.3F http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_Policy
  2. I think people are forgetting that LL already has it in place to prevent people who live in states, provinces, countries etc. that have outlawed gambling from even being able to enter a skill gaming region. Telling people not to use the internet is like spitting into the wind. You're the only one that gets all wet.
  3. Only one thing worse than a coke addict and that is a heroin addict.
  4. All of the notices I got were for posts that have been sitting in limbo waiting for approval for months. Edit: and both threads were closed. WTF?
  5. And you would have parcel A owner screaming about how they can't have any more because parcel b owner has taken them all. That's going to end well. 🤫
  6. I'm not referring to just those who own stores. My statement was general in nature, so there aren't any potential customers. There are those who need to keep stress levels down to a minimum. And please, don't try to claim those people shouldn't be in SL or online. If there is no incident to start with, there is no need to deal with it and you aren't cutting yourself off from potential customers. Griefers are not customers. They are there to cause problems, to disturb people, not to make purchases. If someone is a potential customer, they're most likely going to already have PIOF and have already bought Ls to make the purchases with, so they won't be excluded. Griefers don't go to places to buy things, they go to places to make trouble.
  7. When you take into consideration most griefers never have payment info on file much less used, it's not so ridiculous. The only ridiculous part is "advertising" who does and who doesn't when, as Coffee said, it should be private information between LL and the individual resident. It's just another means of ostracizing even further those already ostracized. Didn't think of that one did ya LL.
  8. Some may not think this would be a good Christmas miracle but I kind of like it. Give all basic accounts a free mainland 1024 parcel.
  9. Do you mean this Cloud Party? The one I used to be a part of? https://modemworld.me/category/other-worlds-and-tech/other-worlds/cloud-party/ Yes, I remember. I left right before Cory sold it to Yahoo.
  10. But if they read profiles, they won't have anything to ask about as a conversation starter, the way some put it all out there. I can't be the only person in SL that wants to know the person behind the avatar. The real person, not a persona they've taken on for whatever reason. I'd rather be friends with humans, not avatars. Can't really be friends with a pixel representation of a person that doesn't exist. And that's a long time peeve of mine.
  11. Please do not make yet another response to my previous post(s) in this thread. I don't need people to beat me over the head.
  12. The brain is faster than the fingers. It's one of those "honest" typos. Brain was too busy coming up with all the peeves to pay attention to what the fingers were doing. Now I'm peeved I peeved you off with my peeved peeve and now you're (hah! almost did it again!) peeved enough to go peeve elsewhere! You peeving, peeved peever! Peeve this!
  13. When I go to that page it has my Hotmail email address in it. I don't know what is going on with that and I'm not about to risk finding out. Sorry, still a pass.
  14. I'm not registered for Google Docs and have no need or desire to register so, I'll have to pass.
  15. Why do you need an email address? I don't give it out like that.
  16. Because if that is what you think, you would be thinking incorrectly. There are groups that have a 500L (or more) join fee with hundreds of members. The first one that comes to mind is Frank's. Before it was sold last year. They lost a lot of people when the ownership changed. I was one of them.
  17. I was in my 30s the first (and so far, only) time I married someone. Well, I did marry him twice but we only divorced once. We had eloped so his parents couldn't say anything when we had a second go round and invited both our parents. So, nope, you are never too old to get married.
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