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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Nope. Not buying this one. I know better. I haven't given up my real-world identity. I am still me no matter what name I use or what 2 or 3d image I use to represent myself. WYSIWYG.
  2. That is just insane. Now I am really happy I never supported such greed.
  3. I don't have any contact with what is left of my family and what friends I have left (if any) are over 2000 miles away. Haven't heard from them in ... over 2 decades now. Sounds like loneliness to me.
  4. I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that would be contact with other human beings.
  5. Uh oh. I must be doing something wrong. I've lost weight. I've lost 2lbs in the past week so I'm at 125lbs now. Which is less than the lowest weight shown. 🤔
  6. That's because then they would have to admit we are all Homo sapiens and not some other species like Homo neanderthalensis or Homo erectus.
  7. *starts rummaging through Inventory for transferable clothing...
  8. Oh man. Maddy. I warned you not to get too close to the pond. Now what are you going to do? Your dad's gonna be coming to check the pond any minute now!
  9. I rather doubt the Lindens would laugh at someone attempting to extort Ls from another resident. It's theft. Cut and dried.
  10. I can't afford Premium much less a more expensive Premium Plus so even if I put my 2 cents worth in, it won't make any difference. I fully expect to have to leave SL within the next year or two because it will be made too expensive for people like me. There is no upgrading from here.
  11. The Lindens keep telling us when in doubt AR IT AND LET LL SORT IT OUT. Let me make that perfectly clear. When in doubt AR IT AND LET LL SORT IT OUT. When in doubt AR IT AND LET LL SORT IT OUT. When in doubt AR IT AND LET LL SORT IT OUT.
  12. I used to leave mine parked in the bedroom, but I had to stop doing that because every time I would log back in, she'd be in the sack sound asleep, clothes, blankets and sheets strewn everywhere. And I happen to know for a fact those boxers were not hers! I keep trying to catch him sneaking out, but he must leave before she falls asleep.
  13. Holy hell. Did I start this dumpster fire? I am so sorry!
  14. Immigrants don't have children who are considered natural born citizens of the country they are born in? Are you saying that because their parents weren't born in that country, the children are not European? Because if that is the case then none of the humans on this planet are European because their ancestors didn't originate in Europe. They originated in Africa like everyone else's ancestors. Lots of Spaniards are darks skinned, considered brown, not white. Like Ricardo here: Same for Italians and their Mediterranean dark skinned roots.
  15. Wait. You mean there are no black skinned Europeans or brown skinned or even white skinned? 😲 Europeans were dark-skinned until 8,000 years ago | Daily Mail Online Europeans drawn from three ancient 'tribes' - BBC News Here’s How Europeans Quickly Evolved Lighter Skin | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine Hmmm...
  16. The next gold rush will be to Neptune and Uranus once they figure out a way to "scoop" the atmosphere. Yes, there is really 'diamond rain' on Uranus and Neptune
  17. Ah. the poster made it sound like you had to pay $75 US CASH to take the survey or have to pay the $75 to be able to log in for only one and a half hours. I'd do it but I already know they won't select me so it would be a waste of my time. Definitely an official survey from Linden Lab though.
  18. January 3, 1961 Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States Explosion at SL-1 prototype at the National Reactor Testing Station. All 3 operators were killed when a control rod was removed too far. October 5, 1966 Frenchtown Charter Township, Michigan, United States Meltdown of some fuel elements in the Fermi 1 Reactor at the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station. Little radiation leakage into the environment. March 28, 1979 Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, United States Loss of coolant and partial core meltdown due to operator errors and technical flaws. There is a small release of radioactive gases. See also Three Mile Island accident health effects. September 15, 1984 Athens, Alabama, United States Safety violations, operator error and design problems force a six-year outage at Browns Ferry Unit 2. 0 110 March 9, 1985 Athens, Alabama, United States Instrumentation systems malfunction during startup, which led to suspension of operations at all three Browns Ferry Units April 11, 1986 Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States Recurring equipment problems force emergency shutdown of Boston Edison's Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant December 9, 1986 Surry, Virginia, United States Feedwater pipe break at Surry Nuclear Power Plant kills 4 workers 4 March 31, 1987 Delta, Pennsylvania, United States Peach Bottom units 2 and 3 shutdown due to cooling malfunctions and unexplained equipment problems 0 400 December 19, 1987 Lycoming, New York, United States Malfunctions force Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to shut down Nine Mile Point Unit 1 0 150 March 17, 1989 Lusby, Maryland, United States Inspections at Calvert Cliff Units 1 and 2 reveal cracks at pressurized heater sleeves, forcing extended shutdowns February 20, 1996 Waterford, Connecticut, United States Leaking valve forces shutdown Millstone Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, multiple equipment failures found 0 254 September 2, 1996 Crystal River, Florida, United States Balance-of-plant equipment malfunction forces shutdown and extensive repairs at Crystal River Unit 3 February 16, 2002 Oak Harbor, Ohio, United States Severe corrosion of reactor vessel head forces 24-month outage of Davis-Besse reactor We're overdue for the next one. It's going to be a doozy. I'm sorry you live so close to a disaster in the making. Sorry, forgot link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_and_radiation_accidents_and_incidents#Nuclear_plant_accidents
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