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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. If I don't need to log in then why did I get the message I posted the image of? And what part of I AM NOT SIGNING UP FOR FLICKR OR ANY PLATFORM just to look at ONE IMAGE do people not understand? One more time: Clicking on the thumbnail does nothing, mousing over it, it isn't large enough to read even with my prescription glasses for reading. I don't care what anyone says. I am not signing up for an account I don't need just to view one image I'm no longer even interested in. Let it go.
  2. It says you once you sign up for premium you have to remain premium for 45 consecutive days before qualifying for any/all perks, (with the exception* of land). This is applied per account, not person. And only the first time you sign up for premium. If you drop premium at any point, you will not get particular perks (the 1000Ls) the next time you go premium (on that account) and any time after that. Edit: *I think the only other exceptions are weekly stipend and number of groups. ReEdit: Maybe I should have said the only perk you don't get unless you do the 45 consecutive days is the 1000Ls. Everything else seems to be immediate. I don't think that has changed in 18 years.
  3. So? I'm still not jumping through hoops just to look at ONE adult rated image. I save any images to my harddrive and then to my backup. If I want to share those images with people online, there are dozens of ways of doing so without using Flickr, all free.
  4. Sorry. Didn't mean to imply you wanted to. That was for others. πŸ€—
  5. You mean this article? SL Newser - Extra: Looking Back: The Redzone Controversy (slnewserextra.blogspot.com) I wouldn't say it was celebrating so much as reminiscing. Lots of links to read if one has a mind to. πŸ˜‰ https://www.google.com/search?q=redzone+zfire+xue&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS963US963&oq=redzone+zfire+xue&aqs=chrome..69i57.4267j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  6. Your ban might have come after but he started doing it before RZ was banned. It's one of the reasons I never joined GZ.
  7. It was brought up during RZ, not after. Towards the end but not at the end.
  8. If someone were to take the time and make the effort, there still a good bit of it available through the Wayback Machine.
  9. LOL I don't have a Flickr account and I'm not about to sign up just to view one adult rated image.
  10. Usually the only two days I have to go. πŸ₯΄
  11. That explains it. Welp. This basic account won't be bothering to even try to get in anymore. Bad enough to be ostracized in RL, I get it in SL, too. Screw that.
  12. I laughed because the way you worded this made it sound like she is two different people. 🀭
  13. It was the 500Ls per week that wasn't too shabby right? πŸ˜‰
  14. First they came for my anklelock Then they came for my leglock. I'm not telling them about the torso and neck locks.
  15. Right after being purchased by an investment firm? HA! Not bloody likely!
  16. I just wouldn't want to see you end up blocking so many that you have isolated yourself. Believe me, it's not pleasant if you are the type that needs companionship occasionally at least. I do the same thing. And now that I am old, there is no one either online or in RL. Sorry got to go. I'd say more but I have to take someone to surgery today.
  17. Just send it to my printer, the Epson, not the HP. πŸ˜‰
  18. Finite is not the OP and that is who you were quoting, not HexonPsionic the OP.
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