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JUSTUS Palianta

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Everything posted by JUSTUS Palianta

  1. Some people get sore hands when they type so they voice instead. However leaving voice on in your club, could result in voice griefers. You have to constantly listen to voice to see if people are saying bad stuff, and there is no way to record voice on a report if something bad happens. Sometimes some clubs have a voice lounge which is a small parcel cut off with voice on so the voicers can go over there and chill without affecting the whole club.
  2. That example you listed sells quite a lot actually. 😛 I am going to start calling my marketplace listings small words and see how it works out, can't be any worse than it is now. I am not going to be working backwards and changing all my old listings. Christmas should be the largest % of your yearly retail sales just like RL retail. And it normally is in SL too. I don't think the sky is falling, I am just a merchant living with a downturn in marketplace sales since linden changed everything, many just packed up and left SL. My marketplace was doing great before they changed it all. ---------------------------- Also, as a marketplace shopper in SL its near to impossible to find good stuff to buy on the marketplace these days. The only reason we can find anything good is because we remember brands and look up stores.
  3. Well the above didn't work for me & im left wondering how our marketplace works. Why does it work for some people and not others. How come what you write in your keywords of your marketplace listing doesn't mean anything to marketplace search anymore. !!! Thats so messed up.
  4. That webpage says SL log ins have been broken since new years. The marketplace has been broken for 8 months that we know of. Oh yeah but of course billing works 100%.
  5. Wow, i have been wondering how a new clothing store with no demos got to best selling on the marketplace. Now i see her stuff is named dress outfit and lingerie. You guys are right. Well if i cant beat them ill join them my next dress will be called Dress 69 on the marketplace. Shrugs The features also say dress, outfit or lingerie. Guess i've been working too hard naming my stuff.
  6. Im still using flickr, I just had to pay 60 US bux so i can advertise and flash my boobies. I don't think it's as busy as it was but it's still useful as a merchant. I use the SL web feed too for lazy pics and for making my SL X Jealous. ♥♥ I also use wordpress so i have a back up of my store images should flickr die.
  7. Had to move house. Had fun trying to win mainland auctions for two weeks before i finally won something, lol.
  8. I have the RLV wardrobe all it did was give me another job organizing clothes into it, then i changed bodies i was like stuff updating that and forgot about it.
  9. Maybe people who don't like orbs, like no public access better. 16 years of SL and I've never used a orb.
  10. The best way to learn about SL people is to live some SL. Then while people are talking to you, you can ask them some of your interview, without them even realizing it. SL people are just tired of being used to write papers on, like we are rats in a cage. 💗 Try walking a mile in our shoes if you want to understand us. If you even come back and read this.
  11. Time will tell if PBR is wow or wazoo i guess, i decided it's not worth getting so negative over you blow a phoo phoo valve.
  12. People must have less peeves in the holidays. ❤️ I don't think there is any point reporting anything as Linden probably went on holiday two weeks ago. Peeve: People who change their posts after because they always need to feel right or something.
  13. It seems SL is such a selfish game people only care about themselves. If no one cares about the other people who log in SL you may as well be playing Sim On A Stick on a USB Stick all alone. If a lot of people can't play SL any more it will affect your SL socially, it will affect the communities, it will affect businesses. You will lose some of the friends you love and some of the places much faster then we already do.
  14. I own a desktop and a laptop. My reason for owning a computer is not only for "hobbies". Maybe people like being portable. Linden better get that mobile ap working faster.
  15. Not everyone can build a computer, and some people have laptops which are not easy to upgrade parts.
  16. If SL doesn't go anymore I won't have to pay premium plus or mainland tier, I won't have to buy any lindens to waste ever again. Just think of the money you will save.
  17. You would think with 70% on TPV Linden might up their viewer game a bit, I mean really in theory Linden should make the best viewer given that this is their rodeo.
  18. I guess CoolVLViewer is going to become the most popular viewer in SL, take that firestorm.
  19. I don't want to have ALM on all the time can you turn it off in the new PBR Viewers?
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