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JUSTUS Palianta

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Everything posted by JUSTUS Palianta

  1. I was going to say necro post, but what do you do lol. 🤷‍♀️ Too old and lazy to care.
  2. There is a couple of businesses in places search under wedding photos.
  3. I got paid to photograph a wedding once. I took lots of nice photos and photoshopped them made them look lovely. Photoshopped some really stunning pictures of the bride and the couple and the guests. Uploaded it all. Then the bride complained I did not take enough photos of the groom and canceled some other photos they had booked. Id have to say its not a very fun job.
  4. I joined IMVU after i joined Second Life to see how making clothes work there. The seams on clothes in IMVU go up your belly button and down your spine instead of along your sides so I could not take my (before mesh) clothes there without some serious chopping up in photoshop. I had a lot of fun shopping there and getting banned from rooms just for being a neko. IMVU is a strange game all the guys ask you is do you like sex. Over and over like it is the greatest question since sliced bread. They can have 10 rooms open at the same time asking 10 different girls that same dumb question. When they cant do anything about it without a adult pass, and all the animations are terrible. Its basically a endless money pit of credits going on shopping for cute stuff you cant wear anywhere because rooms have too many rules and they can only fit 10 people aka the owners friends not you. I purchased a super expensive naked suit that just got deleted after one day because i had no adult pass, and SL lets you be naked free. I also heard it is illegal to take money out of IMVU even when you are a creator you have to do dodgey back door deals with third party banks with no recourse if they rip you off. It seemed wrong that its super easy to buy IMVU money (there is cards even at the supermarket), yet super duper hard to take your hard earned money out. Given that at the time it was easy to take money out from SL (back then) (& still is easier and much safer). I decided Second Life was a better use of my time. Plus you cant beat walking or flying jumping from dot to dot is so unrealistic.
  5. You just suck it up, take a deep breath, and get on with your SL. SL is a huge world with many sims to visit. Landowners can ban you for any reason, even no reason, because they pay for there land. Landowners can make it so no one can visit all if they want. Its just how it is. Buy your own piece of land and ban people until you feel better. ❤️
  6. I have been seeing a lot of tall people with pin heads, i wonder if it's a fashion.
  7. If sims don't like me how I am I just go somewhere else. It's really stupid though every sim wants people and putting rules on people is just discouraging them to be there. It's like shooting yourself in the foot. As a land owner of a public place you just have to learn to leave the public alone, let them be and give them space to use your land.
  8. If you just select it with your mouse, you can read it.
  9. People with post counts that match their ego. People with small post counts and small ego. 😈
  10. Firestorm has this fancy thing where people can sort the people around them into contact sets. So groups of people with the same interests. Then they can use it to conference call you.
  11. I like this thread. ❤️ I thought I can't think of one but ... people who like this thread and people who don't. 😈 Did anyone put people who care about grammar and people who don't. eg."Hi hru bb". People who have a profile picture and people who don't.
  12. $250 for premium plus $60 for flickr $48 for mainland tier Thats $358 US a year that's without buying L to waste (which I have done sometimes) or having more mainland tier (which I have done sometimes). I'm trying to keep it down, that's without converting it into your countries currency and it can really add up and it is of course a totally unnecessary expense.
  13. Too bad for Modulated that SL is attack of the Taylor Swift clones now. The guy one kind of looks like Eminem.
  14. I don't think they know BilliJo, that would be too much fun for this lot. ❤️
  15. So many opinionated people in SL. It's actually been nice having something to read for once the SL forums have been kind of dead lately. And this thread sticks to the rules because it's about SL.
  16. Thats annoying when people make you use discord. Linden changed SL not long ago and made capped messages worse. Now i had to look in my notecards and i found a customer asking me to sell them something a month ago. All i can say is creators are people with lives too who knows what is going on for them or if they even saw the notecard.
  17. It wouldn't be the first time linden changed SL with total disregard to business. Just look at adult land and linden homes and all the land barons it affected. I remember those days and the panic it caused, and all the sims that closed. I don't think linden cares if we can't sell our creations anymore look at the state of the marketplace lately. It could possibly happen even if linden owns there own servers and there investors request it. One thing i have learned since 2007, SL is always changing.
  18. If SL took away sex we could always go play some kind of sexy time game and then come back to SL and create stuff. A lot of people are already doing that. Also i am not sure it would affect the people who are using SL as tinder because they are using Discord to talk and sexy time anyway and they want a RL sexy time or wife. SL might survive as a game of playing barbie & making friends.
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