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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. if you are sure you abandoned the 1024m parcel before you won the auction, you might want to query the billing with Linden Support I don't remember exactly how auctions work these days, other than the L$ amount of our bid is held in escrow ? Am not sure what the effect of a bid has on tier - like is the L$ converted to tier at the moment of placing the first bid ?. Somebody who has experience with auctions might come by and tell us. Linden Support be able to say for sure it might be that you never bid until after you abandoned, and if so then you would only have 2048 tier to pay. About $7 and not $16. It won't hurt to put in a Support Ticket to clarify even if it ends up you do have to pay the $16 instead of $7
  2. maybe is how it will go one day - The Earth Commonwealth. Same laws everywhere on earth and one judicial system, and can go anywhere on Earth that we want not like them muskoveans who into The Mars Muskovian Empire and who can't go anywhere. Just have to work and live in their 996 factory for the glory of the people empire emperor 😺
  3. i did a quick comparison on Windows 11, GTX 1050Ti between Catznip R13.1 and Linden PI with ALM and Shadows On then the gain is about 10% (4/40), which is about the same as between standard Linden and PI with ALM Off then quite a lot (nearly 50% gain), which people with potato computers (pretty much where mine is at according to Windows 11 Update which says nah!) will be quite happy about no idea what Linden have done exactly but I think will be quite a bit in it for TPVs dev to have a look into PI ALM Off. 105 about, up from 70 about
  4. international human trafficking happens because there are nation border crossing restrictions. If there were no restrictions then anybody who wanted to cross could do so yes there might be still some evil people transporting kidnapped captives for evil purposes, but no more so than might be happening already between say Wales and England edit add. A more apt international comparison, New Zealand and Australia which are independent sovereign nations
  5. i be logging into SL shortly, I will send you IM and can come and have a look if you want
  6. if you owned a Linden Home, or another mainland 1024 parcel, or were contributing tier to a group, at the time you bought the 2048 meters at auction then at that moment you would have owned 3072 meters. On Friday 05-20-2022 you will have to pay the $US16.12, because you owned 3072 meters at the same time during the billing period from the looks of it you have since abandoned your Linden Home (or other 1024 parcel, or taken back a group tier contribution) which is why it shows 1024m available and it will stay like this until Thursday 05-19-2022 It shows Current holding = 0, as it appears you have not yet taken possession of the auctioned parcel
  7. i thought the chopped down list got chopped down to far the biggest hassle with avatar animation (other than height) is arm reach, when eating, drinking, smoking, etc, and interacting with vehicle controls: steering wheel, gearstick, etc. Also couples holding and/or touching each other. I get why the list was chopped down, but I thought the chopped down list would have included: body_width, shoulder_width, hand_size and head_size. Like the height parameters, these width/size parameters are pretty generic, but plenty useful for reach animation
  8. conversation about LSL Mono memory fragmentation garbage collection is here
  9. i log in to SL pretty much every day. I write scripts. You can find some in the LSL Library here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/305-lsl-library/ should you find any of the implemented algorithms useful then you are welcome to use them ps. I would build the gravel road, as it tells a story which some of the Moles will appreciate when they see the build. The story statement is: We (the land owners) are not done here. LDPW Moles, from my observation of them, tend to respond too stories well told
  10. people asking on here where they can find stuff is allowed as you can see the OP has come back to say thanks for all the tips if go into the Land forums is full of people asking about where to get stuff in the pics posted. Same for posts full of where to get this hair and make up and clothes in this pic
  11. i think that pic might go in the Then and Now thread 2022 for the avatar on the left and 2003 for the avatar on the right altho is quite a nice avatar, the 2022 one, might look a bit better if they turned on their facial expressions hud 😺
  12. yes is quite a lot that could be done to make it interesting just thinking about what else could be done if was me then I would reduce the expressway prims to behind the building on the left. Then I would put in a gravel road to the right of the tree up to where the expressway starts on the expressway I would put signs saying "road works ahead" and some rows of cones on the expressway narrowing down to the gravel then on the gravel part I put a little hut for the road workers And a bulldozer and other machinery. And a couple or three animesh workers. Like one standing there having a cup of tea supervising and another one with a Stop/Go sign if we ignore the little person with the sign then the bulldozer will try and bump us off the gravel part into the ditch, which can be on the side where the tree is be quite fun that. Be even more fun if when we ignore the Stop/Go sign the bulldozer then chases us up the expressway trying to smash us. Maybe not for everyone that tho
  13. i think the cunning plan (guess) is that one day should Tilia turn out the way the investors hope (able to sustain itself revenue-wise) then it will be spun out as a standalone company, as a independent investment. Second Life will be a company on its own also as a result
  14. yes Mr Musk can be a pig often on intersectional issues, but a thing about him is that he acts like a small business owner rather than a corporate owner. When the Tesla factory was struggling to produce cars, he camped on site, til the factory got up to speed. Camping the workplace is the kind of thing that small business owners do when their business is struggling chances are that Mr Musk (should the deal finalise) will bring the same approach to Twitter. End up himself, moderating the chit out of everybody who is getting in the way of what he wants the product to be Twitter is a product. Is not the public commons, even if sometimes twitter users think it is. Same can be said about Facebook, TikTok, etc, they are products. This forum too is a product ps add. When a product gets too toxic (more correctly the environment created by the product_ then people stop using it. A case in point, the rusty screwdriver forum
  15. my plan is to wait for a Premium Plus Experience account which comes with a grid-wide Experience key. I will settle tho for a grid-wide Experience key that only applies to myself. With this I be able to make HUDs for myself that can access my KVP
  16. it may be that LDPW haven't responded as the current build doesn't make any attempt to blend in aesthetically. LDPW are big on aesthetics the interchange with the Linden road could be done differently. Not only do your road prims extend into the Linden road, but they also partially cover up a Linden bush and a Linden road sign it could be done as a gentle turnout from the Linden road thru a interchange section to your freeway
  17. agree it would be quite good if the minimal view was just the directional controls, and the expanded (maximal) view was as it is now
  18. this is a quite good idea. I did go and have a look at this area a connecting junction build (car park, rest area, freeway to secondary road exchange, etc) as you say with the Linden road would be quite nice. Would also indicate to motorists that the freeway is ending and that they are about to enter a secondary road system
  19. is about obtaining a result, and you haven't yet got a result to your so what else could you do ? In a change request can also mention what else needs TLC from LDPW in that area. The job then goes from a single change request to a multi-change request people who schedule work programs tend to block small jobs in with other jobs to be done in an area. If there are no other jobs in that area scheduled then your job (move a single tree) gets put in the wait queue. Is how job scheduling goes
  20. personally I find that politely worded change requests get a fairly quick response, way sooner than a not politely worded request. Your request has been in for what ? 2 years ? A thing to think about is what could you do, to shorten the change request response time ?
  21. it might be better to stop yelling and word the request in a way that suggests how the Linden roadway could do with some TLC. Example: "Hi, there are a number of trees and bushes on this section of Linden road [slurl] that are not grounded (are floating in the air). There are also some parts of the terrain poking thru the road surface. When LDPW get some time, could they please come and tidy this up for us. Also would it be possible please to move the gum tree away from our private road connection [slurl]. Thank you !"
  22. i would have thought this size package would be quite attractive for increasing mainland occupancy. 4096m tier, L$1200 stipend a week. Suppose it was $US30 a month - $1 a day about - $300 per annum. Basically pay for 3 and get 4 one Linden Home only leaves 3072m tier for mainland
  23. this makes sense to me. Only one Linden Home and get extra tier to spend on mainland
  24. edit [see above comment from Reed Linden]
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