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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. was just thinking about which orb maker could lead this effort if was to be done and I think Them Mole who makes the orb for Bellissaria could take the lead on it. Set a good example for every else who makes orbs Them Mole what scripts that device who might read this, will probably go nuuuu! we got 1000s of orbs in place already !! You know how much work we would have to do to replace them all !! And I will say to them, are you Crying Mole or are you Leader Mole. You look like Leader Mole to me, even if the thought of this makes you cry 😸
  2. i never knew that about negative channel chat messages echoing in the viewer text console display. I mostly use the Linden viewer so I dunno much about what TPVs can do. I will have a play with the Linden viewer just to see, even tho am pretty sure that the Linden viewer only echoes console messages received on channel 0 a thing about the orb. It has to send something for the traveler hud to receive a message in its listen event, so I think might as well be the location
  3. gesture is a really good suggestion and I think would be quite useful to many travelers who are just moving themselves without a vehicle like if walking along the road and think to go onto a parcel by the roadside. Play the gesture and we get told in chat or IM if there is an orb on the parcel so we decided in our design that the ping channel is best to be a positive number
  4. we getting into the deep of writing a traveler friendly orb. Which is pretty interesting to me to do so yes, this could be an option if the publicly known ping channel was a positive number. A person could manually send a ping. Example: /1886 ping and get a llRegionSayTo response on channel 0: The response being. OrbName: <x,y,z> Name of parcel this could be an extension that an orb maker could provide. In the orb listen event then we can determine the type of sender (key id). If ping sender is agent respond RegionSayTo on channel 0 (show in sender's chat window). If is an object respond on channel -1887 example is to use llGetDisplayName(id) as a filter in the listen event. If the function returns empty string then sender key id is an object, else is an agent
  5. is enough I think for the orb maker to just send the location. The parcel owner (by virtue of the orb maker) is providing the traveler with the most important piece of information when our orb gives its region location, then the traveler hud can get all of the parcel's details for the location when this is of interest to the traveler. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetParcelDetails the onus should I think, be on the traveler (hud script) to fetch the more detailed information if this is what they want. And shouldn't be an expectation on the parcel owner/orb maker to try to decide what the traveler does or doesn't want to know
  6. as a traveler it would always be best to work on the assumption that an orb operates on the whole parcel all the way up when we start getting into an orb's range (area of influence) then we shouldn't rely on the orb's response always being correct. The only thing we can be sure of is that we received a location for the ping. Which we can interpret as an advice to give the location a wide berth on the X and Y (go around the parcel) is possible too that when we ping, there isn't an actual eject method in place - is just a signal/sign saying please stay off my lawn. the idea is to give travelers a way to get a forewarning, on which they can act beforehand
  7. another one for hunt providers, is to change the positions of the hunt items on some random cycle
  8. best to talk with Paypal Support about this. They will guide you thru what is required from you to enable your Paypal account to function as you want
  9. in a previous conversation on here, we talked about orbs that could announce their position when pinged. I just repeat the conversation topic here for those who make orbs as something to consider the orb and traveler scripts could communicate on a pair of publicly known channels. First channel to ping, second channel for response -1886 is the publicly known ping channel. -1887 is the publicly known response channel example code // orb llListen(-1886, "", NULL_KEY, "ping"); // listen only for "ping" listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == -1886) { // we have a "ping" from key id, so respond to the requestor with our location llRegionSayTo(id, -1887, (string)llGetPos()); return; } ... do other orb listen stuff here ... } // traveler HUD, automated ping on region change llListen(-1887, "", NULL_KEY, "") changed (integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_REGION) { llRegionSay(-1886, "ping"); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == -1887) { llOwnerSay("Orb at: " + message); return; } .. do other hud listen stuff here ... } all it takes to get this kind of thing started is for a commercial orb maker to start doing it, and to say what the channels are. Other people will follow along and start using the same channels also ps. As a traveler we don't need the response to be overly informative. We just need to know the position of the orb on the region. We can ourselves work out from this, which region parcels/areas to stay away from
  10. if I use a LM to go some place and turns out to be old and I get kicked out by a orb because new owner, then I don't mind sometimes I find that this can be better than me wasting my time, wandering round thinking is the old place with a new rebuild, trying to find the vendor which isn't there anymore
  11. i think most sailors, like travelers generally, know to use maps and charts when travelling i think Linden could help resolve this issue by asking Catznip to make a code submission for their minimap to go in the Linden viewer
  12. some of the extended orb systems allow the user to set up multiple exclusion zones. Like separate rooms in a building for example for the curious, the basic function for knowing when a point is inside a rectangular box goes something like integer IsInBox(vector pos, vector bpos, vector bsize) { // return TRUE when pos is in box. Box at position: bpos, and box is of size: bsize bsize *= 0.5; // half the size dimensions for the calculation return (pos.x >= (bpos.x - bsize.x)) & (pos.x <= (bpos.x + bsize.x)) & (pos.y >= (bpos.y - bsize.y)) & (pos.y <= (bpos.y + bsize.y)) & (pos.z >= (bpos.z - bsize.z)) & (pos.z <= (bpos.z + bsize.z)); } edit add. What Phil said
  13. the arguments have been made and they are solid argument 1). I am on my pose stand in my changing room in my home trying on skins, bodies and adult parts. Some rando comes in. I have 3 choices. 1) Don't care and do nothing. 2) Do kinda care and kick them out in 15 seconds. 3) Do care and kick them out immediately. Many people go with option 3) Do care argument 2). I am with my partner and we are having a snuggle in our bed in our bedroom in our home. Some rando comes in. We have 3 choices. 1) Don't care and do nothing. 2) Do kinda care and kick them out in 15 seconds. 3) Do care and kick them out immediately. Many people go with option 3) Do care to say that there is not a solid argument for option 3) suggests that we don't care that the home owner does cares about their privacy in their own home. And that their caring about themselves in their own homes, should be overridden by the system to better serve the interests of the rando
  14. then Luc Aubret invented the blitzer and the world was never the same again
  15. yes is the most suitable way to be sure that we are within our boundary a less suitable way which can be done when we understand where our parcel boundaries are and our parcel is a regular shape, is that we know where our parcel center point is. So we can rez a prim in the sky, set its XY to the centerpoint then set the size. But yes we do have to know what the center point is to do this and is best done when we know exactly what that is
  16. i still do this today when i want to go way up and I haven't got any LM. Still do as well when putting up a sky platform. Rez the prim(s) on the ground, fit to the parcel boundary. Sit and change the Z. woosh!
  17. i can't remember now exactly but am pretty sure Flight Feather and the other flight assists got invented because we could only fly ourselves up to 256. To go higher without a flight assist we had to use a warp teleporter, or sit a box and set Z to 256 or more. Once we got up there, we could set a LM tho and be able to teleport to there using the LM
  18. not now. we can fly up without any assist since about 2012
  19. yes you are right. I got it mixed up with the clouds that were at about 256, but then I could be misremembering that height as well
  20. yes. Is always best to be able to JIRA a way to reproduce the problem
  21. definitely I agree this would be the best way to go when I am the traveler i just wonder if Linden mightn't rule it out because of the time needed to search every parcel banlist for an avatar when it arrives on a region with view distance then it might lessen the load on the region(s) server overall. Dunno tho exactly as only Linden would be able to assess the difference between the two. And if there was a measurable delay then a person with a long view distance could be considered to be lagging themselves if the difference was significant
  22. yes I tend to agree with this assessment. Trying to retrofit new things into a pre-existing social order is quite fraught maybe Linden could think about it, when they start designing the Premium Plus parcel/region offerings. Which I am pretty sure will be on their own estate when they come
  23. to be fair to Jack Linden, he asked a question as the then Boss of Mainland on the forums. The question: If there was one thing we (Linden) could do right now fro mainlanders which won't cost us (Linden) a lot money then what would it be and the forum mainlanders said: A way in the viewer to turn off the neighbours red tape. SO thats what Linden did in those days there were heaps and heaps of people with 512m parcels, including me. When stood in the middle of our parcel, the red tape was visible on all sides (including the long ends - 16 meters away). Linden, in addition to putting in the visibility switch, changed the tape color to yellow and reduced the distance to about 10 meters. And I am pretty sure they (Linden) only reduced the distance. I don't remember exactly what the distance was, but I think it was tied to camera View Distance. Any banline info within View Distance used to be sent to the viewer so agree, in this sense Linden broke Banline visibility. And maybe thats all Linden have to do, to fix it for travelers in a simple way. Restore banline distance visibility to View Distance. The greater our view distance the sooner we can see banlines when Banline Visibility is on
  24. this is true on some of the pre-LDPW built roads. Some of the early-days Linden road builders never used boundary markers on the angles and bends. So some road builds encroach on the neighbouring parcels. One day some day maybe when they get time, LPDW will straighten them out
  25. this idea goes all the way back to 2007 about, when Parcel Banline visibility was raised. In those days Banlines were red tape and we couldn't hide them in the viewer Jack Linden decided that they would go with Banline visibilty as a place to start at that time tho, people like Argent Stonecutter and Ciaran Laval raised the idea that a closed layer could be done at the top of the sky divided by parcel (a true skybox). In those days the sky ceiling was 256m and would work just as well if not better with 4096m sky ceiling the idea was as described here. Nothing inside the parcel skybox is visible from outside, nothing outside the skybox is visible from inside. Nothing includes everything. Avatars, objects, green dots, camera, and script functions return NULL object/agent not found. Same with scripts inside the box. Try to scan the neighbourhood with a script while inside the skybox then NULL. Cam beyond the parcel skybox boundary then see nothing, not even anything below the skybox on the parcel. Nothing outside the skybox is sent to the viewer is still a good idea I think. For those who want a total private space, but can't afford to have a whole region i can't remember now what year it was but Penny Patton raised this idea again, and I can't remember either which Linden it was, but they did report that they did run some quick tests doing this. It never came to anything then, but is still hope that it might happen one day
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