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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. is an episode on Black Mirror season 3 Nosedive. Is about Lacie who lives in a world where a person's ranking is everything to most people. Where much of the ranking comes from people who like you, or don't like you. And how when a person has a low rank then they get snobbed by people with higher rank in one weekend it all comes undone for Lacie, everything she worked hard at her whole life (keeping her rank up and trying to increase it, so she could feel like an accepted person) and her desperation to not let it all go on this one weekend ends with Lacie coming to an unwanted acceptance that it didn't matter what her social rank was, it didn't make her a better or lesser person. A realisation that never came tho until it all fell over a interesting thing that wasn't explored fully (and would have been good if it was) was that Lacie never came to this realisation when her rank was high. It was all just the way it was. That there were people who had lower rankings than her, who just had to try harder to improve, like she was trying. Even tho she sometimes felt sorry for lower ranked when they tried too hard and never succeeded, and the emotions of this made her feel uncomfortable
  2. i like this i love the hair. Is way over the top, and is what makes the whole ensemble work together. I can't see you ever having any issue with anyone inworld looking like this
  3. adding on to what Persephone said the L$ stipend is paid on Tuesday each week. Have a look at your transaction history from the viewer (Linden) menu: Me \ Account dashboard \ L$ Transaction History
  4. when I change to my pink avatar and wear the dark toned outfits then altogether with my AO, I look like a 12 year old playing dress up in my older sister's clothes creating this kind of impression, gives people more angst than any other. If we are going to be 12 then be 12. 12 going on 18 makes parcel owners reach for their parcel banhammer
  5. just a more fyi most combat weapons from reputable weapons creators rez projectiles that are scripted to auto-delete when they hit something, and are set to auto-delete when the projectile goes off region is just the griefers who come and rez spam and attack boxes that you are needing to protect yourself and your patrons against. Auto-return will take care of the grief spam boxes. And when the greifers do come then your patrons will let you know, and you can banhammer the griefers from your parcel
  6. set the parcel auto-return to a time that allows for the life of an arrow in normal flight. Auto-return 2 minutes is about right for most things combat. If the combat includes other things that need to be rezzed for longer then increase the auto-return time auto-return is the tool to manage our available prim count
  7. a simple way (among lots of other ways) to do this with a script, is to make a texture where one half is the bedspread and the other half is transparent. Touch the bed to pull down the bedspread (slide the texture down the bed) touch again to pull it up (make the bed) can also have a bunched/rolled/folded bedspread at the foot of the bed. When pulled down the bunch shows, when pulled up the bunch is transparent
  8. yes, this is a major issue for any advert revenue model. How to resolve the two and the other biggie you mention. AI driven moderation resulting in an algorithmic-derived reputation score, I can't see how ordinary people are going to like that. People struggle already with financial credit reputation scores compiled by others on them. A social credit reputation score, even more of a struggle. I can see how advertisers will love social credit reputation scores tho. And social influencers will love it also, right up til they find they can never get the score they think they should have. Algo says no
  9. i read the whole article. My takeaway impression is that Mr Clegg is more trying to convince himself than anything else
  10. OP seems to just want a bedspread that moves up a bit when they get into bed and down when they get out somebody sooner or later is going to make animesh bedding. Can fold the bedding down, fold back up. When get in the bed then bedding attach to avatar. Bedding moves with avatar, as animation tosses and turns the avatar. When get out of bed, then bed is unmade. Click to make the bed will be quite LI pricey this, at least 15 LI, maybe 30 LI or more when start adding pillows that indent when avatar lays their head. But will be some people happy to spend the LI for this I think
  11. parcel access restrictions only go up to about 50 metres above the terrain - the yellow tape banline box / green tape for restrict to group. For a parcel ban all the way up to 5000 metres we have to add the person to our parcel banlist so yes, for the general case above 50 metres then we typically use a security orb
  12. i think when we have a youthful looking avatar then we have to be cognisant of how parcel owners perceive us the perception is bound up in avatar size, what we wear, and our AO. By prim measure I am about 170cm (5ft 7in) tall, and I am pretty skinny/slight my AO is a wriggler as well. Drives some people nuts it does and I like to accessorize my avatar. Heaps of accessories and bling. I often run out of attachment points with accessories, my experience is that we have be very careful in their selection, avoiding those that appear incongruous to the rest of the outfit in the OP pic, extreme thigh straps, strap chain bracelets and spike boots. They don't go with the rest of the outfit which is Girl Next Door, plain crop top and plain short shorts. The combination gives off a weird vibe which makes quite a few parcel owners nervous if coupled with a wriggly AO and a short avatar then parcel owners can get really nervous. The owners are not generally nervous for their own sake, they are nervous about what impact this might have on their patrons If we are going to wear a youthful looking avatar and go with strappies and spikes then is best to go way over the top in every aspect. And wear clothing layers underneath. Parcel owners notice how much skin youthful avatars expose. Same as parents do in the RL here is some pics of me. With these outfit combinations, nobody ever queries how I look on any rated region, and yet nobody ever mistakes me for somebody's mother. These are mostly dark tones. My avatar on the right side is way over the top. The more over the top I go, the less visible skin when I wear Girl Next Door outfits, like plain crop top and short shorts (which I do sometimes) then I just wear sneakers or sandals and just wear plain ordinary jewellery that we can expect a Girl Next Door to wear i also do have some pink/blue outfits. My basic rule with this is the pinker it gets, the more over the top everything else gets. So nobody has to wonder what is going on. Is no room for wondering. Like this outfit. If going for cute then try to go for totes cute. I love this outfit, is one of my favs. And even better, nobody has ever asked me for the sexxors when I am wearing it so just to reiterate. When wearing a more youthful avatar try not to leave people in doubt as to what is that we are representing
  13. what else is there back in the day ages ago 2007 I got involved in helping some people set up 60s style milk bar / coffee shop back in those days, people would frequent SL coffee shops and sit round and open chat. Chat about all sorts of things. I used to go to them myself, just to hang out in these settings, same then same today, have to solicit donations, provide adboards, satellite vendors, etc, when unable to meet the whole tier ourselves so start to think about what could be given in return for a donation. And the owner went with things like a newspaper, tea, coffee, fruit drinks and food. Sit in the booth, pay the vendor any amount you wanted. Item auto-attach. Drink the drink, eat the food, read the paper, etc the other thing we put in was a jukebox. When pay the jukebox (any amount you wanted) it would list songs in the menu dialog. Pick a song and it would go in the jukebox queue, which would be streamed thru the parcel radio. The jukebox communicating with the owner's backend server, streaming thru the radio parcel was quite interesting who paid for these things. Like one man came quite regularly and would sit in his fav booth by the window. Buy a coffee, get a newspaper, and put some songs on the stream. And sometimes engage in the chat, most times not tho. I asked him about it one time, and he said he was retired RL. It was his morning tea time in RL, where he was doing the same thing. Drinking his coffee, reading his newspaper and he thought it was quite cool that his avatar was doing the same thing with him, at the same time not sure how this kind of thing would go these days tho. Might still be people from the olden days who remember coffee shops and start going again. Maybe new people as well who just want to interact with others in PG-like setting. Maybe might work out again, dunno tho exactly
  14. something that we do sometimes is that we ourselves rule out things that may not be ruled out by the authority. The miepon and breedables people asked the authority (Linden) for a ruling if I thought a pay leaderboard was something I might want to provide then I would ask Linden for a ruling. The ruling will be yes or no if we are not comfortable with doing this, even if we got a yes from Linden, then is best not to do it. Nobody needs angst (even if authorised) that they don't want
  15. save the start position and rotation in global variables. In state_entry event apply the start saved position and rotation edit: or just hardcode the start position and rotation in state_entry
  16. this could be fixed somewhat. At the moment the viewer doesn't receive information about a banline til we are pretty close to it. Coffee Catznip has talked about this quite a lot, about how it would be good for the viewer to get parcel access/banline info at the same time as it can get the other parcel information. Getting the information earlier would allow banline parcels to be shown on the minimap a whole lot sooner and the user can set in viewer preferences, the distance to display banlines. The viewer still gets the info sooner. The display distance setting is local to the viewer getting the info sooner would allow the jet pilot to better navigate the slalom. And if Linden do make vehicle bounce-off possible then like a slalom racer, the pilot just grazes the flag (tower of banline doom) then will be bounced a bit, able to recover at speed, slip past and carry on would be kinda fun that. Racing across the sky, knowing that are never going to get shot out of the sky. And the towers of doom are visible from as far away as we prefer
  17. i have been known to get redeliveries on marketplace more than one time, as I often get all carried away and delete large parts of my inventory often clothing that I can't match with anything else I have. So delete, which I do quite regularly. Then later on I get another clothing and think that thing I have will go perfect with this. Look in my inventory and don't have it anymore, so get a redelivery is some marketplace stores where I have got redeliveries ror the same thing multiple times. The shopkeepers probably goes waah! when they see it
  18. i can't see how a pay to go on a leaderboard would be an issue. Is a purchase of a known product. I will be on the board (got what I paid for) regardless of the outcome of the game, or the mechanics of the game, be they chance or otherwise when gacha, as they were then operated were banned, the miepon machine was made. The creator of miepon showed the machine to Linden, and Linden allowed the miepon as the player knew what product they would get before they paid the machine in the leaderboard case then we know what we are going to get. A place on the board. Number 20 at least. We might get better, might even be Number 1 this potential variation is similar to breedables. Like we know that we will get a breedable, same as everyone else. Only the textures may be different and we don;t know what they will be before purchase of breeding food. The perception is tho that Gold is say better than White for example. And this perception is allowed by Linden. In the leaderboard case the perception is that No. 1 is better than No. 20 if a game venue operator was to do this then best to run it past Linden beforehand. Linden would most likely make some ruling inline with those that have already been made with miepon and breedables as you say tho, is your game venue so the decision is yours to make and I am not try to influence you either way. Just putting the idea out there
  19. the only advice I can offer is about leader boards. People who play games competitively, in general, quite like leader boards. Like there Can Be Only One, and in this moment I Am The One what you could do is, have a Pay to go on the leader board. If don't pay then don't get your name on the leader board. This could be offered before the game starts. Right-click Pay say L$20. Or if this too much then L$5 or even L$1 the leader boards that I prefer are those that age the players out. Like the board script keeps the score and time played of the last say 20 players. There are 20 places on the board. When a person pays to go on the board then the game played at the oldest time (regardless of score) is removed, and the player who just played goes on the board in the rank order of their score so if I got a really bad score then I will be ranked 20 on the board at minimum in return for my payment. Til the next player comes and gets a better score than me. And if they don't beat me then they will be rank 20 and I will be rank 19 and I can only be on the board in one slot. In this case I have to beat my previous score to move up the board. If I don't then my previous score stands
  20. the hard part is that this requires changing an existing offering for which people currently pay the business calculation is: If we change the offering, how many people will stop paying tier vs how many roaming users will the business lose/not retain. Roaming accounts who may or may not be paying tier elsewhere or in the future. And how many new people will start paying tier so that others can roam the mainland changing offerings (which is what this is about) is about the money, not so much anything else a thing that may eventuate one day. At a recent-ish User Group meeting, Linden mentioned that they were looking at bouncing vehicles off parcel banlines in the same way that avatars are bounced off. Hit a banline on our vehicle, get bounced off, turn round and go another way if this were to be done, then parcel banlines could be extended all the way up to 5,000 in every access circumstance. Instead of holes in the contiguous landmass, there would be towers blocking passage. If so then this would give a reason to obsolete script functions like llTeleportHome and llEject e edit delete stuff about Experiences as is not relevant
  21. i just take this opportunity to put in another plug for llPlayGesture("mygesture"). A gesture asset contained in Object Contents the thing about gestures is that the gesture playlist is synchronised on the viewer. Which would I think be very good, and we wouldn't have to hack our way into trying to achieve what we are doing here in this case gestures by current design have to reference full permission animations and sounds (internally by uuid) It could be changed so the gesture allows all permissions assets to be included in the playlist, and the most restrictive asset permissions then applied to the gesture asset. Example: Gesture contains a no-transfer animation. Gesture is now also no-transfer which I think would satisfy the ownership question of the assets referenced in the gesture
  22. Caith, suggest you experiment with both llSleep and llMinEventDelay. Getting the timing close is the goal, so experimenting with both is a good thing to do. And go with the one that gives you the better experience ps. About timing. The server timing doesn't always conform to real time. Nor does the viewer. So getting the sound (server side initiated) to sync with the animation step (client side) is not easy in all situations. So you may have to go with close enough is good enough pps. We can to some degree, calibrate the time delay (thru averaging) on the server side (either llSleep or llMinDelay), but is nothing we can do about client side calibration
  23. intuitively it makes sense to use llMinEventDelay as is what the function is designed to do. In this case have the control event fire at a regular interval equal to the length of the animation step what I have found tho over my time with LSL (and I could be wrong about this) is that llMinEventDelay applies to all events, so has the same effect as llSleep. Except that llMinEventDelay continues to process inputs, suppressing (not queuing) the inputs that fall outside the delay interval, whereas llSleep stops the script accepting all inputs for the delay interval so I think that in this case llSleep is more efficient from the server pov. I could be completely wrong about this tho. Is just what I think
  24. agree with Phil this statement is incorrect. Every religion that has a creator, also tells of the creator's purpose in giving life to its creations, and the purpose of the creations in using that life we may not like what that purpose is, nor may we like what the adherents of that creator believe and do. And we can not accept there is a creator even. But we can't say that that creator's purpose is unknown
  25. my first thought when I think about NFTs is about rugs. So I go over here to see who has been pulling rugs lately https://www.web3isgoinggreat.com/
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