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Everything posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. Right. Iv spent 5+ years surviving on government assistance and only recently returned to work. During that time i hardly had any land in SL as my money was better spent elsewhere.
  2. Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself. The only result here is said loan shark becoming a broke loan shark 😅
  3. Il put this in the simplest way possible. Your friend could simply block the person and all associates and walk away and not worry one single bit. I mean realistically what's going to happen. The only person who is going to loose out in these situations are the people doing the lending. I'm fairly sure your friend wasn't stupid enough to give someone their RL contact details and even if they had what exactly are they going to do. Spend hundreds if not thousands travelling to collect $130. Linden Lab won't particularly punish your friend they tend to not get involved in in world monetary disputes between residents unless there is evidence of financial fraud taking place or said monetary issue goes against the regulations or lack there of that cause these services to be banned in the first place and even then it's only the lender who will be at fault. We had banks in SL years ago that lent money and allowed people to deposit savings and it pretty much went one of two ways : 1. No one paid back the loans 2. The "bank" ran off with all the savings Thats the problem with the virtual world. You could "loan" me 20,000 Lindens and have me sign a "notecard contract" and i can pretty much tell you immediately after to stick your contract where the sun doesn't shine and sail off into the distance taking your Lindens with me. However if your friend is that worried my suggestion is this.. Pay back the $80 and tell the "loan shark" to go stuff his interest and proceed to blocking them. As I said what are they really going to do, glare at their monitor and gnaw the edges off their keyboard..
  4. Yes! Haha. Feel free to take a handful of points a cup of tea father 😂
  5. N....no....it doesn't. It has never been a reference to a Japanese high school anime and definitely not a reference to anime that are sexual or underage. That would be lol*ta or sh*ta. Then firstly stop getting triggered and secondly why aren't we talking about the western incestual sounding equivalent..."daddy". Now, personally, "senpai" doesn't creep me out. It is just a word with multiple meanings depending on its use. However, "daddy"....*shudder*....*shudder*. Whenever I see anyone using it in a sexual sense it makes me think of them as creepy weird broken people who are suffering with daddy issues who fantasise about being dominated by their father. If you want to view senpai as a purely perverted phrase then "daddy" tops it. #EndTheUseOfDaddy #DownWithThisSortOfThing #DaddyIsNotAnEndearingPhrase
  6. I think you might need to throw runes and consult the tarot on this one. I have been trying to get an update for 8 months on a newer version of Alchemy and all I get is "coming soon". I think they may have given up on the viewer so I went back to firestorm as there are too many issues with the current Alchemy for me to use it fully or effectively
  7. Well, it's an interesting question but it is also an impossible one to answer. For a start there is the debate of nature vs nurture and quite honestly that debate could go on to the end of time without reaching any significant conclusion. Gender as it is meant in the modern day covers a whole range of things and humanity is so varied that when you start to define what is or is not about a gender you also start devaluing those within that gender that do meet your definition. Then there is the debate of Gender vs Sex which again...end of time. Interim note : Before anyone starts the "but gender and sex are the same thing". Words change, meanings change, phrases evolve. Gender is now generally considered to be your identity and sex your biology. For example you could say "but women are gentler and have a much softer approach" and I can show you 100 males who are more gentle and have a softer approach than any women you would ever meet. You could say "but but but women are more understanding and in touch with their emotions" to which I could show you another 100 males who are just as, if not more so, in touch with their emotions and understanding of people's feeling. The same can be said in reverse of the aggresive domineering aspects males are said to have. And so on and so forth. And that is a few of the sociological differences of how each gender is percieved and expected to act in the world. When you cross the boundary from gender into genetic and sexual differences the waters become even more murky and even more impossible to define fully. For example you have Androgen Sensitivity Syndome the least extreme of this could be a woman being born with a predisposition to a higher amount of testosterone in her system and the most extreme being a woman born who is for all purposes female with functioning sexual parts but genetically has male chromosomes and unless she undergoes genetic testing would never even know anything about it and then all kinds of variations in between. We also have the fact that all fetus' start out as inherently female (if the males on this forum don't believe me look under your pen*s, see that scar that runs right down the middle..that scar is a closed v*ginal opening) and around xxx weeks androgens and other chemicals are introduced that define whether the baby develops into a male or develops into a female. These chemicals are not introduced equally for each person by the way, every single birth on this planet is unique in the sense that those chemicals are introduced at levels that vary from person to person. We also have the issue that every single person be they male, female or other carries the genetic code for their opposing sex and on the deepest genetic level (I forget the name now) has the opposing sexes chromosomal cells. There is even a village in the remote parts of the Dominican Rebuplic called Selinas I think who have had studies conducted on their children as they are born "female" and then around puberty grow a p*nis and are found to be actually male. So as you can see. Definite behaviours and traits and physicalities is not as straight forward as most claim because every single person on this earth is intersexed to one degree or another and a lot of what we define as being a man or a woman are just societal expectations that really have no definition or base when explored out in the field. Even those who appear to conform to these actions are just conforming to what they think society expects of them and once out of the view of society usually display significantly different traits. A good example is a friend of mine. When he is with his friends he is the lad, the joker, the man who has to be top of the pack and the most (non violently) aggresive. Behind closed doors he is actually a very deep understanding person who is more switched on and in tune with the feelings and emotions of others than any girl I know. The same could be said for me sometimes when I am with my girl friends vs when I am not. Even if you want to define physical primary differences it can be difficult. You can't say "a man has a p*nis" because some are born without one. You can't say but women have breasts as some men develop them due to hormonal imbalances and some women never develop any breast tissue . You can't say "women have babies" because some are born unable to. You can't fully define chromosomes for the reasons stated above. You can't say men are hairy as I know some women who are on par with apes. The world of gender and sex and behaviour in humans and in deed animals is so so vast...that it's impossible really nail anything down solidly. There are even tribes in the rainforest where the men sit at home caring for the young and wearing jewellery and makeup and the women are the ones who go out and hunt and are the providers. Anyway I have waffled enough 😁
  8. Been in it and used it. Got helpful information at the time. But don't worry il let you have the last say as I know that's what you ultimately want 😉
  9. As wulfie said Script Academy is good. The other active one I know of is the College of Scriping group but I would honestly stay away from it. It used to be a really decent group but is now mostly inhabited by noob scripters trying to answer complicated questions with incorrect information. Builders Brewery isn't really a scripting group but does have some capable scripters in it and is worth joining as the BB host scripting classes if you ever needed them. Advanced scripters of SL can be okay but due to the name of the group is also inhabited by superiority snobs who just want the group title in their profile to make everyone think they are super hardcore scripters. (***** should totally join as that's her MO 😂) Most of the others I know of are generally dead and not worth joining.
  10. I think you are missing the point of the thread Steph. It's not about whether or not something is better or worse than something else it's about posting random little hacks that YOU use to make your coding life easier. It's not about, yet again, proving that your options are somehow superior
  11. I wouldn't say I have clever hacks so much but -Using a single variable for multiple flags- integer c; toggleBit(integer b){ c=c^b; } toggleBit(0x01); toggleBit(0x02); if(c&0x01){....etc etc etc -If I need to increment and check an if statement- if((++ind)==llGetListLength(test)) -How I did a multi tap dash system without using a timer- integer type; integer timeNow; integer timeCheck(){ if((llGetUnixTime()-timeNow)>1){ timeNow=llGetUnixTime(); type=0; return 1; } return 0; } timeNow=llGetUnixTime(); control(key id, integer level, integer edge){ integer press=level&edge; if(timeCheck()|press){ type+=press; if(press&1&&type&2){ llOwnerSay("Forward Dashing"); } if(press&2&&type&4){ llOwnerSay("Back Dashing"); } if(press&260&&type&512){ llOwnerSay("Left Dashing"); } ...........etc etc etc -Long ass winded way thats in need of updating to multi timer with floats- float timerA=2.0; float timerB=3.3; float timerC=7.0; float decimalPlace(float d, integer p){ string s=(string)d; s=llDeleteSubString(s,llSubStringIndex(s,".")+p,-1); return ((float)s); } float div(float a, float b){ return a-b*llFloor(a/b); } timer(){ //Timer A if(div(decimalPlace(llGetTime(),2),timerA)==0.0){ llOwnerSay("TIMER A : "+(string)decimalPlace(llGetTime(),2)); } -Check for the first entry in a list that is 0- while(llList2Integer(this,++tempInt)==0); As I said not really hacks just random stuff I do with code to do the things I need to do
  12. That is the best response I have heard in a long while. Feel free to take a handful of points 😂
  13. Random funny thing to note. If you use the depreciated llSound function you can play multiple sounds from the same prim at the same time. Even though its depreciated it works fine and gets right around the one sound per prim restriction.
  14. If you are looking for information on how to write your own script then you might want to explain yourself a little more clearly. If you are looking for "a script" or to pay someone to write the script for you then you are in the wrong sub forum and should go here : https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  15. Wooky hooky crystal ball. Reveal LSL-to-steph once and for all. On a moonlight night such as this, watch Steph strip naked and start to script. Rubs her hands and cackles with glee...what scripting woo can I peddle to thee. The forum watched in utter despair as Steph threw her hands up into the air. "ANCIENT GODS I DO CALL THEE, SCRIPTING WOO, BRING TO ME". The heavens did open and the light did shine, scripting woo flew-down-from-the-sky. She gathered it up, shouted "HEE HEE HEE, SCRIPTING WOO FOR ALL-TO-SEE". She leapt to the forum, to post her best. And as-per-usual was met with jest. Hard did she try, to convince thee, but you are not stupid, unlike she. And with that note, hadto did flee, awaiting the strike Steph will fling at me. But it was worth it, to watch her squirm I will leave after shouting.."VIVA LA BURN!"
  16. There is no such thing as bad art. All art is good art. Even the "bad" art is good art because any art is a practice towards getting even better. If you want to know how to improve your art or whether your art is at the standard required for the task you are trying to achieve then constructive criticism from your artistic peers is key. You don't always have to listen to them and sometimes probably shouldn't but at the same time is one of the best ways to see your art in an alternative light and to see if the message you are trying to portray is getting across as you meant it. At least you didn't ask "what is art?". We would be here for hours debating that one Source : BA Honors Degree Fine Art
  17. Well if you read the responses to this thread you would see someone posted the wiki link to jump statement 😜
  18. I just want them to hurry up and release the new packages already. I dont see any point in paying my years premium until I know what the packages are going to be, will current premium subscriptions be converted or have to run out etc etc. I might be able to get a package that suits me for less than what I would pay now..maybe..
  19. I see people keep asking for badges. We did actually used to have a status on our profiles that declared us as premium. The Lindens removed it for some reason, not sure why.
  20. I always chuckle at voice verification. Even webcam verification. I had a friend who was dating what he thought was a Korean girl and even saw her uh..doing things..on webcam. Then later found out that was a porn video and it was actually some white guy from somewhere in America.
  21. I meant American in the land sense...nvm I know what I meant. Stop being so defensive I was not trying to insult you.
  22. I think it's okay to call yourself Americans. Look at Australia, it's what a couple of hundred years old and was started as a prison colony. They have no issue in saying "yeah I am Australian" in fact they come across as proud of it.
  23. And I had such high hopes, but you have dashed them. On a serious note I wasn't really including natives in this. Even if you take into account what that article is saying..native tribes still generally come from the Americas (in talking about American specific tribes aka north and south). Saying you wish to be known by your tribe is fine as that tribe is still American (land wise) in origin. Interesting side conversation : I used to be friends with a guy, not native, who spent a great deal of time studying those native mythology books that teach you to "perform native ceremonies" and used to host regular medicine wheel groups. Now before you say anything I am more than aware that those books are generally either nonsense or a mish mash of all different beliefs and practices and that native spiritual beliefs are usually tied to specific pieces of land and are not mutual across all tribes. But I went to one once out of curiosity and it seemed more pagan in origin than anything else, now don't get me wrong I don't know what a medicine wheel involves. But, I am guessing that elemental representations in the four corners and a quartz crystal in the middle and nag champa incense were not part of it. Was still interesting all the same even if it was more than likely hokey 😂
  24. Ladies and gentlemen bare witness to a rare and remarkable event. An American is actually admitting to being American. There are those of us who have waited what seems like aeons and had almost given up hope. I have quoted the post incase she tried to change her mind.
  25. Honouring your roots is fine. But the truth is, even though you are descended many generations ago from the French. You are not yourself French. Take me for instance. I come from a part of the UK where most are descended from the norse vikings. My family name is also Irish in origin and I have ancestral jewish roots in the middle east. Do I claim to be norse, Irish or a near eastern jew when someone asks me, no. All of those things were so many generations ago. If anyone ever asks me I am either British (universal term for the uk) or a local term which describes being from the island I live on in the UK. I wouldn't dream of trying to convince someone that I am norse and Irish on my mothers side and part jew on my grandmothers because its simply not true. I may genetically be descended from norse, Irish and jewish roots but that doesn't make me norse, irish or jewish.
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