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Everything posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. Over four hours you say...let the panic begin. Okay, who’s hoarding hot pockets...come on...share them round. We are all panicking here!!
  2. Ya know. I ageee with you. But, ultimately it’s all about money at the end of the day. If you can convince someone to pay $xxx for premium and then a further $xxx for a name change it’s a higher rate of income than just allowing for paid name changes. There’s more of a chance of someone keeping premium once they have it as opposed to never having to need it, thus higher revenue. As for Sansar, it has to go. No one uses it and you only have to look at products like Sinespace to see what LL could have created instead.
  3. Nope, you can’t take any previous legacy names. You would both have to choose a matching new one. You can revert though so his current surname wouldn’t be lost
  4. So, you commented...but didn’t read the blog post. Good to know
  5. I can see advantages to this. You are guaranteed to get along with each other and if you don’t...then you know something is deeply wrong and you should probably get counselling ASAP
  6. There is a difference between “often don’t see local” and the type of people who go out of their way to ignore local as if them doing so is some kind of status badge to be worn with pride and feel they have to make a massive point about it in their profile. Well we are all guilty of not paying attention to local chat if we are in a store or exploring a club or similar, that is fine. The type of people I am talking about are those who are actually at their computer making a big point of ignoring local as if talking in local somehow lowers their social status to that of less than a peasant. Aka a******s
  7. I think people who claim to ignore local chat and claim to only deal in IM are stuck up toss snots but that’s just my opinion.
  8. 1. Ensure that firestorm is actually using your dedicated graphics and not the onboard graphics. 2. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/win10
  9. As a female player I can tell you that the clothing thing is pure BS. If you actually look at what’s on offer it’s 4738283 versions of the same damn boring ass thing. With the occasional good item thrown in. When guys have something made for them there is usually more thought and effort put into the design process. With girls it’s “omgaww we totally need yet another pencil skirt or basic dress to add to the 10 million on marketplace already”.
  10. If they want to attract people to a new super premium by offering more they should create a level of premium that offers a homestead with the package. That and a higher stipend would convert me
  11. You are forgetting that we are dealing with the die hard players in this forum. 10 seconds of outage is scream, shouts, rages and a crater where their RL house used to be. Let alone the world ending war if the outage happens to be hours. My best advice is to just step back, slowly, don’t startle them and come over and join me in the “meh...it happened” corner. We have Mountain Dew and Cheetos.
  12. Ohhhh it’s a wannabe Less funny encyclopaedia dramatica clone. Gotcha
  13. Well, I know of someone who for years now has trolled and griefed the grid. You name it he’s done it, trolling, sim crashing, object spam, doxing...any action you can think of he’s done and all from his main account. Numerous reports have been submitted over the years from a whole variety of residents. Wanna know the outcome?..nothing..he’s still around, still on SL, still on that same account. 10 years of causing havoc on the grid. That should answer how effective submitting an abuse report is.
  14. I had to resort to YouTube math videos for that one and I’m still not convinced that it’s not just witchcraft by a different name
  15. Ohh this is some outage, I’m already getting the cold sweats of withdrawal 😂😅
  16. So, in SL you generally see one of the following methods used to level up a combat system. 1. Xp/Prof Point gained by how much time you spend in a sim / have the hud attached 2. Natural levelling where the skills raise through an action such as being damaged raises health, using a sword raises your sword 3. Xp/Prof Point gained per player kill 4. Xp/Prof Point gained per quest completed These ideas, like in most non-SL games have been done to death and I have been trying to think up a new way to handle levelling up that is new, fun and most importantly PRACTICAL to how SL works and operates. But sadly I am coming up short. I have looked to other games for inspiration and to observe the different kinds of systems that they use but most of them are either not practical for a single developer or not practical to SL full stop. I have a system I am working on and I don't want to default to one of the above levelling up systems if I can help it. I have thought about mixing them up a little but I can't help but feel that I am just creating more of the same and not bringing anything too interesting to the table. So, do any of you have any neat or interesting ideas you can throw at me that might help inspire me?. Any neat levelling up systems in games you have played or ideas you have that you consider to be practical to SL. The HUD im making is a standalone HUD that isn't attached to a sim that the players can wear anywhere in SL and has a series of stats governing health, energy, magic etc etc that I need to figure out a more interesting way to increase.
  17. Where do I find the viewer version number in the XML files. I have searched high and low through my viewer files and I can't find it anywhere.
  18. Discuss in depth what your life was like growing up on the planet of the Wookies 😜
  19. Or better still on the back....have a QR code that links to the SL website
  20. On the subject of Merch....this is something I quickly came up with and honestly....I would wear this .....in fact I might actually have this made for myself
  21. The things I think LL should take away from this and consider once more are the following : 1. Try and revive the excitement that they put into the website back then but modernised for today, back then the website looked so sparky. It made second life sound exciting and fun and a place to hang out online and achieve almost anything. You look at the website now its "Have an adventure", "Explore", "Business" with some drab photos that don't exactly excite or wow. Looking at the website back then its filled with avatars having fun, people creating neat and nifty things, avatars displayed on the front page being recognised for their works and contributions to SL. They need to make the website more exciting for when people first visit. 2. A small thing, the SL trailer. You watch most trailers now and its focusing on the shopping and the "omg shoes" aspects of SL and doesn't really excite you all that much. They need a vibrant trailer created by a talented machinima creator that shows all of the different kinds of things you can do in SL from shopping to creating, hanging, chatting, exploring, places in world such as the cyber cities, clubs, hangouts etc etc. And put that on the front page as well as using it for advertising purposes on youtube and other sites. There was a furry avatar, maybe a year ago, that created a DOPE second life trailer which would be perfect for this. 3. A better events list and destinations guide that is actually updated with ACTUAL things to do in world. One that isn't filled with old sims that no longer exist or hourly spams for fake modelling jobs that don't actually exist. And then put that on the front page somehow. Half of the stuff you can do in SL you can't see until you create an account and log in. 4. A dedicated developers blog. God knows that was a awesome thing back then and needs to make a return. A weekly blog where the developers of SL can update us on whats happening in the development cycles of SL or to discuss upcoming projects and ideas or just for them to post some musings on what life is like as a developer for Second Life. Give us more of a look behind the curtain and help the developers to stay in contact with us regular folk. It would also give a good impression that the developers are fairly active (we already know they are) when newbies come to the site. 5. Bringing back that monthly pack of fun stuff for avatars to upload and use in SL. Textures, sounds, scripts, animations etc etc. You could have....gah whats her name....blogger that joined the linden team. Strawberry?. But, her and her team could curate it each month and perhaps even theme it. Could be a fun premium perk?. 6. Not inspired by the above but purely for kicks : Merch. The SL logo, re designed and themed so you have all kinds of different variations of the logos fitting different themes such as cyber, goth, furry, anime, normal etc. Or....perhaps im just waffling by this point xD. I would wear one though...as it says in a image further up VIVA LA EVOLUTION, VIVA LE SECOND LIFE!
  22. Even though this is seriously old....do you not feel that the website had a little more spark back then? xD. Developers blog..I remember this..this was a good idea.. Funnily enough this download link let me actually download the viewer from back then. V1.3.6
  23. Don’t even front that you are not addicted to SL as are most of the people you are talking about. The Lindens could walk up and doodoo in your back yard and you would still give them your money 😅😜
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