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Everything posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. To be honest unless you are willing to undergo some form of standardised IQ test under examination conditions, you wouldn’t have any idea of your true IQ anyway and quite honestly 95% of people that I hear claim their “IQ is...” haven’t done that at all and are going off web based IQ tests whose results are flakey at best and feel the need to tell people what their IQ is due to them generally being so desperate for people to think of them as Intelligent. Even under examination conditions there are a whole host of things that can affect your overall score. For example, if you are slightly hungry, go for a walk in the hour before the exam, take in water to drink and get maybe 6-7 hours sleep beforehand and you will probably perform better than had you done the opposite and overslept, filled with food and no exercise. IQ is irrelevant so long as you are happy 😜
  2. I think that depends on the person. Il happily work with people who are struggling socially, if anything to help them in becoming more confident when dealing with others
  3. Huh? I’m not presuming to know anything about who anyone wants to work with. Just merely stating that it’s nifty how this intelligence model covers and appreciates a wider range of people than the standard IQ model
  4. I first saw this intelligence model around 8-9 years ago and since then I have preferred it over the standard IQ point model. It is still not perfect but it is so much more encompassing and takes away from the elitist BS that comes with the “My IQ is 142” statements. And you can observe these types of intelligence in the world around you. You could have someone who is not particular good at dealing with others and can’t math to save their life but creatively is a genius. You can have someone who is not all that good creatively or socially but is a math wizard or someone who is a musical genius and very good linguistically and socially but awful at introspection, creativity and natural intelligence. Under the IQ model, most of these intelligence types go largely unnoticed and are under appreciated as it’s (mostly) a focus on math, wordiness and logic and problem solving. For me it’s : Mathematical : Pretty good Existential : Definitely Musical : Not at all Interpersonal : Definitely Bodily : Not at all Linguistic : High average Intrapersonal : Definitely Visual Spatial : Definitely However, more than the 9 types have been suggested. You should check out the wiki link for this topic : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_multiple_intelligences
  5. I seldom run into it in world. If anything it’s only ever on this forum and usually only when people start threads like this one. Outside of that...hardly ever. I try to stay out of the “political opinion” arena these days, I did try to show more of an interest a couple of years back and found that I was more stressed out and miserable as a result. So these days I don’t bother, I just keep up to date with what’s happening in the world and live by the rule of “just don’t be a d*** to one another”.
  6. It was bad enough during 06/07 when I first joined. These days it’s not so bad at all, I seldom ever experience what I call “wandering avatar syndrome” where you cross a sim and then continue moving across the sim, off the sim and journey into the no space outside of the sim 😅
  7. Thats such a niche thing though. They must have had SOMETHING in mind when they added it.
  8. Anyone got any examples of when this would be useful? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetMoonRotation I won't lie I'm coming up short
  9. I have it turned on for no other reason than noseyness. I also hide my own look at so I can peep at others nifty fashion without them having a meltdown. Another use, for hiding anyway, is if I’m managing / owning a public sim. Let’s me cam around and see what everyone’s up-to without being detected.
  10. Now those premium badges we used to have on our profiles...that was what mattered 😅 #BringItBack
  11. I fully agree with you, but its always best to take precaution. For instance, I have a whole separate email for my social media accounts. I have never and will never put my full name up. Its my first name with a made up surname or just a online alias, try to have everything set to as private as possible, no actual contact details on anything bar the absolute essentials and in the case of facebook you can't add me, I have to add you. Some may call me paranoid but in the age we live in I think as many precautions as possible are necessary. I even have various web browser extensions such as Ghostery installed.
  12. Okay its a whole new year. Let's get this all out of the way now so we can have a quiet, peaceful, enjoyable 2020. 1. SL is/not a game..discuss 2. Where are name changes? 3. SL is dying because *insert reasons here*...discuss 4. Reasons why LL are the best/worst...discuss 5. These fees are not fair...discuss 6. Premium costs too much and I'm going to rage because I feel that as I once paid $9 dollars, 5 years ago, that I am entitled to ownership of the grid...discuss 7. Help im being stalked, somehow *insert person* knows where I am at all times 8. SL is dying / will die / will SL die? 9. Whatever else you feel you want to get off your chest before we begin 2020 properly This is not a serious thread
  13. That’s an interesting way to do it and thanks for the comments, il make changes to my one. One thing I realised I never added a way to stop the timers on mine so thinking I may add that later. Debating whether to use lists or if I can use a bit wise switch to keep track of the timer numbers. Or maybe I am over thinking it
  14. I needed to write myself a multi timer so thought I would post it here for you fine people. Chances are it can probably be improved, if so, post your improvements in the comments. float timerA=2.0; float timerB=3.3; float timerC=7.0; float decimalPlace(float d, integer p){ string s=(string)d; s=llDeleteSubString(s,llSubStringIndex(s,".")+p,-1); return ((float)s); } float div(float a, float b){ return a-b*llFloor(a/b); } integer checkTimer(float mTimer){ if(div(decimalPlace(llGetTime(),2),mTimer)==0.0){ return 1; } return 0; } default{ state_entry(){ llResetTime(); llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } timer(){ //Timer A if(checkTimer(timerA)){ llOwnerSay("TIMER A : "+(string)decimalPlace(llGetTime(),2)); } //Timer B if(checkTimer(timerB)){ llOwnerSay("TIMER B : "+(string)decimalPlace(llGetTime(),2)); } //Timer C if(checkTimer(timerC)){ llOwnerSay("TIMER C : "+(string)decimalPlace(llGetTime(),2)); } } } /* RETURNS [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 2.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER B : 3.300000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 4.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 6.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER B : 6.600000 [13:16] Object: TIMER C : 7.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 8.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 10.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 12.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER B : 13.200000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 14.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER C : 14.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 16.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 18.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 20.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER C : 21.000000 [13:16] Object: TIMER A : 22.000000 */
  15. 8 years for me. The chickens do not cluck around this yard 😅
  16. Honestly, just...do it. Find a car, drag it out of your inventory to the ground and just drive. Mainland is huge and a weird mix of old and new SL. No matter which direction you take you are sure to find something to look at 😁
  17. Wishing you all a happy new year and hope 2020 is a nifty year for you all 😊!
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