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Everything posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. Zero Punctuations PS4 review of Dreams humorously references Second Life towards the end
  2. Well. You are assuming there that the idea comes from a nefarious (intended or otherwise) standpoint. It doesn’t, SL could be very helpful for some of those people who are self isolating and have no body else. And there is no harm in that in putting in the effort to retain those users who might ultimately sign up. Plus, there are benefits for those of us who are already In world but on lockdown. Not everyone is being paid by a business for their time at home. Some are on government assistance and others savings. Lowering the costs of things for a couple of months, especially given they have now ton of extra money after the layoffs and closure of sansar would be beneficial all round.
  3. Well making land more accessible by any reduction for a couple of months would be a great help. Especially if they combined it with trying to bring new people in during this time. 50% off for two months for example or for the Duration might lead to a greater increase in land ownership and available regions for people to develop new and interesting experiences. This is the perfect time for them to try to attract new users as half the world is currently sat at home avoiding Covid19.
  4. -Do more to entice more people to join SL during this period. Given that some are self isolating alone. Perhaps adverts that clearly state "Isolating alone, join Second Life and never be alone again" -Give a temporary reduction on the cost of owning a region / land. Similar to what they did a few years ago but perhaps half price purchase and two months at half price tier to encourage land ownership and possible new experiences for people to explore during this time (that are not educational institutes). -Or..open up homesteads to be purchasable without a full region (never going to happen but worth a shot xD) -Delegate a few lindens into the welcome areas to greet potential new players and help them (hopefully encouraging them to stay) -Idk...ideas people ideas throw them out there
  5. No, no they are not. The majaority of hospitalised cases are either elderly or those with health conditions. As for your husband, he likely has an underlying health condition that he doesn’t know about or he is in the 1% that are just unlucky. If you go by the WHO website and worldometer. 95% of people will have mild symptoms, 5% wont. 4% of that 5% comprises people who have underlying health conditions with 1% unsurety. I’m done with people throwing around erroneous figures and claims. Even the girl who died recently had an underlying health condition. Out of the hundreds of thousands of cases we have had around 16,000 deaths. The highest of which are in places like Italy which is due to Italy having the oldest population in the world. There is currently a 85% recovery rate with 102,430 people having recovered from the virus. The media won’t tell you this as all they seem to want to do right now is report the worst and have you cowering under your table cloth. Current cases are at 382,000. Sounds a lot but consider this. 81,171 of that number are in China and 63,927 are in Italy. If we take the number in the USA which is currently 46,145 and go by the above statistics then 39,223.25 of those people should recover and 43,837.75 will have mild symptoms. I am not saying that you shouldn’t take it seriously. Social distancing, hand washing, isolation etc. All of this will help in protecting those in society who are the most vulnerable and the most at risk from this virus. We should all do our part to ensure the virus doesn’t spread. The best advice is this. Follow the basics, distance yourself and isolate. Outside of that, don’t loose your head or let yourself get drawn into a state of constant panic and paranoia. And stop paying too much attention to the media. The media is neglecting some of these facts and figures as let’s be honest...it doesn’t sell. Every time I turn on the news or some other form of media it’s horror panic inducing music with some guy talking in a really stern terror inducing voice telling you that the apocalypse is coming and the world is about to end or some government official doing exactly the same. Deep breaths. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
  6. Ahh a fellow night worker!. Hi, I babysit a building also 😅
  7. All of the people who have died have had previously existing known or unknown health conditions or have been old. The risks against anyone outside of the elderly and those with said health conditions are relatively low and it gets less serious the younger you are. 1 in 5 develop serious symptoms and even then that 1 person is subject to the reasons outlined above. The rest it’s a mild infection. You don’t hear about the rest because mild infections don’t sell media, pure panic and death everywhere does. In the U.K. right now, in the last month we have had 5000 cases and 250ish deaths. In a country of 60 million that’s a small drop in a pond to put it bluntly in perspective (currently). Italy is only as bad as it is because it has the oldest population in the world. So the advice is simple. Calm, breathe, relax, play SL, if you need to isolate then do so.
  8. Nope. Not at all scared, if you are talking about Covid19. I’m not in an at risk category and even then to put it in perspective. It currently has an 89% recovery rate. For most people it will be a mild infection. Plus the younger you are the less you have to worry about it. I really wouldn’t worry too much. Just do the basics, wash hands, stay away from vulnerable relatives and play SL. Whatever you do, don’t let yourself get hyped up by the media or the “I have it worse than you” crowd. If you are in an at risk category then self isolation is your friend.
  9. Sorry for the delay. Thank you for the responses. Some very helpful suggestions 😁. The basic idea was this. Numbers 1-9 each represented a sign. Press 5 of those signs in a specific order and you cast a spell. I like your idea @Qie Niangao of having something change that has to be interacted with on the hud. And @Da5id Weatherwax your idea is neat also. Perhaps I could combine some of these ideas and have a rhythmical Input combined with something on the hud or a certain key combination. This system I am making is real time combat based and I really want an element of skill included in the combat. Rather than just activating a single gesture and aiming your mouse and firing the spell. So this idea for me would be...you are running around using melee, when you think you have a spare second press 561234 and your character will do a spell animation and then say a fireball shoots out in front of them. Unless anyone has any ideas that might work better to make the spell casting more skill based than press and fire?.
  10. Don’t start linking everything to Covid19. It’s enough that the media is consumed by it. We really don’t need people plastering it at every vaguely possible opportunity around this forum as well. Let’s keep this forum free of the panic and a place where people can come and get away from it all.
  11. So, I’m my quest to create the best or most annoying mmo hud ever. I want to add elements of skill to my game. What I’m thinking is having attacks activated by key combinations instead of just a single gesture or click. Trying to do something different. However, if I use gestures then I feel that the players could just use a macro and there are not exactly many keys I can use via LSL. Anyone got any creative ideas they could throw at me for a neat way to go about this?. I was thinking about a combination of keys taken in LSL and gestures as one idea. But asking here in case anyone can help improve on that or suggest something better.
  12. I am actually curious. Can you show an example of logical right shift in LSL?
  13. However in the rest of our opinions you are just full of it. Next!
  14. It’s not against any policies for a child avatar to be present on an adult rated sim. It’s only against policy if said child avatar solicits or engages in anything that could be considered adult in nature. Most sim owners tend to err on the side of caution and just ban them entirely. However it is not against TOS for them to be present or even to be a manager so long as they do not engage or solicit anything that is considered adult. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Child_Avatar
  15. Jeeze, the “I have it worse than you” crowd is out in force today.
  16. Me too. My heart sank when I saw the thread title. I was really really hoping this could be the one corner of the internet I didn’t have to read the words Corona Virus. I really am not that worried about the virus if I am honest.
  17. Equation solver I can’t believe this has reached 53 pages since November.
  18. I found this out by being a sim owner. Your sim is still very much available just not positioned on the grid or accessible. More, layaway. If I paid a months tier I could reactivate my region without needing to purchase and setup another
  19. What I will say about streaming services is that unless you happen to live within miles of the server. Expect at least a very small delay in your action in RL to your action in SL. I had that exact issue with Bright Canopy and SL GO and I tried a cloud computing service recently and the server was only 100 miles away from me and even though the delay was only very very slight it was noticeable enough to just be purely annoying. I have a 100MB connection so there shouldn’t have been too much of a issue speed wise in theory. I read an article recently where some...computery big wig...was saying that we are still years away from seamless cloud game/computer streaming. if you can deal with the latency issue though then by all means have at it.
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