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Everything posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. I have been saying for years that LL needs a mesh complexity triangle upload limit. If your object is above it, tough, make it better. It should have been implemented from day one.
  2. So they are releasing new themes soon? Any images anywhere of what they are?
  3. How do I claim one exactly. I have premium but the linden homes page just redirects me back to the old linden homes. I’m guessing there are none available at the minute?
  4. So, what are the rules regarding decoration outside of the house on the new Linden Homes. Do you have to keep it neat and tidy. What if...let’s throw a silly example out there...you placed tipped over rubbish piles and litter on the lawn and your property resembled that of a hoarder?. What is the limit or is there none
  5. @Whirly Fizzle On a side note. Was there any specific reason why FS didn’t add the ability to move the chat windows to another screen, to the FS viewer?. If me memory serves me correctly it was the FS team that created the proof of concept right?
  6. Is there a setting to keep the camera behind the avatar when turning. In amongst the million options is there an option for a V1 style chat and group interface?. The only thing putting me off using this viewer over FS is the cretinous V3 chat style.
  7. A feature I want and have wanted for the longest time is custom libraries. Aka you can highlight some code, right click, add to library, name it and then select it from a separate drop down at the bottom of the script window to be added wherever the cursor currently is
  8. Aha so its double the size. That was one of the issues I was facing. I wasn't sure how much bigger to make it. I have further plans for it once this is figured out fully. Rotating as you turn, markers that appear on map the closer you get and "highlight" around the edge when further away. But first...this issue. Should be simple enough thinking about it if its only double the size. I just have to do the same thing but contained in a smaller square as opposed to the whole texture. Thank you btw much appreciated :)
  9. Surely you would just use llJsonGetValue(jsonString,[key]); Use the list to determine the path you want to take. So if we have : { “main_key”: { "nested_key1”: "nested_value1", "nested_key2": "nested_value2" } } llJsonGetValue(jsonString,[“main_key”,”nested_key2”]); Note : I have probably fluffed it up as writing it on my phone but code to that effect 😅
  10. Urghh I put the wrong script in. I was at work and at the end of my shift and sorting stuff out. Posted in the hopes of some discussion by the time I got home. The one I posted was a much earlier version. The one listed now should display the sim map, zoomed in. The object should stay in the centre of the hud and move the texture instead
  11. Okay my fine scripters. I have given it a go and i have come to a standstill on the next part. So far, this is working but only works on a square face. What i want to do is have it working on a round face. I know i will have to extend the map edges in some way and modify my calculations but i am a tad stumped on how to go about it. If you put this on a circular face as it is the marker goes off the circle and assumes its still a square. If anyone can help me figure the next part out i will be eternally grateful. Note : If you want to use what i have done so far and adapt it to your needs i really do not mind, go ahead. You need a square prim on your HUD with a smaller square/cylinder in front of it. string makeURL(string region){ return "http://api.gridsurvey.com/simquery.php?region="+llEscapeURL(region); } string regionTexture; default { attach( key id ) { if(id)llResetScript(); } state_entry(){ llHTTPRequest(makeURL(llGetRegionName()),[ HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],""); llSetTimerEvent(0.05); } http_response(key id, integer status, list data, string body) { list parse=llParseStringKeepNulls(body,[" ","\n"],[]); integer find=llListFindList(llList2ListStrided(parse,0,-1,2),["terrain_uuid"]); if(-1!=find){ regionTexture=llList2String(parse,(find*2)+1); llSetLinkTexture(4,regionTexture,-1); } } timer() { vector pos=llGetPos(); vector scale=llGetScale(); vector percents; pos.z=0.1; pos-=<128.0,128.0,0.0>; pos/=256.0; percents=pos; pos.x=scale.x*pos.x; pos.y=scale.y*pos.y; vector texture_size=<0.5,0.5,0.0>; vector textureOffset=ZERO_VECTOR; textureOffset.x+=1.0*percents.x; textureOffset.y+=1.0*percents.y; vector myPrimPos=<0.0,0.0,0.1>; if(textureOffset.x>0.25){ float x=textureOffset.x; x-=0.25; x/=0.25; myPrimPos.x=(scale.x*0.5)*x; textureOffset.x=0.25; } else if(textureOffset.x<-0.25){ float x=-textureOffset.x; x-=0.25; x/=0.25; myPrimPos.x=(scale.x*-0.5)*x; textureOffset.x=-0.25; } if( textureOffset.y>0.25){ float y=textureOffset.y; y-=0.25; y/=0.25; myPrimPos.y=(scale.y* 0.5)*y; textureOffset.y=0.25; } else if(textureOffset.y<-0.25){ float y=-textureOffset.y; y-=0.25; y/=0.25; myPrimPos.y=(scale.y*-0.5)*y; textureOffset.y =-0.25; } llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(4,[ PRIM_TEXTURE,ALL_SIDES,regionTexture,texture_size,textureOffset,0.0, PRIM_LINK_TARGET,2,PRIM_POS_LOCAL,myPrimPos]); } changed(integer x){ if(x&CHANGED_REGION){ llHTTPRequest(makeURL(llGetRegionName()),[ HTTP_METHOD,"POST"],""); } } }
  12. Well yeah. Both will continue. If a business or organisation wanted a dedicated surname then it would allow them to have one. If I am honest though I think these days it’s a dusty old forgotten about feature that was more prevalent in SL during its golden era 06,07,08 sorta time
  13. Nope it’s not a joke. You can indeed choose your own personal last name. Sorta. It’s more...you buy the name and rent it yearly and can create accounts for that name. Your actual main avatars name won’t change. I think it’s more for organisations and businesses but I don’t see any reason a normal resident couldn’t pay for it
  14. Yes that thing. And it did say premium on the main grid. Not sure about TG as I was never part of it. It vanished around..08 I think. And weirdly since vanishing has been an often requested feature 😅.
  15. No this was 07 when I joined. It vanished within a year or so but it very much so used to exist.
  16. Well...yeah. I mean, imagine if they didn’t ask those questions and you weren’t actually you. Your first question is in regards to YOUR premium account and YOUR land. Whilst the answer might be a simple yes, LL might want to look at your account to see how long you have left on premium to give you a more detailed answer with a timescale. Thus in this hypothetical situation they would need to verify that you are you. Your second question is again referencing something to do with your account, while the answer is simply “free accounts can own a store and being premium is not a requirement”. LL may still need to access your account details. You sound ever so confused as to why they would be asking you these questions but ponder this. What if they didn’t ask?, what if they just gave out account information without security verification?. Now you could argue “but I’m sending the request from my account!” to which LL might answer “well, how do we know that, you may have been hacked and some malicious individual is trying to obtain information in regards to your account”. In this world, never snub any kind of account security. It’s there for a reason and you would be a lot worse of if it didn’t exist.
  17. It was on the old legacy profiles. You had “resident” and your date of avatar birth and then in the same box it would say “premium”
  18. We used to have exactly, sort of, that. When you purchased premium years ago you got a profile tag that said “premium”.
  19. Hmm...the winners names are arse...ya haven’t got my money yet LL.
  20. See, always trying to pull the younger generations down. We iz in modern times yo. Get wit da lingo
  21. *shudders* you’re an Xer....*makes sign of the cross* Enomine patri et fillet et spiritu sancti
  22. The script you have been following will perform different actions depending on which link you click in a link set. Try llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT,0,(string)llDetectedLinkNumber(0),“”); A linked message is composed like this.. link, num, message, key You are sending the link number in place of num...but...trying to pick it up in your first script as the message.
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