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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. Source: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#listing-guidelines Ok, "technically not true" like you said. But it's breaking the rules. Why y'all break the rules all the time?
  2. I can see your frustration. I think the best option for you here is to file a support ticket through: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new Good luck.
  3. I was testing my own patience to see if i could wait a month. Today is the day i finally gave in.
  4. Why would you do that? why would you edit your posts so nobody knows what the actual issue was? On top of that, it looks like it was fixed. Why not share the fix? Please don't do this. If you have an issue AND a fix, leave both up. Don't edit your post(s) to try and delete it. kinda makes you look selfish.
  5. Thanks. followup question; Since these all look to be archived. Will the open jiras still get attention/resolved?
  6. A vegan and a vegetarian both jump of a cliff to see who would hit the bottom first. Who wins?
  7. Since 'jira' became 'feedback' all the old jiras seems to be gone. I think i heard someone say that the old jiras would get merged to this new system. Does anyone know when this will be because i had several open and accepted jiras going.
  8. ↑ How to completely miss the point. ↑ I shouldn't get mad on the internet but you are almost achieving just that. I'm sorry, but how can you be this clueless? I'm not trying to insult you, so don't get your panties in a twist. (including mods) This needs to be said; We all know what SL is like, we all know you can make an avatar look like whatever you want, we all know SL is full of creeps. Don't deny it. I've read the infamous "Medium" article like i'm sure everyone by now did. I don't know what happened and i won't say anything about it, or what i think about it, or the people involved. The main issue is, and it's clear that whoever wrote this article, feels the same, is that you can easily create a child avatar and make it do the pixel boom boom with an adult. Right here is the issue. The fact that this is being done. I know it is, i have seen it myself. You can not be defending this and say (rather stupidly) that avatars are not real life humans. That is so missing the point, it's ridiculous. Is boils down to the fact that it happens and that it isn't being shut down. Or even taken any action against whatsoever. I don't want to have a go at you, I really don't. But what you just said is rather concerning. "They're not real people, they're avatars." I'm European, and I look at things like this and think, What the heck is wrong over there across the pond. You may laugh away what i just said, or mods may even delete my post, but before you do. Try and defend this. I almost dare you. LL, little FYI, I'm sure you know the European laws changed recently and if you wanna delete my post now, you need to tell my why by law. Not just your generic you broke our ToS somehow.
  9. PSA: Never speak to a dad who is putting together a piece of furniture unless you want to get your feelings hurt.
  10. Not cool man, not cool. Even I, who occasionally like to post the edgy joke (and often gets deleted, lol) won't cross that line.
  11. Just saw a homeless man with a sign that said, "One day it could be you." So I put my dollar back in my pocket just in case that dude was right.
  12. Having a toddler is like having your own Pokémon. It follows you around, its cute, no one else understands what it is trying to say, and you love it dearly.
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