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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. Peeve.. people wanting sl to be like rl just without the consequences..
  2. True all verification methods can easily be defeated by anyone with half a brain or at least two brain cells or an IQ over 10. Unless you have met in rl.. even that is not really enough.. you can't really believe anything anyone claims over the internet as 100% truth. Even if they claim to not be smart enough to do it.. They were smart enough to make an account and download and install it..
  3. Which is your choice and their choice to not care about losing you as a customer. Which means you probably don't use many of the well known mesh bodies. For many of them are only sold inworld.
  4. Or they might not care and just let it continue as is until a major problem arises.
  5. Would it be good.. yes.. Is it practical.. no.. Will it likely happen.. no.
  6. I don't really ever seeing this done for various reasons...
  7. Hmm.. sounds like a certain person I know.. the creator of the peanut collars..
  8. Bye Felicia... Err wait...no.. good riddance.. you won't be missed. Your egocentric attitude and paranoia will not be missed.
  9. No you are thinking about nascar racing. F1/Indy cars turn both directions on track.
  10. Fly off.. landing zone with a pusher.. invisible prim above pen preventing anyone using fly override.. pen fences high enough to reach prim but still allow room for double stacked avatars until pusher can move them out of landing zone.. Ready made cow farm.. Maybe toss in a rlv control zone to further limit jumping or flying for those who go there with an auto relay on.
  11. Those are just sneaky which is not always synonymous with nefarious.
  12. That awkward moment when you realize you're having a awkward moment..
  13. Some one has too or people begin to forget and think their view is what matters most. Which it never was or will be except in their own mind.
  14. Usually they won't care. Because they are afk and can just close any messages or ignore anything said in local . Plus if they have common sense they will move lock themselves or ground sit before going.. so only a eject will really do anything. I used to afk at help hubs for hours.. often ejected when I came back.. didn't bother me at all. That was their choice on how to handle it and I was fine with it. I just wandered back in after and things went normal.. no drama over it.
  15. I've seen several places that did that. A few had living dummies.. aka people who stayed there to model different outfits for different bodies.
  16. I know, which is completely allowed. I was just giving the opposing view.
  17. That is you, not everyone is or will or has to be like you ever. They dont have to care if anyone thinks its rude or unfair.
  18. its not about being private or only selling to one kind of person, but one type of shopper. they are not looking for those what want to take hours or days deciding if they will buy or not. that have to try it out with every outfit to make sure it fits everything just how they want. demo.. buy-NOW or else go away and come back when you finally make up your mind to BUY. If you dont come back.. oh well.. your loss.. not theirs. someone else will come and eventually buy.
  19. the sellers who do this, dont really care, its not about the bottom line to them. its about the type of customer not how much they may have made from other customers that were driven away. its not always about selling as much as possible to as many as possible for everyone. either buy or dont.. they wont care either way. If you dont you were not their ideal customer. they are looking for those that do impulsive buying, pressure sales, buy-now-or-never types of people.
  20. But see that is their choice if the sim owner allows it. Its not for anyone else to tell them what is fair or right or not. only the store/sim owner. Its up to the sim owner to control if that happens or not by using the tools available to prevent it. If they dont, then they have indicated they dont care if people do that. And those that dont like it.. oh well tough luck. complaining about the people who do it is a waste of time. instead the complaints should be to the owners of the sims directly about doing something about it. At which point it is their choice or not and if they dont.. oh well.. time to get over it.
  21. Discord like sl chat groups cater to the egotistical.. no difference between them. To expect any is a logical failure.
  22. Again irrelevant.. not every merchant thinks or acts like you or anyone else thinks that they have to. You are no more important to them then anyone else and never was. No matter how much you want to think different. Your money and how much you spend doesn't make you special or important it never did. You are just a receipt number and nothing more. There are all kinds of different types of merchants out there. Not all subscribe to your way of thinking and don't have to either.
  23. That doesn't figure into it at all. The amount you spend is irrelevant. It how you spend it.. if you can be pressed into buying on short time limits.. Buy or do without.. Stores who do this subscribe to the pressure sales techniques. And won't change no matter who complains or how or why or what.. You're not in control over them and never will be with your complaining about what you don't like about how they do business.. The customer is 'not' always right or in power or control and never was.. Just some egotistical people like to think or say or claim or demand that they are. Or convince others that they are or can be too if they stand together.. a major fallacy in thinking. 'Make me happy or else'.. well there is the door.. just keep walking. You won't be missed.. not even your money.
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