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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. again wrong.. no one should ever have to keep their mouth shut because someone else has told them to do so because of some judgment they made about them. or because of some morals or ethics or standards they are trying to push upon the other person. again you fail..you still dont understand.
  2. ah.. you think your different but your not.. your still a judgmental human like everyone else here. you are not better or superior or above.. neither am i, but at least I do know this. and no matter how much you claim you in control you really are not. you still dont understand that yet. the forums are random invidiuals.. faceless nicknames. that you dont know nearly as much as you might want to think you ever can or do. Anger is wasted energy it always is and was and will be. Unless it is turned around. anger clouds the mind and stops it from doing something more enjoyable.
  3. Oh you jest!... and yes keep quiet in the peanut gallery before you make someone peevy about how you respond. for they might attack you and then where would your life be? in ruins over what some stranger online said??
  4. see that is part of the problem no one should ever have to keep their mouth shut because someone else thinks they should just because they dont like what they say or how they say it. problem is too many people let others influence them on if they speak or dont.. and that is a bad thing. I do not.
  5. you still dont understand.. but that is ok.. and your not in as control as you like to think you are if I can make you angry or upset by what I say online. you just want to think and claim you are because it makes you feel better about your choices of responses. i have emotions, I just dont let them control me or my enjoyment of my time in life. if something bothers me or upsets me I go do something else instead of wallowing in that frustration wasting energy. maybe you should try it sometimes.. maybe you wont be so frustrated by what some random individual that you dont even know more then just but what ever posted on an online forums says. getting peeved over simple things is a waste of time and life and energy.
  6. ah but you see it is my right to judge anyone at anytime for anything even if you or they dont think so. just as it is their right to judge me and for me to ignore it as many have tried to do here before irregardless of how I may have felt or thought about it. That is how life works Luna.. it doesn't change just because its online. getting peeved..is not a good thing its wasting energy that could have been used for other things. you will one day understand this. by getting peeved you have given power and control over your emotions and thoughts and feelings to the person or object or situation that made you peeved.. never a good thing.
  7. you failed ya know.. keep trying. you might understand it at some point. if they were so minor then there was no real need to express them or post them here. the fact they did makes them more then just minor.
  8. see there is a difference with a journal you kept to yourself to express the feelings knowing no one would ever probably read it. online its a whole different beast. online your looking for that reaction, that validation, that acceptance, that comfort, that support to refill your energy. ranting will make some feel better, it triggers the brain chemicals to make you feel better. your expressing that anger, using that power, that control that who or what ever made you peeved had taken away from you before. your attempting to regain control and power over a situation that should have simply been let go and ignored especially when its online related. someone stole your lighting.. so now your making a lot of thunder about it.. hoping to re find your lighting. when really your just wasting even more energy at that point. better solution re direct that energy into something better useful or enjoyable. regain your lighting by taking it back by doing something that matters instead. change your perspective. something or someone in sl or the forums peeving you.. take a break from sl or the forums and find something else to do for a while. even if just for a few hours or that day. dont let your energy be drained and depleted needlessly. stop.. think.. breathe.. reanalyze the situation..then adapt change and move on. dont let your fun or enjoyment be ruined by some small no-nothing event.
  9. see now your getting it. if someone gets offended by what someone says its really a them problem. it means they are taking it too serious.. serious enough to get annoyed about it aka peeved. why waste time doing that. just ignore it and let it go. dont wast the energy. dont give it that sort of power or control over you. which by peeving you are doing. it is human nature to make judgments and assumptions about others. that will never stop or end online because there is no real context to what is being said. to know how that person really thinks or feels about the situations or if it is a minor thing or a major thing. and should still ultimately be a non-thing. thin or thick.. its all a matter of judgment and perspective based upon the reaction given. lots of things annoy me.. but usually only for that moment. I dont tend to internalize things or keep them for very long. its just not worth the energy to do so. i get upset over something I find something else to do that I can enjoy at that moment. most of the things that peeve me are really not worth commenting about.. or else I could have doubled the page count easily if I took everything so serious all the time. i poke at people and their peeves to show them how silly it is to have them. that at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. the people or things they are peeved at is not going to change just because they posted it here in the forums. which is the primary reason for rants on forums.. to hope that the one that peeved you sees it and changes. when the majority of the time they wont and dont care and wont ever care. most online rants are just pitty parties.. sympathy parties.. feel sorry for me parties. if it was a real problem you would contact ll with a support ticket instead. this thread is basically just people saying feel sorry for me.. comfort me.. agree with me..validate me and my waste of time and energy over something that should have been a non-issue. if you dont like a content creator find another simple.. or learn to be one yourself.. you dont like how a sim is run find another or start one yourself. at the end of the day you have only yourself to blame if you got upset or peeved over something in a virtual reality world. this same thing applies to any and all actions here on the forums or inworld. if something makes you so bothered or upset or angry that you need to get peeved and express that peeve then you are doing it wrong..go do something else more enjoyable.
  10. with all the laughs they are giving out.. it smells like a no life.. bored individual.
  11. That is the problem for some people there is no TOO far.. about what they will try or do to someone else irregardless of consent. they feel its their right or entitlement or power or choice to do it to you.. and once you gave consent you cant change your mind or revoke that consent. that you just have to deal with the consequences of your choice. There are a lot of abusive people in SL and they feel its not ok to ever shame or call them out for it. Many of them are in the kink communities. They use bdsm or kink or fetishes as their excuse for their behavior and that everyone has to just allow and accept them to be how they are. Never trust anyone completely with anything about your account or avatar ever. Even your most trusted friends/owners/masters may back-stab you if given the right reasons or chance to do so. dont fall for the head/mind games that some people like to play.
  12. Same reason some watch and subscribe to twitchtv I suppose.. because they are bored and have no life. some mesh creators do use yt or a few other places to show off their work, and some animators, but not scripters because you could pause and maybe copy the script. but yeah.. it is worth paying for.. NO.. not now or ever.
  13. yep sl used to have twice if not three times that number years ago. its pretty sad really.
  14. well maybe some people should not take things in life so serious especially about an online platform of any kind. if you cant stand the heat.. stay out of the fire.. grow a thicker skin.. ya know. if you cant stand someone being contrary to your peeve. that is a you problem and not a them problem. people are allowed to peeve about others peeves.. they dont have to just shut up about your peeve just because you want them too. which even means being judgmental about your peeve. that is what it means to be human.
  15. What the OP proposes is just that you 'watch' sl being played by others. not that you are playing sl.. its just another attempt at an e-gaming tv channel where everyone watches their favorite players play the game.. like an e-sport.. sort of like another twitchtv service but this time over cable or satellite. like how G4 used to be back when it first was created. where it had the e-sports shows. sl is not an e-sport and cant really be marketed as one either. plus even if was to ever take off the ground it will fail over time as people just begin to pirate the episodes or channels and share them with others for free over sources like Kodi. why subscribe or pay for anything when you will be able to get it for free.
  16. No you wont.. and no they wont.. you are just delusional.. its tragic really.. sl is not nearly as desirable as you might think it is. the majority of the real world does not even know it exists and will not care about it. There was an attempt by a cable provider to make a station based around game play. It didn't end that well. It lasted for a few years before most of its programming was dropped and replaced with other things.
  17. why would anyone ever subscribe or pay for or use it when they can just watch it for free via several other means. your not going to make much profit off of it to where you can use it as your only source of income like you are probably hoping for. and towards not having internet.. well if they cant afford internet they probably cant afford satellite or cable tv either.
  18. again most rl people wont care about this or ever use it. only a very small niche group would ever use it. it would never be profitable.
  19. Would it be possible some day. probably. Would many like or want it. probably not. Would many pay to have it or use it. again probably not. sl is really a niche system and not really nearly as popular in rl as some might want to think it is or can be. Not a lot of people would pay to watch sl videos broadcast over national tv systems when you can already find and watch sl videos for free on yt or other video sharing services. anyone with a good enough computer and video capture/edit software can capture and upload live video to yt. no need for any other special hardware such as a special modem or anything else to upload or watch. dont even really need any special tv/video capture hardware as was normal a few years back. just a medium grade computer and decent internet connection. so this sort of system would not really have much of a following and would probably cost more to run then it would ever produce in any form of income for those using it. there is no such thing as expansion packs for sl it self. maybe for the viewer service you have envisioned but not sl itself.
  20. there are ways.. its how the tv's work in sl. I think somewhere in wiki or the scripting libraries it explains how it is done for anyone wanting to create their own. but as was said it wont let each person watch in sync with each other at the moment. You would need to use an outside service such as Kast or you could try and modify a script like this one to suit your needs. TV
  21. put in a support ticket to LL.. no one here can really help you with this. it may take several days for them to respond.
  22. or that if you know lsl. which im not great with.
  23. that might because the sims 3 past was not updated yet with the new improvements or they had a buggy or laggy connection themselves.
  24. Yes. it can.. for people are judgmental and will judge if they want to associate with you by how you look even in a virtual world. some people hate furies with a passion and wont become friends with anyone that is a furry. some furies hate humans with a passion and wont become friends with anyone that is not a furry. there is always going to be those like the two groups mentioned above that will have their particular desires on what a person should look like before they might consider even talking to you. then you have profile pervs that read profiles and make choices based upon that too. so your avi combined with your profile and your interests and picks can definitely affect if someone will choose to talk to you or be your friend or not.. oh lets not forget your groups.. that can turn some people on or off too.. because they will base if talking to you is worthy enough by if you have any groups in common or the themes of your groups fit their moralistic and ethical values. show too many kinks or fetishs and you might make some turn away. dont show enough or the right kinds and you will turn some away. show the wrong kinds and you will turn some away. 'your too perv for them' 'your too deviant for them' 'your too abnormal for them' 'your too clean for them' 'your to vanilla for them' 'your to prudish for them' so really its a combination of many things that can affect some people if they will even give you a chance or not.
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