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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. Actually there is someone in sl that does it.. he creates new accounts every 2-3 days.. and rejoins groups and spams them again and again. He had been doing this since around 2010 and ll can't stop him. So it does happen.. not everyone just gives up.
  2. And gave up.. there are people in sl that have been banned thousands of times and keep coming back. There is no permanent anything on the internet anywhere. Nothing is as secure or safe as some people want them to believe or think. Never was or will be either.
  3. There is always exceptions to everything. Doing what a qualified doctor says is far more important than what anyone else ever says.
  4. Or live shorter.. stress challenges the body and mind and makes it stronger not weaker. I had a family member in rl who believed like you.. they died because of a failing immune system because of it Always trying to live the clean stress free life.. The human body and mind needs to be pushed at times to the uncomfortable places.
  5. Times change.. people change.. places change.. nothing stays the same forever and never can nor should they ever.
  6. @Seicher Rae I wanted to like.. laugh.. and feel sad at this post.. at the same time.. we need multiple reactions.... It's so uncivilized that we can only react once to a post. People are not just one emotiona at a time.. we have lots of different ones all the time. And sometimes the come out unfiltered.. which is not a bad thing really. Having to filter and regulate and control and walk on eggshells all the time is though.
  7. You do know that there is really no such thing as perm banned or banned for life really... that's just a head game played on the uniformed.. the uneducated. Those who want back can get back no matter what was done. In one form/account or another.
  8. It's an Indy car it better drive good and feel right or it's a disgrace to being a car.
  9. Have seen it done many times.. here and in rl... there are many groups here in sl where this happens.. Some survive it. Some don't and leave because of it. Some who survived it become just like it. To take back the power that was lost at any cost to anyone in their way.
  10. Or you kept media and music and sounds from avatars turned off. Since it was through these things that it was usually done.
  11. Redzone. A banned system that was used to detect alt avatars and auto ban them on regions or groups if previously banned by another user of the system. The creator was banned because they were basically doxing users for having alts. Something against the tos. It's not that hard to tell who is an alt really.. there are still ways to do it even without redzone being around anymore.
  12. The lack of civility in this thread is a abundantly obvious.. Y'all are just a bunch of mongrels!!!
  13. Peeve.. almost becoming a space cadet after having a intense conversation with my therapist. Gotta love emotional overload and disassociation from pushing boundaries to far. Even if unintentional..
  14. No specific reason.. just to ask a few questions and express my feelings and thoughts about somethings. I lurked around the forums long before that. Mostly because being shy and an introvert.. believe it or not.. it's true.. ever meet me in world.. and you would see it. Here though I discovered I can be more open and worry less if others disagree most of the time. I might still poke them for it but won't let it get to me as easily. I tend to make it more of a them problem then a me problem now..
  15. Being civil by the uncivilized.. you jest.. But then again being civilized is just a farce anyway.
  16. The world is an uncivilized place. It is full of barbaric people who are full of thier own egos and morals and ethics and standards. Humans are by basic nature uncivilized.. barbarians and vainful and egotistical individuals. They just like to try and deceive themselves and others into believing they are something better.
  17. Or they come back and see the replies and take what they want from them and feel no need to respond back. Such as with a thank you that some people feel they are entitled to.. Just because you gave advice doesn't mean someone has to reply back or thank you for it. They don't owe anyone that ever. Not every question or statement needs a discussion or debate about what was said or why.
  18. Yet it's still something.. it can not be nothing if it has a name.
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