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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. i got quite a few holiday gifts from generous creatives this year i also got a new head as a gift. Is is really nice and has a zillion face animations all of them lovely in their own way. And because I can, i decide to mod my simple dance animator to just play face animations that best suit me so I am post the script here for people to do with as they want, in the same spirit as those who showed generosity to me this holiday season(it should be ok, but if it borks let me know and I will fix) / Simple Self-animator // Public Domain December 2023, elleevelyn // Make a prim. Load Contents with this script and animations. Attach to your viewer HUD float mintime = 3.0; // mininimu time to play next animation. Change to whichever float rndtime = 3.0; // random amount of time added to mintime. Change to whichever // not active active list colors = [<1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]; // active feedback color change. Change to whichever integer active; integer idx; integer len; string anim; list anims; stop() { // stop everything active = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llSetColor(llList2Vector(colors, active), ALL_SIDES); if((llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) && (anim != "")) llStopAnimation(anim); } next() { // play next animation in random-ordered list, else stop in event of permissions fail if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { if (idx == len) // random shuffle the animations list { anims = llListRandomize(anims, 1); idx = 0; } string a = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, llList2Integer(anims, idx++)); // this code is for non-looped animations.Typical of face animations if (a != "") llStartAnimation(a); if ((anim != "") & (a != anim)) llStopAnimation(anim); // this code is for looped animations. Typical of dance animations //if ((a != "") & (a != anim)) // start the next animation if not already currently playing // llStartAnimation(a); //if ((anim != "") & (a != anim)) // stop the previous animation if not the now current animation // llStopAnimation(anim); anim = a; llSetTimerEvent(mintime + llFrand(rndtime)); } else stop(); } default { state_entry() { // note that we using Contents animation indices rather than animation names // this is a personal preference, it can be rewritten to use animation names stop(); len = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION); if (len) { idx = len; while (~--idx) anims += [idx]; len = llGetListLength(anims); idx = len; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } else llOwnerSay("No animations in Contents"); } changed(integer change) { if ((change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) || (change & CHANGED_OWNER)) llResetScript(); } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if (perms & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) // take_controls overrides no-script parcel parameter - kinda sorta llTakeControls(CONTROL_BACK, TRUE, TRUE); if (perms & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { active = TRUE; llSetColor(llList2Vector(colors, active), ALL_SIDES); next(); } } timer() { next(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { // assumption here is that this will always be in a HUD, so no one else can/will touch if (active = !active) llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); else stop(); } } .
  2. i was in the public sandbox yesterday and there was this ginormous mirror glass tower building that a person was making, which was reflecting the sky and clouds moving was pretty amazing to see. I loved it. Not sure who else is gunna find it amazing if these buildings start going up on mainland. But yeah! I loved it. I might want one of them because shiny !! i never snapped a pic of it as while public sandbox I kinda like to respect the builders in these spaces. Is not for me to publicly publish their works in progress so that mirror glass tower was SSR yes ? or is it not necessary and mirror glass towers can be done without SSR ?
  3. agree. This is pretty much me i do try to read and understand release notes, wiki documentation and user group transcripts but yeah, with graphics a lot of it just goes over my head. I have to see to know it who knew that Screen Space Reflections is not the same as them other Reflection thingies ? Not me. Arton knew tho, and now I know i have learned more about what I am seeing from this thread than I have from the other sources, altho tbf those other sources are now starting to make more sense, but yeah that wouldn't have happened if I had been left to my own. So thankyou people !
  4. this is what happened last time people are not wising up. The opposite actually. They jumping into the pump n' dump 16m market after it has peaked. Oh! well
  5. thanks much ! i am happy now. have final set my computer up and is great!
  6. i see this as well. I also see it on the Linden ocean when I turn my avatar or pan the viewer camera. The surface of the water flickers really badly within a circle centered on my avatar the double perimeter lines of the ?reflection? circle visible on the water. These lines are visible without rotating my avatar is not my computer being under-powered, is something wonky with the rendering my dets Second Life Release (64bit) Release Notes Second Life Server 2023-11-07.6790647783 Release Notes CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900 (2419.2 MHz) Memory: 64862 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10/11 64-bit (Build 22621.2861) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 536.99 Window size: 3840x2054 Font Size Adjustment: 96pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 512m Bandwidth: 5000kbit/s LOD factor: 4 Render quality: 6 Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled Texture memory: 11242MB Disk cache: Max size 3993.6 MB (100.0% used) my settings on full bore. Note my FPS is approx. 120. If the flicker was because under-powered hardware then my FPS would be in the tank I would think ps add here: I tried to smash it, by sit on a really fast spinning object, and was able to smash my FPS down to 37. 37 or 120 it didn't matter - the flicker stayed consistent. Is not recommended to spin yourself round with Draw Distance = 512. But yanno, science 😹 also too tho, am pretty sure that there is a JIRA already for this and Linden are already onto it
  7. i kinda diasgree with this premise. At this time the only social management tool provided is the parcel eject/ban hammer. This is what we are used too it doesn't always have to be this way. This system can be a step toward providing tools that can regulate and enforce behaviour at least in this parcel setting for example: a system where upper limits are known and can't be exceeded, while at the same time allowing the arena/parcel owner to set up their own environment parameter limits to best suit their game. llGetEnvDamage/llSetEnvDamage something like: DAMAGE_HEALTH_REGEN_TIME, 300.0, -120.0, // seconds. 300.0 = 5 minutes. It takes 5 minutes for the system to regenerate health from 0.0 to 100.0 // -120.0 = 2 minutes. It takes 2 minutes for negative damage (healing) to regenerate health from 0.0 to 100.0 DAMAGE_HEALTH_REGEN_TIME, 60.0, -60.0 // 1 minute for system and healing DAMAGE_HEALTH_REGEN_TIME, 0.0, 0.0 // health does not regenerate, neither system nor healing DAMAGE_LAND_COLLISION, 10.0 // inflict 10% of 100.0 damage when fall down and hit the ground/surface DAMAGE_PROJECTILE_1, 1.0, -2.0 // inflict 1% of 100.0 damage. Hit the target 100 times to finish them // inflict -2% of 100.0 damage. Heal the target 50 times to completely heal them DAMAGE_PROJECTILE_2, 5,0, -5.0 // 5% of 100.0 damage. 20 times to finish, 20 times to complete heal DAMAGE_PROJECTILE_3, 100.0, 0.0 // 100% of 100.0 damage. 1 time to finish DAMAGE_ARMOR_1, 1.0, -2.0 // takes 1% of 100.0 damage. Armored Target has to be hit 100 times for it to fail // Armor healed at -2.0. It takes 50 applications to fully heal the armor DAMAGE_ARMOR_2, 2.0, -2.0 // 50 hits to fail. 50 applications to heal DAMAGE_ARMOR_3, 20.0, -10.0 // takes 20% of 100.0 damage. Five hits to fail // -10. Can be healed. It take 10 applications to fully heal DAMAGE_ARMOR_4, 0.0, 0.0 // armor_4 is ineffective in this game. Applicable to all types of armor DAMAGE_ENERGY 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 // 0.2 = time in seconds between physical rez. // 0.2 = time in seconds between casting ray. // 0.2 = time in seconds between casting spell. Spell = purely script application of llSetDamage/llApplyDamage DAMAGE_ENERGY 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 // 1.0 = 1 second between rez. Slow it down. 0.0 = cast ray disabled, 0.0 = spell disabled DAMAGE_ENERGY 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 // 0.0 = disabled (no rezzing). 1.0 = 1 second between cast ray. 0.0 = spell disabled PROJECTILE and ARMOR could have a 3rd parameter - rate at which damage decays over distance and a 4th parameter: DAMAGE_ENERGY could be a environment property of each PROJECTILE type for example in a game setup: PROJECTILE_1 (bullet) can rez at rate of 0.2 seconds PROJECTILE_2 (mortar) can rez at rate of 1 second 0.2 would be the Linden limit. But we (arena owner) can slow this down in this example model, Energy is unlimited. Is restricted tho by the firing rate a person might script their own armor to 0.00000001 - taking relatively no damage. But it gets overriden by the environment setting. Same if they fire DAMAGE_PROJECTILE_1 applying 100.0. The arena environment can limit this down to 1.0 (or whichever the arena owner determines) noting also that weapons/armor can be scripted to use less than the environment limits. They just can't exceed the limits. This actually unlikely to happen - weapons makers will go to the max. to be "competitive" in the market effectively max. damage is regulated by the arena environment settings. Which means that the issue of arms racing is negated from the outset. Which in turn means that the need for social management (parcel banning) is lessened ps add: We have been here twice before with Damage 1.0 and Open Damage (collision). The weapons makers broke them both. I think would be a big mistake to allow them to break it again, throwing it back on the arena/parcel owner to socially manage players brandishing overkill weapons made by weapons makers, when this doesn't have to be the case
  8. Damage 2.0 evolved out of Rider Linden's work on llRezObjectWithParams Damage 2.0 is currently a thought exercise which Rider is leading - If there was a Damage 2.0 what could it look like and how might it work ? Rider Linden has been clear that no Linden resources have yet been allocated to Damage 2.0. Only llRezObjectWithParams
  9. ah ok ! I understand now. So next time I come by your place then I will stand on my head facing the center of the room, and see my face in your mirror 😸
  10. you both got me excited and inspred now. I will defo have a play with this as well
  11. my gfx setting is: Reflection detail = Static+Dynamic. i am not really understanding why I can see the back of my legs and my prim neko tail both moving/animating in the mirror when I am facing the mirror, while at the same time I see the front of the furniture in the mirror
  12. would have to experiment. I dunno either how much sunlight could be reflected off a surface to light an enclosed space
  13. i went and had a look, is really nice i had a look in the mirror. Seems that my avatar is being reflected off the floor in the mirror. Bottom right the image is my legs in the mirror which are moving as my avatar AO animates. Not sure if this was intended in the current Linden design or is an unintended. Either way it could be possible to position the surfaces (somehow) to make a actual mirror for avatar even if a bit blurry
  14. is the same problem I think with windows that Arduenn mention i think the light source be best placed in the cave entrance. And with windows it might be that the window(s) is where the light source(s) go I haven't played with it yet, but am now wondering how PRIM_POINT_LIGHT will go with this (or even if it goes at all) Will be really good if it does. Rotating a point light in a window to simulate the sun movement across the sky. Changing shadows and reflections in the room (or cave) as the simulated sun travels
  15. pretty much yes it will take some time to learn all nuances. I am still in play with it mode
  16. with a reflection probe as a box shape where the red prim is a light source Midday Midnight without (sufficient) light source then we get what you observe
  17. with Second Life Release (64bit) out-of-the-box I am not seeing this inside a prim box Midday Midnight gfx settings also the Midday Sun is placed in the Northeast. About 10AM seems like. See the shadow below. the effect of this is that Shadows are not cast straight down on the avatar face as they are with Midday (Legacy). Out-of-the-box I think this is a big improvement Midday Shadow (facing due North)
  18. i am a SL neko so in that sense I will always be a cartoon-based character if by realistic you mean realism then when i found out I can be a neko on SL then I took part of that into my RL. When I wear my neko RL ears to the supermarket I do get some people look at me sideways, so I give them my best neko moue that my SL neko taught me (well the animation creator did ) and they usually smile or laugh back if by realistic you mean how we react to the advance in SL creator skills. then is some small ways we can hold on to the past, in most other ways we all pretty much move with the times. Which is a realistic approach to take in SL same as in RL. Like I just got the Lel Noel head as a Xmas gift which I will now wear as my everyday. Is better both technically, and in form, than my previous mesh head, which was better than my mesh head before that,, better in its turn than my Standard head before that i still hold on to the past in my own way, like my old school neko tail here is my SL neko self trying to pass myself off as a realistic human 😺
  19. this one is a yes. We can make our viewer in any way for our own use for distribution to others, you be best to provide PBR as a user option (the approach that Cool VL Viewer has taken)
  20. menu: World \ About Land \ Objects \ Parcel land capacity for example: A Premium Linden Home (1024sqm size) has a Parcel land capacity of 351
  21. suggest that you uninstall the viewer you are using and then download and re-install the latest Linden Viewer and see if it fixes this kind of issue: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/
  22. (may be a Second Life or Bellissaria Mentor or other helpy person could reach out to Naomi inworld and help, if they haven't already) it could be a system problem. It could be that Naomi has inadvertently added herself to the parcel ban list, or home security system, or could be something else. A inworld visit by a helpy person would probably soon sort it out
  23. I recently got a 4070Ti and am still figuring it all out. I have been running it on Recommended Settings and Auto-adjust settings \ Avatars and World \ Adjust continuously, just to see what happens the main auto-adjustment seems to be Draw Distance. As the near scene fills up (avatars, etc) then the draw distance reduces to slave toward the Desired frame rate. I have set my Desired frame rate to 60 FPS (my monitor can do 160) and it appears to work pretty ok in really busy scenes with lots of avatars, and/or heavy use of object models/textures, then it doesn't get to 60, more like 30-40 average with shadows On. Without continuous auto-adjustment (recommemded settings only - Draw Distance 256m) then the same scene can drop to 10-15 with shadows On i haven't seen Shadows get auto-adjusted to Off yet. maybe on another lower power gfx that could happen, dunno for general walkabout use, I am probably going to leave it on continuous auto-adjust turning off continuous auto-adjust for photos, which up in the sky away from unnecessary distractions then with Shadows On, my gfx can go monsters overkill about 380 FPS with just myself and props in the scene edit add: Should also mention that my box also has a 12th gen i9, 64GB RAM, SSD with SL cache set to the max, and a 40/10 fibre network connection
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