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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. yes is all relative. Is easy enough to tank the FPS any computer in SL here is me at a Linden Homes region exploring and taking in the sights - a typical activity of SL residents who get out and about http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whackamole/34/244/85 here are my graphics settings and my dets Second Life Release (64bit) Release Notes You are at 34.0, 244.2, 84.9 in Whackamole located at simhost-08d4fe79e2b3d3a19.agni SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whackamole/34/244/85 (global coordinates 264,994.0, 249,844.0, 84.9) Second Life Server 2023-11-07.6790647783 Release Notes CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900 (2419.2 MHz) Memory: 64862 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10/11 64-bit (Build 22621.2861) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 536.99 Window size: 3840x2054 Font Size Adjustment: 96pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 512m Bandwidth: 5000kbit/s LOD factor: 4 Render quality: 6 Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled Texture memory: 11242MB Disk cache: Max size 3993.6 MB (100.0% used) J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.13 Dullahan: CEF: 118.4.1+g3dd6078+chromium-118.0.5993.54 Chromium: 118.0.5993.54 LibVLC Version: 3.0.16 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Packets Lost: 706/553,209 (0.1%) December 23 2023 01:23:06 for sure I can set my graphics lower to up the FPS, but why ? I have a pretty good modern computer which I just got about a month ago now. I could have got a more modern 13th Gen i9 and a GTX 4090 which on this hill I might get about double the FPS if I was lucky, a whole 24 FPS so who goes up on this hill and get their computer tanked ? Quite a few of the residents who live by here, who decide to climb up the hill to check out their neighbourhood ps add: for relativity, here is me with same settings way up in the sky on a standalone region with nothing else in the view 160 FPS as I have VSync enabled in both scenes
  2. in World Map type: Zindra in the Find box. This will put the map on Zindra Ocean region. The Zindra continent is to the East
  3. the mesh is typically crafted for the specific game. I leave you to ponder on how you might get this done but if was me in this 8-9-A game 8 would be a card size face. Overlaid (half-way) with a same size face for 9, and a 3rd face overlaid for the A. Extending this for however many face-up cards there are in the hand then I would make 1 big texture with all 52 face cards on it laid out in a regular sized grid. And script llSetPrimitiveParams PRIM_TEXTURE offsets, to display the cards on the faces as they are dealt begin: Face 8, 9, A - all faces transparent Deal 8: Display 8. 9, A faces transparent Deal 9: Display 8, 9. A face transparent Deal A: Display 8, 9, A . - As above image you can do a flip effect as well. Like when 8 is dealt. Display the back of the card on the 8 face. then after some small time flip it - display the 8 card
  4. yes really meaning relative to the script OP posted, there is quite a bit more involved it might de pretty trivial for you and me to write up OP's requirement, but i think it is non-trivial to OP given what they asked about and the script they posted
  5. dear, when our computer is under-powered then when we have too many objects attached to the same attachment point then our computer struggles to process them fully. When our friends computers are not under-powered then they don't struggle to process them and are able to render them fully i mentioned what I did because you you also have an issue with your right hand but if we believe/know that is only our graphics settings that is causing us the problem, then we can reduce our graphics Quality & speed setting. All the way down to level 1 if we must linden viewer menu: World \ Improve graphics speed \ Graphics settings \ Quality & speed and then start going up the levels until the problem reappears. At which point we know what our computer is capable of
  6. this could work - only one each. With 8 x 4096 parcels per region Linden could double-prim them without stressing the region hardly at all and charge a little bit more. Maybe tier equivalent to 1/16th of a double-prim private estate region scaled to mainland schedule
  7. if one person claims all 8 parcels on the region then the tier is $US103. 8 x 4096 = 32,768 = 1/2 region
  8. 1/2 region tier is $US103. mainland tier pricing schedule here: https://secondlife.com/land/pricing when you said drive a road thru the region and put 8 4096m parcels on it then costs 1/2.region tier to claim all 8 parcels (effectively the whole region), which the big landlords will be right into for sure, if rentals are allowed i understand that you exploring ideas, is just that this is not a new subject. 20 years on these forums - and its predecessors - these kinds of things have been discussed many times. So while I might seem to be raining on you, I don't mean it that way. I am just imparting too you the years long collective exchange of ideas and thoughts. Many of the things I might say on these topics haven't come out of my own head. The come from the collective wisdom of the forums and I am just passing this on and tbf to Linden they have done this in parts of mainland, Nautilus City and Bay City for example. Should Linden do more of this on existing mainland ? I think so. The interesting thing in the few built up areas like those mentioned, the residents do tend to stay in theme even with the standard mainland covenant
  9. these will get snapped up by whole region rental agencies. For $US103 (32k) tier you get the use of the whole region for your tenants - free landscaping included. For $US175 you get effective use of 2 regions. Scale up and get 21 regions for 10 regions worth of tier at this pricing the private estate regions market will probably tank completely. Private regions are the biggest tier payers by way far. I can't see Linden imperiling this ever
  10. the device is no different to a money tree. It allows people to give their money away to others. Charging people a fee to give their money away to others doesn't breach the policy, as the others don't have to pay-to-play, unlike a sploder what OP will learn tho is that these kinds of give-away devices attract scavenger bots/accounts. Which may not be the kind of patrons that OP is hoping to attract to their club
  11. i would be supportive of this. Patch Linden might be as well, as he is quite strong on the Second Life Historical Preservation Programme i think a good place for ?6 or 9? regions preserving a Linden Homes Historical Museum could be to the northeast of Linden Village, the area north of Beaumont and east of Denby i think too that there be more than one Mole who would be happy to do a project like this
  12. a mesh can have upto 8 faces, each with its own (card) texture. Two linked mesh gives 16 faces, etc
  13. yes I think so the rankings appear to be based on: Claimed / Inventory. Which is the standard way to compare Large Inventory to Small Inventory offerings for this kind of comparative ranking
  14. here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Typecast
  15. this came up on the forums in the way back. I can't remember now whether was Quartz Mole or Abnor Mole who said, retrofitting a whole estate is lot more work than is building a new one from scratch Patch Linden, as I remember, has also said on more than one occasion that when the time comes, the old Linden Homes continents are going to be sunk into the void And any few remaining residents will be relocated to Belli. He did say also that Linden had no timeline for doing this, but it was their (Linden) expected outcome
  16. what you describing is Belli Plus. Landscaped covenanted estate without the Linden Homes. Residents can put their own homes on their parcel provided home style conforms to the covenant this Belli Plus was discussed on the forums when the Belli project started. Linden did say at the time was interesting thought, but lets get the planned estate up and running with your addition that residents can claim any amount of parcels they are willing to pay tier for, then I think rentals would be disallowed, as LDPW end up becoming the landscape gardeners for private rental estate companies, while at the same time Linden would collect less tier from these than from private regions where the LDPW does not do landscaping
  17. contact Marvin to help with this. Displaying a list of who is typing is quite a bit more involved
  18. need to set up a listener to go with the dialog. For example: state_entry() { llListen(1979, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } ... rest of your code here See: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListen for more on listeners
  19. in this script circumstance the alpha parameter needs to be toggled between 0 and 1 timer() { integer isTyping = (llGetAgentInfo(llOwner() & AGENT_TYPING) == AGENT_TYPING; // if agent is typing then isTyping will be TRUE // if agent is not typing then isTyping will be FALSE // when isTyping == TRUE set alpha parameter to 0 // when isTyping == FALSE set alpha parameter to 1 // we do this by flipping the isTyping boolean value with the ! operator llSetAlpha(!isTyping, ALL_SIDES); } a note: as you into roleplay then most people into roleplay use a TPV rather than the Linden Viewer, and in most TPVs like Firestorm, Catznip. etc there is a Preferences setting to display a "Typing..." text message above the person's head when they are typing. This message also displays in the IM box so you might want to go down this path rather than script a method to do this
  20. i am just guessing, but it maybe that you have too many things attached to your right hand. The Right Hand is the default attachment point and some/many creatives just leave it as is for their products, so we can often end up with quite a number of things attached to that one point try going thru what your wearing and attach things to other attachment points. Like for example: your head to your Skull attachment point (if it isn't already) your shirt to Left Shoulder, pants to Right Hip, shoes to Left Foot (and Right Foot if they are separate) etc basically spread them round your body attachment points and see if that helps if that doesn't help then get naked. If your head renders as it should then try adding other items like, shirt, pants, etc and see what happens
  21. ok thanks I add my but yeah! to the not nice reflections on water as well ( them Linden quality control people maybe need a visit from Not Santa. How hard is it to disable the tick box in the Release viewer when it doesn't work !!! Lucky for them tho, I am not Not Santa. so have a happy holidays Linden people 😺 and according to my Nan, is good apparently for our moral character to get a lump of coal now and again for Xmas so we don't get all entitled. When I see my Nan on the weekend I am gunna ask her how her apparently new Linden Lab job is going 😻)
  22. i got quite a few holiday gifts from generous creatives this year i also got a new head as a gift. Is is really nice and has a zillion face animations all of them lovely in their own way. And because I can, i decide to mod my simple dance animator to just play face animations that best suit me so I am post the script here for people to do with as they want, in the same spirit as those who showed generosity to me this holiday season(it should be ok, but if it borks let me know and I will fix) / Simple Self-animator // Public Domain December 2023, elleevelyn // Make a prim. Load Contents with this script and animations. Attach to your viewer HUD float mintime = 3.0; // mininimu time to play next animation. Change to whichever float rndtime = 3.0; // random amount of time added to mintime. Change to whichever // not active active list colors = [<1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]; // active feedback color change. Change to whichever integer active; integer idx; integer len; string anim; list anims; stop() { // stop everything active = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llSetColor(llList2Vector(colors, active), ALL_SIDES); if((llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) && (anim != "")) llStopAnimation(anim); } next() { // play next animation in random-ordered list, else stop in event of permissions fail if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { if (idx == len) // random shuffle the animations list { anims = llListRandomize(anims, 1); idx = 0; } string a = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, llList2Integer(anims, idx++)); // this code is for non-looped animations.Typical of face animations if (a != "") llStartAnimation(a); if ((anim != "") & (a != anim)) llStopAnimation(anim); // this code is for looped animations. Typical of dance animations //if ((a != "") & (a != anim)) // start the next animation if not already currently playing // llStartAnimation(a); //if ((anim != "") & (a != anim)) // stop the previous animation if not the now current animation // llStopAnimation(anim); anim = a; llSetTimerEvent(mintime + llFrand(rndtime)); } else stop(); } default { state_entry() { // note that we using Contents animation indices rather than animation names // this is a personal preference, it can be rewritten to use animation names stop(); len = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION); if (len) { idx = len; while (~--idx) anims += [idx]; len = llGetListLength(anims); idx = len; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } else llOwnerSay("No animations in Contents"); } changed(integer change) { if ((change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) || (change & CHANGED_OWNER)) llResetScript(); } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if (perms & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) // take_controls overrides no-script parcel parameter - kinda sorta llTakeControls(CONTROL_BACK, TRUE, TRUE); if (perms & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { active = TRUE; llSetColor(llList2Vector(colors, active), ALL_SIDES); next(); } } timer() { next(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { // assumption here is that this will always be in a HUD, so no one else can/will touch if (active = !active) llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); else stop(); } } .
  23. i was in the public sandbox yesterday and there was this ginormous mirror glass tower building that a person was making, which was reflecting the sky and clouds moving was pretty amazing to see. I loved it. Not sure who else is gunna find it amazing if these buildings start going up on mainland. But yeah! I loved it. I might want one of them because shiny !! i never snapped a pic of it as while public sandbox I kinda like to respect the builders in these spaces. Is not for me to publicly publish their works in progress so that mirror glass tower was SSR yes ? or is it not necessary and mirror glass towers can be done without SSR ?
  24. agree. This is pretty much me i do try to read and understand release notes, wiki documentation and user group transcripts but yeah, with graphics a lot of it just goes over my head. I have to see to know it who knew that Screen Space Reflections is not the same as them other Reflection thingies ? Not me. Arton knew tho, and now I know i have learned more about what I am seeing from this thread than I have from the other sources, altho tbf those other sources are now starting to make more sense, but yeah that wouldn't have happened if I had been left to my own. So thankyou people !
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