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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. What exactly are you looking to do? What qualifications do you have? Are you a DJ or host? Do you have building, landscaping or scripting experience? This general post could be anything and I guarantee you won't get any responses being this general. You'd be better off looking at the employment section of the forum and applying to things that interest you.
  2. Don't people have better things to worry about than this? So a topic get brought up again...big deal.
  3. Long shower, preferably in the evening so I don't have to rush around in the morning. Helps me relax to sleep better too. I don't like sitting in my own dirt so no baths unless I shower first.
  4. There are SO many places you can rent that will give you that many prims. Just look. If you've been in SL a long time you should know this. If you want free, good luck.
  5. When I did this the same thing happened to me. What I did was change the name, make sure it stuck and then logged out and back in before going anywhere. That seemed to work.
  6. What's the purpose of this? Is it just a chat/get together type place? Anything sexual going on there? LOL
  7. If you are stupid enough to give anyone your password to log in as you then you deserve to be banned.
  8. Well...i'll probably give it up then. Personally I think the houses are ugly and hard to navigate when inside
  9. Snagged this chalet. Not sure I really like the style but it's a corner lot on the water so I'm going to keep it and see what I can do with it. I also don't like the fact that the road goes right up to the water and then is just...gone.
  10. So basically when clubs tell you to click to vote for the club it does nothing? It does log and the club owner thanks for the vote. I mean if it does nothing I'm just going to stop doing it. It's about as beneficial as the SHX song boards.
  11. Totally agree with this! Are you talking just buying Lindens and not the marketplace? I'm not a fan of 2 user authentication mainly because my darn phone is usually in the other room when I have to use it and there is no email option!
  12. What is this for exactly? Just for bragging rights or do the DJ's get some sort of monetary incentive? Personally I find it irritating and intrusive to continual be asked *told* to vote on every single song the DJ plays. So much so that I just refuse to do it. You are asking me to adjust my viewer and click on a button every 2-4 minutes. There are clubs that rarely bring your attention to the board but some clubs spam the chat and keep count on how many people voted. If there is only 5-6 people in the club it's pretty easy to figure out who isn't voting. Also, while a lot of the popular clubs I go to have this board I rarely see any of the DJ's or clubs on the list. DJ's? Is it really that important?
  13. Join the Lovebridge support group in world run by Kerrashama (Kerra Rhiadra) She was very helpful and got ours working. I do know that there was an issue with the QR codes but I believe that has been fixed.
  14. Are these people being racist out in local chat? If so then I think you have every right to voice your opinion. Then it is up to the region owner to decide what to do. If they didn't act in an appropriate way you could then choose not to return to the club. If it is in IM though you have total control over that. There are many options that you have to avoid that person speaking to you. There are reasons why you should not bring your IM issues to local. Consider this exchange..... Person one (female) is at a club dancing. In walks Person two (male) whom she used to date but they had a bad breakup. Person one likes this club but doesn't want person two there for whatever reason. Person one says in local: Hey person two you are f***ing creepy! In the meantime person two might be IMing someone in the club to say hi. We'll call them person three. Person three says in local "I'm getting IM's from him too! Why is he creepy"? Now this person three is asking person two why person one is saying that they are creepy. See where I'm going here? DRAMA! When all you had to do was close the box. You would have avoided: 1. Drama 2. Bringing additional attention to the "creepy" guy 3. Potentially facing being banned 4. Having to look for another club because you caused drama Also, chances are that you'd never see this person again In SL and they most likely would not be a regular at that club.
  15. I say you can't have too many weed smokin' friends
  16. I have been to a popular club where the DJ is basically irritating to listen to. They are loud and run through their voiceover like they are going 150 mph. Then they try to throw a few jokes in while trying to get everything else they have to say before the next song starts. Most of the time he goes over the song by 20 or so seconds. I've stopped going to this club for this reason when he DJ's even though I like the club itself. I also personally don't like having to listen to the DJ list every song they played or will be playing. Part of the fun of going to a club is being surprised by what they play. Besides...most of the time the song is displayed in local and I know how to read. So if I had a choice between that and a DJ that didn't talk but spun good music I'd choose the latter.
  17. Runaround Sue's has a DJ that doesn't voice. Might want to check there.
  18. You have to remember that a club isn't required to have staff or even to wear a tag. A region is simply someone's personal space to do with what they want. They have no obligation beyond the maturity ratings to do anything or even enforce behavior.
  19. Nearly all? ok...but do you know that this club has this rule?
  20. Personally I think you overreacted especially since there is a mute and derender option. Problem solved right there. Hey, there might be someone that likes to get those sort of IM's and are not bothered by it so calling him out in local wasn't appropriate. You can also just close the chat and refuse to engage with the person. I don't even block people. I just tell them I am and then ignore their IM's. I don't want to see the gray figure lurking around and for me derender is too permanent. Also, in the interest of "be who you want to be" maybe he was playing a "creepy guy" shrugs. The OP took the blame for causing drama in local chat not for calling out the creeper. Besides...I doubt that this person is going to stop because someone calls him out on it. I tend to have fun with them but I know not everyone wants to do that.
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