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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. I know of a club venue that does this as well. It's called the same name as the club. Basically it is used to send out notices about events and both the hosts and DJ's use it for that reason only. I even think the avatar is just a starter one and doesn't actually "go" anywhere or even has payment info. I don't know why people are so into reporting people that aren't doing anything harmful just for the sake of reporting them. You don't know for a fact that this account is used by multiple people. Maybe they are RPing different people. You don't know. You did mention different IP addresses and obviously have been watching them closely enough to know that they log in all different times of the day. This is the exact reason why people don't share RL details with people. Why are you looking up their IP addresses? As Rowan said, this seems more like drama since you said they weren't abusing or harassing anyone. I would tend to be more leery of you rather than this person (s). My advice would be to stay out of it and enjoy your SL. If you think they are doing something that would harm you then block them and don't hang around them.
  2. Well...since someone posted you can get an account recovered even years later its a mute point. I certainly don't use a lot of things in my inventory all the time but I still spent my hard earned money on it. It just depends on what type of region I'm in the mood for building. I used to have a urban roleplaying region. I'm not just going to toss everything because I don't use it at the moment. To each their own I guess.
  3. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that. That might be true in the case of someone that has only been here for a little while but years? Yeah, I'd be throwing away money that I spent for things that I may not be able to replace. My advice to anyone that is thinking of leaving is just don't log in. Don't delete your account or make it permanent. The OP changed her mind within days of closing her account. I find that a waste. I have heard that LL can recover accounts so that may be an option for her. P.S. Sad to say that I've spent way more on SL than a fancy dinner once a month so that might be why I feel the way I do about it.
  4. You sound bitter or angry or both and I'm not sure why. I don't design or create clothing so all I'm trying to do is understand. If you bothered to read my other post in this thread you would know that I don't spend money just to spend it. I mistakenly assumed you were talking about system clothes or appliers which I find to be not realistic at all, like they are painted on. Just my personal preference. I actually bought a dress from the link Rowan gave and I happen to love the fact that it is in four pieces and you can change each color. I very, very rarely will buy a fatpack from well known designers. They haven't designed anything that different than their other things lately and it all looks alike to me. I might pick it up on a FLF or Saturday sale if I really like the item.
  5. I am way confused. I thought full perm meant copy, modify and transfer? This dress is only copy. It also has the same type HUD that a fatpack would have. Why is this designer selling outfits with 50 solid colors and 50 patterns for $199 when other designers are selling each color at $249 or $1299 for the fatpack? The process of getting the texture on to the mesh item has got to be the same. So did this designer just buy the template and only do the textures and not the mesh?
  6. BUT Why???? Why do people want to force how they play SL on other people. Again, what if that day happened to be only the day you were able to be in SL. What if you have a severe anxiety disorder and don't want to be around people face to face? What if you need technical help on a product from a creator? Should they park themselves at their sim on that day so they can give support face to face? What if you are working on an important project that day and need to get information from another resident. Are you supposed to just pop over to where they are and interrupt them? How would you let them know you were coming? What if they were busy doing "adult" things and blocked you from their sim and you really needed that to finish your project? I could go on and on and on. I have another possibility. Why don't we just leave it the way it is and let people play SL when they want and how they want. Leave access open 24/7 because if they don't I guarantee someone will come up with a platform and use that to entice everyone away from SL. Unless SL or another resident is paying therapy bills for me to learn how to balance RL and SL it's really no one's business how often I'm on SL nor should they care.
  7. Because a HUD is what is typically included when you buy a fatpack. We are talking the differences between buying Fatpacks and single color items. The clothing with the texture changing HUD is typically much more expensive than the single color item, which may or may not have a HUD with the items you didn't buy grayed out or unable to be used. Of course not all stores are more expensive. I've found nice things for $L99 that have many colors and textures. So from your post are you saying you only buy fatpacks or clothing that has many different colors? Also most quality mesh clothing is no modify which typically means you can't add a texture or change the color with tinting.
  8. BellaRose has a bed that does that. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=744&search[keywords]=bellarose&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search[page]=2&search[per_page]=12 She has more at her inworld store
  9. Actually it doesn't matter how polite she is. She has proven that she isn't qualified for anything and has done nothing to prove otherwise (still has an empty profile) She simply wants a handout without doing any work at all. Not great attributes for an employee.
  10. I think merchants lose out big time. They price their fatpacks at some ungodly price that i normally end up just buying one...maybe two of the one I want. If the fatpack was priced more reasonable I would consider spending the money on the fatpack. When a fatpack of a top with bland plain colors is $1299 and I can get the one shirt for $249 then I'm just buying the one and it's usually white or black. If you can only get the piece with the patterns by buying the fatpack I just don't buy it at all. No seller has made anything that I just can't do without.
  11. Those people have serious mental health issues and should not be encouraged. Call it what you want but it's not acceptable behavior.
  12. Did you need more clarification on that or were you just repeating me?
  13. It's Lovense not Lovesense. So to be fair you really know nothing about it do you?
  14. I have been in a log house for almost 9 months. On a whim I decided to abandon it and check out the fantasy theme not really expecting that I would like them at all. The picture is my view from my back door and the very first one I got. It seems like there is a lot of water in the fantasy regions so I'm not sure how unique this is but I am thrilled with the location I got! I have been a bit bored lately in SL and am going to make this my Christmas home away from home because it's my favorite holiday. While I know that I can't do Christmas decorating outside until the time comes and not a lot but I think an outdoor tree will be ok I hope. I think this will be perfect to do a Christmas themed house. I can't wait to start planning!
  15. A real photo of them...sorry, lol was tired and obviously didn't finish my thought.
  16. Anyone can find a RL photo of someone on the internet, instagram or Facebook and use that and make it look like it's a real photo.
  17. It's a shame that you lost four years of things on an impulsive decision. All that money spent and gone.
  18. I tweaked it a bit. Not sure I'm totally happy but happier.
  19. Since I have it turned off I don't have to accept any friend. I simply have this as a response to a friend request. I don't accept friend requests unless you are actually a friend first. Thank you for your understanding. As I don't get a pop up when someone requests it the only way I would know is if they IM'd me. Most people if I talk to them ask. I normally just say I keep my friends list to very close friends and family.
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