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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. Even though Forrestchild rents a private parcel. Miakis still has a premium home, which she uses whenever Forrest's home is down for a restart or for some other reason Turns out that Linden homes are so big. I was actually able to fit my small wood cabin comfortably inside it 😄
  2. Took this. Which I brought off MP for 1L$ and has 37LI And turned it into this. Which has 8LI
  3. Quietly relaxing at my current new favorite spot on Crow at EOT
  4. Its from one of the starter Fantasy Avatars Should be able to find it in the Library folders. Elleria I think, but no guarantee it'll fit your avatar.
  5. Go to Preferences/Firestorm. Should see the flight assist options at the bottom, just select Flight Assist Disabled
  6. Found a nice quiet corner somewhere on crow at the EOT sim.
  7. Bad idea. Most residents in SL are already zombies
  8. Blond haired blue eyed tribal girl from a Northen Clan
  9. Swapped out the chainmail parts with a more suitable fur texture.
  10. Inventory says I have 6,538 elements. So small atm 🙂
  11. Little Warrior Outfit is made of animal hide and chainmail. With bone, green stone and red feathers for decor
  12. Made a copy of the bikini top from the Neo Goth Bikini Underwear Set for SMB and applied an animal hide texture too it. I also did the same with a copy of the [NV.Designs] - Bikini Panties for Avi(L). Accessories are just bits and pieces I picked up from MP which I thought would work well together.
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