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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. Would explain some of the homes disapperaing
  2. The rooms are small, but not to cramped. Then again I'm only 4'6"so they work for me. much taller avi's may have some issues though.
  3. Spent most of the day, yesterday, converting the two roomed Adams Home, into a five roomed home. I used as much low impact furniture and decor as I could (currently have about 62 left) Most of the furniture is functional. Except the kitchen, and parents bedroom where it's just decorative. The bed in the parents room was originally an Anne Erotica 1LI 10L$ sex bed. I've retextured it and completly ripped out all the scripts.
  4. Just took a quick snapshot. Spent most of today turning the two roomed Adams house, into a five roomed house
  5. Made some interior decor changes Update I added Hopscotch and Jungle Gym to my back Garden
  6. Taken from high up at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE46/210/219/73 with draw distance maxed out
  7. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/lz68v3254g6l
  8. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/lz68v3254g6l
  9. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/lz68v3254g6l
  10. The road situated outside of my home in Bellaire Passes through Montag, and culminates at Ness
  11. Added an extra wall and door way to my living room area Then installed a small kitchen The Kitchen isn't functional, just decorative. So I linked it all together to save a few LI
  12. This account is an alt she's 9 months old atm My main account is 2 years old
  13. YAY! I've always wanted to be on a list Just for clarification, forrestchild is my main
  14. Usually when I see that on a profile, my first thought is, banned
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