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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. CUREMORE / Punk Chick / Punk Choker / Red [JSH] Bangles (left) [JSH] Bangles (right) AVI(L) Fishnet Pantyhoses Wide R4.1 - Low Cut Top is from the ::LS::. Overall Denim FEM/HOM (Two Design) AVI(L) Shorts are from the AVI(L) Butterfly Bralette Paisley Silk - the Braces and boots, are from the ::LS::. Punkette W/HUD - AVI(L) - V1.2 The cap is a Train Engineers Cap I picked up from MP which I then flattened. WL used. Phototools-rara Fall Home Light
  2. V&K Design SMB/AVIL Black cute Kitty Dress AVI(L) Nylon Pantyhoses R4 - Low Cut additional Layer AVI(L) Hello Mary, Hi Babyjane! ALTAIR* kitty collar
  3. CATWA Mesh Eyes Pack with the {S0NG} :: Placebo // Pink and the {S0NG} :: Placebo // Plasma *{ SeVered GarDeN }* TEETH Applier - Catwa(Petal) Buck teeth option Used the nose sliders to give her a button nose. Then added the [okkbye] The Button Nose - CATWA Applier to give it more definition.
  4. "Ur hot/sexy". Sorry, but no. Calling my 10yr old kid avi anthing like that, just makes you look creepy and i'll just ignore you/
  5. [LeLutka]-ANNA hair (o)(o) - Powder {S0NG} :: Placebo // Plasma Eye 1 Aftershok studded wristbands (epia) - Military Cap CUREMORE / Punk Chick / Punk Choker / Red ::LS::.Tank Top Rebel Princess - NONE - AVI(L) ::LS::. Undies Rebel Princess AVI(L) ::LS::. Punkette Skirt AVI(L) V1.2 ::LS::. Punkette Garter Belt AVI(L) V1.2 ::LS::. Punkette Socks For Garter AVI(L) V1.2 ::LS::. Punkette Boots socks L AVI(L) V1.2 ::LS::. Punkette Boots socks R AVI(L) V1.2
  6. *waves at you and smiles* Yes. because my eyesight is so amazing. I was able to see to see your smile through solid rock, and across an entire sim. All this despite the fact, that you're facing in a completly different direction to where I'm standing. 🙄
  7. WL: Phototools - Fashion Path Light 01 Wearing ::LS::. Crochet Swimsuit NONE - AVI(L)
  8. Sitting on a bridge at Netherwood, thinking WL Dead End Sky
  9. Males who IM my child avi with "wanna come to my home and "cuddle" 😐
  10. :: Wretch :: Kemono Kawaii Dress SMB None .::LS::. SHOES POP IDOL AVI(L) V1 .::LS::. SOCKS POP IDOL AVI(L)- V1 {IT} Birds of Love~Panties (Colors) PPPaws - Squishy Bunny Plushie - Pink ALTAIR* cherry blossom clip .antique. ALTAIR* candy backpack .bubblegum. ALTAIR* macaron bracelet R ALTAIR* macaron bracelet L
  11. Visiting The London Sims Social Hub @ HYDE PARK, Spent a lot of time here, when I first made this account. Sadly, these days, it's not as active as it used to be. But I still like to visit every now and then Btw. Thats not a person in the weird chicken man suit. Its Animesh (=^.^=)
  12. Can't be seen in the snapshot, but I've decided to switch from using the -SneeK- Yuus/Nuuu, to the Parents Lil Helper. The -SneeK- Yuus/Nuuu uses 3 attachment slots, where as Parents Lil Helper only uses the one. Took me a while to figure out how to stop PLH from detaching parts of my avatar, everytime I put an outfit on. All I had to do was too add a + to the begining of each outfit folder.
  13. Forrest recieved an increse in her Region Bonus Object factor from 1.10 to 1.20. So I now have 1500prims to play with, instead of just 1375prims. Which means Moar Trees!
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