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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. Yeah I was kinda wondering how she planned to do all of that without accesing the other persons account.
  2. Forrestchild's and Miakis' home Made the trees a bit more denser, and added more flowers and woodland grass
  3. for all you know. There could very well be a bratwurst fetish group in SL 😁 (They probably wear Lederhosen too)
  4. I think it's more the product image itself rather than the actual product. It does look sexually suggestive.
  5. Ok took a bit of searching the forums. But try this soloution If its still no good. try asking in one of the Kemono Groups if anyone still has a copy of the script they can send you.
  6. At the top of your viewer go to Avatar/Avatar Health then click Undeform Avatar. If that doesn't work try either of the following. Inside the folder the Kemono came in, there should be a Kemono - Undeformer (in case of emergency) try using that. If that doesn't fix it open the Kemono Bonus items box and try either the Kemono Body (1.14.02) (100% thikness + no leg deformations) or Kemono Body (1.14.02) (No leg deformations) Sometimes though. Just detaching then re attaching the Kemono Body will fix it
  7. Except for those people who read profiles, then totally disreguard them. Or don't read them at all
  8. I do know that some if not all Pink Fuel skins come with a freckle version. I think Lumae skins do too. Though they tend to be more for fantasy characters, but they do have some that'll work on non fantasy characters.
  9. Sitting quetly at Camp Mair. Situated on Guano Island, at the End Of Time Sim
  10. Found a cooler with some soda pop inside it So I drank some 😮
  11. I'm not entierly sure. Either it means they can't be derended. Or if anyone tries too, they won't just derender the clothing. But my avatar aswell. And yeah sadly there are creeps that go around derendering clothing. hasn't happened on Miakis yet, thankfully. But I've had it done to Forrest 😒
  12. Staying with the dirty kid look at the moment Turns out I had two versions of the # HUD: Master AVI(L) Pale Asian Osaka with Face - R4.4 So I was able to exchange one of them for the # HUD: Master AVI(L) Pale Uppsala - R4.4 AVI(L) Oil, Mud, Blood and Sand Layer - R4 *barberyumyum*T05(03) Go&See * Shy * Catwa Eyes AVI(L) Flare jeans Belt 1.0 - Basic Colors: right click touch AVI(L) Flare Jeans R4.1 CA VINTAGE BACKPACK W FL COYOTE Moon_beads-Bracelet-L Moon_beads-Bracelet-R AVI(L) Underskirt Tanktop - None - "DerenderSafe" AVI(L) Kids Cotton Briefs R4 - "DerenderSafe" AVI(L) Classic Hiking Boots Brown
  13. As far as I know not yet. The unrigged version came with a HUD, with a selection of tones from various skin creators. but don't know if the rigged version has them either.
  14. The new VAW Rigged includes a Belleza Freya version
  15. Took the Crop Top from the SMB Dev Kit HUD. Made copies, then added textures to them
  16. Chilling on a log (And definitly isn't pressing any large buttons ¬.¬)
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