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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I try to keep at least one copy of anything I make, and anything I buy. I put them all into big boxes, labeled "Backups", just to keep my inventory count down. Once in a while I go and open the boxes and see if there's anything in there I thought I had lost, or can't live without at the time. Usually, I just leave it all in the boxes.
  2. A song about one of my favorite "outsider artists". Uploaded 9 years ago. 66 views. Figures.
  3. This reminds me of that old "New Mesh Clothes" prank item on the MP. The one where they stick out all over the place like they haven't rendered and aligned to the rigging yet. At least you don't look like some sort of fleshy praying mantis creature, like I do every time I switch back to "normal" from my ghoul avatar. That's enough to make some people run away or log off when they see it.
  4. That's how I've always figured it should be seen. It's why if I leave less than 5 stars on someone's stuff I explain why, and that I'll change the review if they fix it, so it's still a true review. I've never gotten a bad review per se, but I have been asked if I could fix or change things. I always do my best to please, at least if it's not going to utterly screw the product up, lol. Especially if it's just something in a script, that's so easy, I'd be a real dill pickle if I didn't take 30 seconds to edit something for someone. But I've never gotten a review or had an interaction with a customer that I ever felt justified being less than professional-level courteous.
  5. Thank you for that, I'd have felt like a spammer if I had posted it, because everyone on staff knows that's where I work. I really appreciate seeing someone post my home sim, it feels nice.
  6. I know this is true, because there is more than one clothing outlet specifically catering to vintage SL fashions. And by that I don't mean old freeby flexi skirts, I mean like, stuff for older mesh bodies. There's a lot of opportunity in finding niches and filling them. So many people couldn't care less about bleeding edge stuff, and just want to enjoy what they have, and dislike change. Floating people's boats makes L$. I'd never toss out stuff someone somewhere might find one day and decide they couldn't live without.
  7. Careful, I don't know if we're allowed to talk about our periods here.
  8. If they're legit, then, eh, not as bad maybe. But still. It's like those Russian casino sites that don't have a web address, they just tell you to search their name. Because they keep getting shut down and having to change web addresses, lol. Anything like that always makes me feel weird.
  9. Delight of the Night: Helping someone with a scripting problem inworld, and having it actually work properly when I send them the fixed copy. \o/ EDIT: Double Delight time. I did it again. Bonus Delight: My KittyCat's kibble fund is good for another month, because tips. \o/
  10. I sense the Believe Every Dryer movement will be the next big thing. BRB, got to print the t-shirts and hats real quick, and set up the nonprofit.
  11. Be glad they pay it in L$, and don't just look at people's wishlists and gift them things out of nowhere. I could see that freaking some people out, not even getting a "u prty grl" IM to go with it.
  12. The official tutorial is a bit dated, and also sort of hard to follow. I found I had the most success this way: With the mesh I want to rig selected, I then select the visible meshes of the avatar dummy, even if I'm not directly copying weights from them, then I select the skeleton. All of this I do in Object Mode. With this all selected, over in the tool area, in the Avastar tab, you'll find tabs that only appear when you have all of this stuff selected. One of them is Weight Copy. Strategy should be set to Automatic from Bones. I also make sure I have X-Mirror checked, so everything weights symmetrically. Then I move one tab up to Skinning. Strategy, I set to Bones. I also tend to have Clear Target Maps checked, just to make sure my mesh has everything cleared in case I had rigged it previously. Then I just click the big Bind To Armature bar at the top of the Skinning tab, and wait a minute for it to bind. That's it. After that you can just select the skeleton or a bone in it, and go into pose mode, set the Transformation Manipulator (the XYZ handle thingy) to Rotate, and posing will be easy, for checking that it all looks okay. Anything further, you'll probably want to look into some Weight Painting tuts on Youtube. EDIT: Of course, if you have specific questions about trouble spots, feel free to ask. If I don't know offhand how to fix it, someone will. If you want video tutorials of high quality, I also suggest Medhue's tutorials on Youtube. He is a master at rigging, animating, and even skeleton editing, and is one of us, and knows how to make it all go. Like, wizard level. If you watch all of his tutorials, and follow them, you'll be able to do things most normal people in SL don't even know are possible.
  13. It was Colonel Linden with the mustard, in the drawing room. I peeked.
  14. Okay, I tried PBR, and I admit, everything looks way softer and more ambient. I set my threshold to about 750 ML, and woo, it makes a real difference~!
  15. Actually, I think that depends. When I was making money and buying L$, and was sort of SL rich, I got nostalgic for the old days when me and my SL mom would go out and find new people who were broke, and take them shopping and stuff. I had a friend who owned a sim, and a lot of people liked to go there to fish. Obviously, some of them were broke, and probably were saving up L$ to get themselves nice things. I began doing random flyovers, dropping random amounts from 10 to 1,000 L$ on people. Some probably never even noticed. Some probably thought it was an accident, and just kept shut about it. Some (a very few) said wow, thanks, and about as many messaged me things like, why did you do that? Like, accusingly. I've had people that I helped with money turn around and five minutes later speak to me like I was a piece of garbage, when every other interaction before I gave them money was polite, courteous, and completely decent. Like anything else people do, giving away money is going to provoke a different response from everybody. Some probably even hate it. No idea why. I wish people dropped money on me at random.
  16. If they actually start sending you 200L$ out of nowhere, I would love to know how to subscribe. Just saying.
  17. Sometimes really weird, inexplicable, buggy behavior can be fixed just by relogging. When that doesn't work, then I blame SL. It's okay though, it's a gentle blame, with lots of acceptance.
  18. Don't never let nobody tell you that you can't have an opinion here. If they do, just threaten them with ME. I got your back.
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