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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Delight of the Day: Actually losing in combat to a 45-day old newbie. I hit them once. Once. Bonus Delight: We are both now the proud owners of my new flintlock duelling orbiter pistol. XD
  2. Yeah I just went through all of them, no luck. Somebody will know. Hang in there.
  3. I'd say right offhand, it reminds me of hair by Magika (at least their more recent work), but I know there's more than one maker who does similar quality hair. Might be Rezology. Sure looks like a Magika do, though. I'm tempted to go look and see if they have it. Edit: I tried a reverse image search on Google, and it only looked for the necklace, because it didn't want to show people's faces, lol.
  4. I don't think it's this at all. I think some people simply prefer to keep social life and personal opinions separate from business. It's actually considered by many to be more professional to do that. The same way a professional lecturer with a successful Youtube channel might not want to go around using that account to talk trash in the comments of stupid videos. Just because the average person can talk trash using their only name and social accounts without anyone going to their job and taking out personal issues on them in a business setting doesn't mean everyone can. And there are a lot of petty people on the internet who like nothing better than trying to harm people they disagree with in whatever way they can. Good thing I don't care if people on the forum don't all buy a baby diaper or a hat from me. Saves me making an alt.
  5. This is actually a darn shame, really. The level of caring the masters show for their bots is deplorable. At least some of them use the cool witchy avatar. But really, I mean, even if I had 50 bots, each one would have a unique name, look, outfits. Unless you're a delivery service or a plumber or something, why have an identical fleet? At least give them some personality or something.
  6. SL is like a library, or a circus, it has something for everyone. It's big, and spread out, and you'll have to take some time to go everywhere and see everything. Then once you find your favorite subjects/amusements, you'll want to spend time engaging. Like finding the right section of interest, then finding the books you want to read, then sitting a while and perusing them until you decide which ones you want to check out and read for real. SL is also like a library or a circus in that there are lots of people hanging out because they simply have nothing better to do, don't feel like engaging in anything serious, and can simply be there so they're somewhere. Like a circus, there are even scammers and con games, and hoochie-coochie dancers, and people who pay for things and people who want it all for free, even the hoochie-coochie show. What you get out of it and take home with you is up to you, whether it be warm memories, friendships, a good book or twelve, a social disease, mental anguish, empty wallet, broken heart, etc. It's what you make of it, and that is influenced by your intent, for better or worse. I can't think that having LL do more of it for people would be of any real benefit. I think it has to come from within. It's not television, you don't just lay there and watch the drip, and press the button when you need something. And LL can't make friends for people. They've given us tools for making all sorts of things, even friends. But the end result is up to us, and what we do with it all.
  7. Note I qualified it with "embittered". It's only the really hardbitten ones. If you're a Gemini, you're certainly not the embittered kind. You are nothing like any of my exes. That is a good thing. You are good.
  8. Oh duh, yeah, and like Liberty said, it could be mouse or keyboard related. The new computer thing made me totally forget you might be using the same mouse and keyboard.
  9. What do you set in your Preferences (in whichever viewer you use) as far as movement controls and such? Does it just happen out of nowhere, or when you try to do things? Or when typing? And how do you normally control your movement? Do you use mouse clicks, or the arrow keys, or WASD keys? If it isn't some stuck animation permissions like we've seen before, or some sort of RLV nonsense that got stuck on you, it might be some sort of conflict in how your movement prefs are set. Knowing only that your avatar rotates in place and goes the wrong direction a lot doesn't give us much else to go on. If you can think of any specific things, like when it seems to happen most, if anything seems to trigger it, or if it's just out of nowhere and such might help to narrow it down some. Also, knowing if you have a good connection speed, and that it's set right in the Network prefs helps. Setting maximum bandwidth to what seems right is often a source of problems, in my experience. Setting it to much lower than I thought it should be made everything work a lot better. It's obviously not your computer. Knowing it's not your computer means it can only be network related, settings related, or interaction-with-others-picked-it-up-by-contagion related. Either way, it can probably be solved. Honestly, I would try to narrow it down more by making an alt account (on a free email or something) just to test and see if it affects both accounts. Then you'd know it wasn't something caused by another user.
  10. I've known a lot of embittered Geminis who expressed similarly, but then some Taureans can express almost exactly the same. Usually, it's Taureans who are with Geminis for prolonged periods of time though, in my experience. I've also known a bipolar Scorpio who turned out to be lying and living under a false identity, and it turned out they were a Gemini on the run for murder. This is the internet, however. And for all I know astrology is just some made-up bullpoop used by the Chaldeans to explain terrestrial phenomena in terms of celestial signs and happenings, as a cover for using numerology for everything because everyone thought numerology was just some bullpoop made up to explain people being so irrational and seeming to change from day to day in a predictably unpredictable fashion.
  11. I would laughingly use the confused emoji as if I know nothing of astrology, in an attempt at deploying layered humor, but I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of being all Scorpio at you or anything, because I'm not a Scorpio. Not that I have a problem with Scorpios either, it's not a judgement or anything, besides, they're very compatible with my sign, and would never think of going all Scorpio on me. It would violate the Code of Astrological Compartmentalizations and Associations.
  12. My favorite was always, "How do you fit a hundred Aggies into a single Hot Wheels car?" Soooooooo many Aggie/booger jokes... XD
  13. That is a major win. Way better than free muffin mix, or peanut butter.
  14. My current main is my former alt. My current alt is my former main, who is 99% inactive, because my SL changed, and I ended up having more reason to develop my get-away-and-build account, and not so much reason to use my other. I ended up being more active in the places where everyone knew my builder account, basically.
  15. When meeting renters on my home sim, I sometimes offer them a copy of my sign (not logged in, or I'd post it) if they express a dislike of people exploring their house. The sign says, This Property Protected by the Innsmouth Detective Agency. I am the Innsmouth Detective Agency, lol. Placing a copy of this sign on your rental house tells me it's totally okay to prank anyone who isn't you, if I catch them in your house when you aren't home, and you haven't introduced them to me and told me they were cool. If visitors ask me why I've rezzed a hundred squawking chickens on top of them and thrown in a grenade, I just point out the sign by the front door. And a lovely time is had by all.
  16. Their jerseys with the UU on the front, lol. I got turned onto Terry Pratchett around 2004-ish, by someone who had paperbacks going back to The Colour Of Magic. I like that you can read them out of order and still enjoy them, because that's good writing, but I read them from the beginning through to Maskerade, without stopping to read anyone else. I'm pretty sure I've read and watched everything now, but I still look for more. I had expected something like Bored of the Rings, or a bunch of punnery or Robert Asprinery, but then, one can't really judge a paperback by the cover art. I was hooked in less than a chapter, and have never looked back. Later, I was friends with a friend of his, and they were doing the ourangutan thing, trying to raise awareness and save ourangutans. I wouldn't have expected anything less. He was an awesome dude.
  17. Bonus Peeve: I can't be as social as I would like, and still get stuff done in Blender. I suck at multitasking.
  18. Currently Reading: Arkady & Boris Strugatsky, Roadside Picnic, because free association, why not. It is not what most people think. Even if they saw a movie.
  19. Peeves: People want everyone else to think they're genius-smart, then they act all confused and stupid, argue over idiotically trifling details, and then say it's everyone else's fault. Real genius is the very quality of being able to overcome stupidity. Nobody is entitled to being seen as intelligent. People want to do as they please, with no authority over them, then they tell others they aren't behaving the way they want them to, and it is wrong of them. Those who desire control over externals are those who refuse to cooperate with others and be the person they expect everyone else to be for them. People are inconsistent, contradict themselves, change what they're saying as if nobody's keeping track of anything, then act like if anyone else changes their mind about anything, they're a hypocritical butthole. People are happy being this way, and think nobody sees it. They are happy to be ignorant of the fact that they're pretty much walking around with poop all over them, calling others caca-heads. People spend the majority of their time engaged in either kissing butt or talking crap, but either way, the taste is the same. Then they wonder why nobody ever wants to kiss them.
  20. From what I've heard, it's free uploads of anything but mesh. The stipend alone would pay for any mesh uploads easily, if they weren't 50 gazillion polygons. Anyone who does more with SL than socialize could probably find perks that were worth the cost. I could easily consume enough in uploads alone to make it worth it. I just don't have it to spend. *sigh*
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